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Growth Assessment
Natalie Bertelson
EDUC 526 Capstone Experience in Digital Teaching and Learning
Joanne Gilbreath
Blended Campus


Section I
I completed my undergraduate career at Azusa Pacific University in 2013 with a
Bachelors Degree in Liberal Studies. After graduation, I immediately applied to the combined
MA.ed/credential program, and was graciously accepted. Once the credential program was
complete, I was faced with a difficult decision: finish the masters portion of the program or look
for full time work? As a newly credentialed teacher, I was eager to have a classroom of my own.
At the same time, being a first year teacher and a full time masters student was an endeavor I
knew would be challenging. After much deliberation, I decided it would behoove me to complete
my education and pursue substitute teaching while doing it.
During the Digital Teaching and Learning Program, (DTL) I worked as a substitute for
two districts. This decision was paramount to my success in the DTL program, and continued
growth as an educator. Substitute teaching allowed ample time to focus on course work, while
practicing my craft during the day. I was exposed to a diverse student population, and gained
experience in a variety of grade levels and school climates, while furthering my own educational
goals of gaining a masters degree.
My learning goals for this degree included becoming proficient in all of the up to date
technology that is utilized in classrooms. I also wanted to learn how to productively use an iPad
in the classroom as a teaching and learning tool. And lastly, I wanted to gain confidence in my
teaching abilities through the use of technology. After completing the program, I can say with
certainty that I made serious strides towards achieving my goals. These achievements are seen
through my personal, professional, and technological growth.
Personal Growth:
Completing the program is of great importance to me. I am the first in my immediate
family to pursue master level education, and for that, I am extremely proud. Through the
duration of the program, I not only increased my knowledge of DTL, I gained perspective of how
I function as a student. Upon reflection, I learned several things. First, I am not a productive
worker once the sun sets. Quality of work and focus was greatly hindered, and it usually took
twice as long to complete assignments. Due to this discovery, I had to become creative in my


scheduling. As a result, I completed the majority of work in the morning and afternoon. I found
this to be the most productive use of time.
Secondly, I learned the importance of keeping up to date with work. Staying on schedule
with the workload was challenging, working ahead was unrealistic, and getting behind was easy.
My strategy, which helped meet deadlines, complete assignments, and stay on task, was to take
each week at a time. Thinking of the big picture was overwhelming, but working week to week
was manageable.
Lastly, I learned how imperative it is to have a support system. This program was not
easy, and forging through it alone made it even more daunting. Thankfully, in the first few
months I met two amazing women who were on the same track as me. We instantly connected
over our commonalities and formed a cohort. As new educators, we shared similar challenges on
day-to-day issues, bounced ideas off each other, and studied together. I did not realize my need
for a support system until I had one and I cannot image successfully going through the program
without them.
The personal growth I saw in myself throughout the program was enormous. I learned
about who I am as a student and the factors that help me work productively. I found a group of
like-minded colleagues who quickly became my support system and friends. I am grateful for the
experiences during this program that helped me grow on a personal level. Similarly, I saw major
strides in my professional growth.
Professional Growth:
My time at Azusa Pacific University greatly influenced my professional growth as an
educator. Previous to the DTL program, my experience with technology in education was
limited. This program taught me how to authentically incorporate meaningful technology into the
classroom, by using a variety of resources that reach all learners. Furthermore, it gave me the
knowledge, tools, and resources to become a better educator.
First, I have gained knowledge and experience in finding and utilizing a variety of
meaningful technologies. I learned to do this by getting connected to a Professional Learning
Community/Network. In EDUC515 and EDUC525 we were encouraged to follow blogs and
twitter accounts of educators around the globe. My participation in blogging and tweeting has
been a fantastic experience. I have participated in meaningful discussions, and gained a


multitude of resources that I plan to use in my future classroom. Getting connected to a PLN or
PLC was one way I professionally grew during this program.
In addition, my understanding of how technology can be used in the classroom has
shifted. Previously, when I heard the phrase technology in the classroom I associated it with a
teacher showing an occasional YouTube video, or the use of a Smart Board. Now, I view
technology as a learning tool for students that can be used to further understand a concept, create
meaningful projects, assess learning, and much more. The beauty of technology is that it is
forever evolving. As an educator, I have learned how using technology in the classroom also
means staying up to date on current resources and providing them for teacher and student use.
Throughout the program, the class that influenced me the most was EDUC522. This
course focused on Howard Gardners Theory of Multiple Intelligences, and taught me how to
create student-centered lessons that incorporate 21st century technologies. Because of this course,
I am able to create deeply meaningful learning experiences for every learning style. I have a
deeper understanding of MIs, which has shifted the way I construct lessons, and teach. Previous
to this course, my teaching philosophy included the importance of student-centered instruction,
but lacked the implementation/rationale behind it. Due to my understanding of MIs, I am now
prepared to create and implement lessons that reach all learning styles.
While enrolled in the program, I became a substitute teacher in two districts. Although I
was limited by the sheer nature of being a temporary teacher, I tried to use what I learned in the
classroom. One of the classroom management strategies that I adapted was the Too Noisy app.
This resource, which I learned about through the program, helped maintain order in the classes I
subbed in. When I am full time teaching, I will incorporate resources like Too Noisy and many
others with consistency and frequency.
Technological Growth
Upon entering the program, I considered myself tech savvy. I grew up with
technology, therefore I felt comfortable utilizing it. After completing the program, I am able to
reflect on the reality of the situation: I knew little to nothing about technology. This became
apparent to me early on in the program. I now have a richer understanding of technology and
more importantly, know how to authentically integrate it into the classroom. Although I do not


currently have a classroom of my own, here are the highlights of the understandings, skills and
resources I have learned and plan to use in my future classroom.
Throughout this program, two of the biggest take aways I learned was 1) incorporate
technology that is meaningful and 2) create your own resources, and share them within a PLN.
Before entering the program, I thought all technology being used in the classroom was good.
However, that is simply not the case. Technology should only be used if it is meaningful. Using
technology to use technology is not a productive way to teach. Using it to enrich the learning
experience is. Similarly, I learned how easy it is to create your own materials and resources.
From websites, to iPad apps, to iMovies, it is not challenging to create your own, and often takes
less time than aimlessly searching on the web for the specific resource needed. Furthermore,
sharing what you have made is a great way strengthen your PLN.
In addition, I feel adequately prepared to find iPad apps for every subject and grade level
due to my experience in EDUC512 and EDUC515. These courses included several class periods
dedicated to explaining and modeling how to use the latest and greatest technologies that can be
integrated in the classroom.
I was introduced to several new resources/skills in EDUC525 and EDUC513 that
included flipping the classroom, collaborative tools, creating a website, and online assessment.
The skills and resources I gained in these classes were extremely helpful to my development
because they are the tools I will use in the classroom. The experience of creating flipped lessons,
a website, and online assessments gave me the confidence to apply those skills to my future
Action Research
Implementing physical activity on a daily basis has always been a struggle for me.
School, work, family, friends, lack of motivation, and time seem to always take precedence over
my physical health. From lack of exercise, I noticed my mood, body image, and energy was
drastically affected. I wanted to discover if working out every day for at least 20 minutes would
affect my quality of life. The question I wanted to answer was would working out each day affect
my productivity, mood, self-esteem, and energy in a positive way?
Life Long Learning Plan


After the completion of the program, I plan on continuing to develop how I integrate
technology into the classroom. This program has prepared me to enter the work force with
extensive knowledge and skills related to technology in education. During the program I became
a part of a Professional Learning Network. As my time in the program comes to an end, I plan on
continuing to Blog and Tweet professionally, and make connections with educators around the
world. Looking into the future, I see myself being a full time teacher striving to stay up to date
on current technologies while implementing them into the classroom in a meaningful way.

Section II
History of Coursework and Course Evaluation:

Natalie Bertelson



Spring II



Course Title &

Instructor Name

EDUC 511

Foundations in
Digital Teaching
and Learning


Fall I

Joanne Gilbreath

EDUC 512


Fall I

Kristi Hernandez

Digital Video in
the Classroom
EDUC 514

Bill Selak

Fall II

Key Skills Acquired


-Cyber Safety
-Technology in 21st
Century Classroom

One suggestion for this course would be to give

students the option of creating a Weebly instead of a
LIveBinder. In my opinion, LiveBinder is a dated
resource with confusing formatting. I found Weebly
to be a better fit for me.
One thing I liked about this course was how we set
goals for the program. It was interesting to compare
them in EDUC526.

-iPad Usage
-Web 2.0

-Planning, Filming,
Producing a Movie
-Special Effects
-Rules of Composition

My suggestion for this course is to give students the

option to test out of it. A lot of the things we learned
were basic skills I already felt competent in. It was a
good refresher course, however, I was looking for
more. Also, the spiritual timeline felt like a way to
meet the requirement of faith integration. I did that
project twice before in the credential program, and
was hoping that the DTL would have a different
take on it.
I appreciated this course for many reasons. First,
class never ran late. Bill kept class on schedule, and
to the point. Because of this, I felt that everything
we learned/discussed was meaningful. This course
gave me a new appreciation for making movies, and
all that goes into it. It also encouraged me to make
my own movies for my students. My favorite
project was the Autobiography.


EDUC 515

Jason Seliskar

Spring II

-Weebly Blog
-Classroom Website
-Case Study
-iPad Apps

Learning in the
21st Century
EDUC 522

EDUC 526


Spring I

Teaching and

-Multiple Intelligences
-Unit Plan


In this class, the concept of a PLD/PLN finally

clicked. I really appreciated how he encouraged us
to be apart of those communities. Also, I love the
gadgets he demonstrated in class. I appreciated the
case study because it gave us practice in presenting
online. However, the case study itself lacked
Some content felt repetitive. This is largely due to
the order in which I took this class. By the time I
took it (Spring II), I already had created a classroom
website, a teacher twitter account, and a blog. These
were things we spent a lot of time on in the class, so
I was a little disappointed that I already knew the

This was my favorite class in the program. Dr

Courduff was a fantastic professor. I learned so
much about myself as a learner, and about my
students. This course gave me the knowledge that I
will apply throughout my teaching career.

One suggestion would be to give this reflection table

at the beginning of the program. I forgot about a lot
of the things we did. Reflecting right after each class
would help keep feedback relevant and meaningful.

Spring II



Digital Age

Web Design for

the Classroom

Spring I

Fall II

-Flipped Classroom
-Collaborative Tools
-IT Interview
-Digital Portfolio
Implementation and
Management Plan
-Digital Citizenship

-Haiku Deck
-HTML Coding

It saddens me that this course is considered an

elective for the program because I felt I learned the
most applicable information/skills in it. Each week
we were introduced to something new and we had
time to play/learn each technology. Linda did a
fantastic job at keeping content up to date, and

I understand why this course is an elective, however

I highly encourage everyone in the DTL program to
take it. Creating your own website and portfolio was
extremely fun and beneficial.


Evaluation of the impact of the Digital Teaching and Learning Program

The Digital Teaching and Learning program taught me more than I could have
anticipated. One strategy I look forward to implementing in my classroom is the management
system, Class Dojo. This application is a fantastic resource for teachers to track student behavior,
as well as communicate with parents. I believe the use of this tool will contribute to my overall
success as a teacher and am therefore looking forward to using it.
Program Evaluation
Azusa Pacific University has been a major part of my life for the past six years, and I am
grateful for my time and experiences there. Some of the strengths of the program included
excellent professors who advocated for students, and cared deeply for them. I thoroughly
enjoyed the faith integration aspect of the program that I would not have received at most
institutions. Academically, I learned more than I could have imagined. Azusa Pacific University
truly prepared me to be an effective teacher in the 21st century.
Although my experiences were mostly good, there were a lot of factors that could have
made my time even better. In the credential portion of the program, there was a lot of
miscommunication between staff and students. It felt like we were the last to know of changes in
the department, and requirements we had to meet. The entire program felt very unorganized, and
at times, unprofessional.
In conclusion, I feel humbled by my experiences at APU. Although the credential
program felt at times, unorganized, I met some amazing professors, and colleagues. The program
was academically rigorous and challenging, which made the reward of finishing it even better.
After completing the Credential/Digital Teaching and Learning program, I feel confident in my
ability to be an effective 21st century teacher.

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