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Brandon Beauregard

Senior Seminar
Tasche Bryant
Description Of The Project
First off, in order to resolve the issue of teenagers being stressed out
and what not, Im thinking about continuing to teach my Martial Arts class.
However, this year, I want to incorporate different elements into the class.
For example, instead of just focusing on discipline and respect, Ill also
focus on stress management, anxiety management, and
aggression/hostility management through Martial Arts. For the first two
weeks of class, Ill be teaching the basics and how to stretch and cooldown.
Some of the new elements I want to include are shadow sparring
(sparring without touching), new hand-to-hand combat techniques, new
takedowns, and new strikes.I strongly believe that with these new
elements, people wont be as stressed or feeling as much anxiety or even
as aggressive. All of these elements are capable of reducing stress,
anxiety, and aggression. Shadow sparring makes your form better. Not only
that but, you can get a ton of stress out as well when youre pretending to
kick someone or something. You can throw the strike as hard as you want
and not make contact. The rest of these can reduce anxiety, stress, and
aggression simply because of the concepts they bring along with them.
So, I believe that Martial Arts is a good way to manage stress,
anxiety, and aggression/hostility. Not only that but, there have been studies
that prove this as well. If I incorporate these elements into my Martial Arts

class, Im quite confident in it being just as successful as last year. But, not
only it being that, people will have reduced aggression, stress, and anxiety.

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