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SBA Book Report

Book Name: 101 Things to Do Before You’re Old and Boring

Authors: Richard Horne and Helen Szirtes
Publisher: Bloomsbury
Genre: Print Non-Fiction

Book Content:
To be frank, there’s no “CONTENT” in this book but illustrations.

If a checklist is paper to check what we’ve done, then, I’d say that
this book is a “checkbook” for checking what we’ve accomplished.
In the book, you can find scenes that you’ve encountered before in
say, a film or a fiction; scenes you may thought that only lunatics
will do and also scenes that you can use the word ridiculous to
describe with.

On the other hand, this book also acts as a tool book as it teaches
you a lot of things like making an origami crane. This hence
develops your potentials. This book also acts as an encyclopedia, if
you’d like to learn diving, then, read on, the book will show you
lumps of ideal diving places too!

This book is also suitable for children too! Rich illustrations are
everywhere inside the book, covering various topics, this can surely
develops children potential imagination.

Who I will recommend this book to?

Just like the book title “101 Things to Do Before You’re Old and
Boring”, I’ll recommend this book to those who are boring and old.
But these people should keep in mind that when doing these
ridiculous things, care for others! This is because that some acts
mentioned in the book are quite annoying and disgusting……so, be
considerate when doing the “tasks”


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