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Confidence Interval Estimates:

The purpose of the Confidence Interval is to be able to estimate the true

value of a population proportion by taking the sample proportion. It is easier
to find the confidence interval than to check the whole population. It is also
more accurate than a single value.
95% Confidence Interval for the true proportion of purple
a = .05

x = 265

a/2 = .025

z = 1.96

n = 1335

.178 < P < .22

Based on the calculations from our data, we are 95% confidence that the
interval between 0.116 and 0.298 actually does contain the true value of the
population proportion p. From this we can conclude that if we were to select
multiple different samples from a population of 1335 and construct the
corresponding confidence intervals, 95% of them would actually contain the
value of the population proportion p.

99% Confidence Interval for the true mean number of candies per bag.
n = 22

z = 2.575

x = 60.7

DF = 21

s = 1.17

T a/2 = 2.831

a = .01

59.994 < M < 61.406

a/2 = .005

Based on the calculations, we are 99% confident that the interval does
contain the true value of . This means that if we were to select numerous
different samples of the same size and construct the corresponding
confidence intervals, eventually 99% of them would contain the value of .

98% Confidence Interval for the standard deviation of the

number of candies per bag.

a = .02

DF = 21

a/2 = .01

X^2(r) = 38.932

n =22

X^2(L) = 8.897

s= 1.17

= (.8593, 1.7975)

The calculations show that, we have a 98% confidence that the limits of
8593, 1.7975 contain the true value of .

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