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Name ___________________________________ Pd _______ Date_____________________

Debate Instructions

Who owns your genes?

Preparing an argument:

Review resources and documents available on the website.

Complete the document analysis sheet.
Create an argument with all sections complete.
Present your argument effectively and convincingly.

Components of the Argument

Statement #1 The individual owns their genes.
(Opening statement)

Evidence A:

Evidence B

Statement #2 The individual is greater than society.

(Opening statement)

Evidence A

Evidence B

Name ___________________________________ Pd _______ Date_____________________

Statement #3 Create your own.

(Opening statement)

Evidence A

Evidence B

Note: In addition to preparing arguments for your own position, anticipate your opponents
arguments and identify possible flaws or weaknesses in their arguments.

Students should be prepared to present opening statements, evidence, answer rebuttal questions,
and summarize their argument in your debate groups.

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