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6, sg Avtcavapn PAGE BACK 190 On OF THIS PietuRE for Chatter: WELL, WELL ~ Vacation Do you think we can happy tine this sunm: 1s almost here! have a safe and er? Let's becin today by bet others which always a 8 better and carey th play. Polite to elps us to have Ine at work and You've been tr: in the halls and cafeteria. had a few accidents -- but no serious. We have Yt too I will be back next September with py connents. Do YOU kmow who I an? Chatter Here I an student teac!! seems like a drean cone true. really enjoy being at W1lawood. This I The teachers are all helpful and friendly and the children are -- children! This sunncr I will be student teach- ing in svoner school, In Septenber I will have ny own class -- Maybe even second grade. 1 will have the boys and girls in 2-a to thank for preparing ne for ny own class. ‘Mise Daviagon 2=% I think I will enjoy ny next year of school, judgir® br the kay ny brother talks about it. I kmow I will especially enjoy gyn. At Manchester I will like it because of sone nice teachers, extra tine, extra ourricular activities. Rick Hackney Asst. Bditor CARNIVAL ChPERS ‘The Carnival Capers will be held at Wildwood School on Saturday, May 18, 1968. 4nong the nany exciting attractions willbe the fish pond, darts, ringtos! model walk, ard doll walk. A great new feature this year ill be the sPOOK HOUS ‘The fun will degin at 4:00 P.N. and last until 7:00 O'clock, There will be food and fun for the whole family. Tin Barker Graduation Like all the other years, the six graders are going to creduate fron Wildwood School. Sone of the six graders will be going to a different School, but most of then will be go- ing to Manchester Junior High. That ig where they really put the pressure on you to work. We will ‘ying to be nore careful the on the last day of school. Debbie MAller-6B Arbor Day ee Day the si::th shorn se 0 by Ron gas ane t ‘he Central Store. We wrote then thank-you letters and we got one fron fentehy abe Teale Set” 3 7San graders re- Ou ¥ 4 “. ~ 4 € . Om OER Za (¢ (BereAY Brower-6 7 \ Spring Progran ‘he Spring Progran was called “In Praise of Our Country". It was held in the afternoon and that evening on April 9, 1968. Tt was directed by Miss Revelos and by the Wildwood Staff. The Wildwood band played for us, The yrogran went in this order, 5th’ grade- 1770's, 4th grade- 1860's, ‘Kindergarten and the 6th grade ~ the teens of 1900, 2nd grade ~ the swinging 1940's, 3rd grade - carly 19l0's, and the 1st grade. The finale was the "Stars and the Stripes Forever" and "You're a Grand Old Flag". The block prints.for the covers of our prograns were designed, cut and printed by the sixth graders of Miss Ward's room, Cathy Simonson, Chris Gebhardt, Debbie Miller, Tana Hines and I,Chrisy Howard. ‘The pro~ gran was big hit and was well liked. Chrisy Howard ~ 6B Our School Patrol I think our school patrol has been doing a fine Job. Don't you? ll year they have kept kids fron getting hit by cars, Septain Mark Spradiing has kept things rolling and on the ball, I hope our school patrol is as good next year. Joel Peck 6-B opinion Poll Did you like the school year? Why or Why not? 64 Mark Mattingly (Yes) because of all the jokes we told. 6B Marty Creech (No) T hate school. 6h Mr. Gadd (Yes) because I enjoy teaching evon though I get ais couraged at times. This year this ¢ el>na hat bron a re 7 ~tonee. be graduating inion Poll = cont'd. Hr, Seation (Yes) because it’s the best year we ever had ur, Wray (Yes) because I had the hardest working boys and girls since T have been here. 6A Stephanie Harrison (Yes) because Hr, Gadd made it fun. 6B Tim Barker (No) because I do not like school. 6B John Cox (io) because I hate school. lidss Ward (Yes) because 1t was ny first year and really onjoyed all of the boys an’ cirls, 3B David Ross (Yes) he got to play. 2B work NeDantel (Yes) not much work. 1B Joni Current (Yes) it was fun, LA Tami Rey (Yes) 11ked rath, 1C_ Joey alexander (Yes) I liked the other kids, cull. Lg. Chris Newkirk (Yes) it was fun. 5B Scott Fratt (Yes) funny answers on test. 4a Rick Sinonson (No) I don't like school, Urs. Paine 1-4 The end of school is near but many happy nenories will renain. ach of us will tell what we will like to renenber in our first grade class. Bill stiehl - Hoving the tasting party and inviting 1¢ to our class, Wareia Brewer - Going to the Cincin- nati Zoo for our field trip, B11l Borland ~ When John and tied to the basketball pole. I were Donnic Fhillips - Having Miss Verbeek for our student teacher, Tony Farrow ~ ifaking cookies. Hiehael Rauch - Doing a collection on fossils, Juli Bennett - when I got ny guppies. ligrk Pratt - Hunting esss in the Easter Egg Hunt. Tami Reynolds - Staying all night with Mrs, Paine. Scott lieQuinn ~ Ducking for apples, Juliann Dobrozsi - Making the bulletin boards pretty, Mrs, Paine lu - cont'd. Gone Gebhardt - Doing art. Reecica Lindon ~ Having irs, Paine and Iiiss Verbeek. Bobby Schering - Having film strips. David Wieneke - Making reports. Chris Batley - Trip to Armco Park to get the turtle a hone. John Jackson - Getting ready for the Lawn Fete. Fichelle Lykins ~ Playing anes. Tony Sorrell - Growing our plants. Linda lorshall - Having our trip to Fantasy Fara. Torri Brecht ~ iss Vorbeeks’ surprise party. Randy Tunnell ~ Doing the unit on Holland. Soundra Phillips - Having our Christ~ nas yarty, Mrs. Paine ~ I'11 always renenber ay nice children and Joel eck our Wwon- derful news reporter, who was always on tine and very polite even though we were always Inte and slow with our news. "Thanks Joel" Mrs, Fraley 1-B our nost exciting experience this past month was our trip to the Zoo. Sone of our parents met us at the Zoo and Helped us very nuch by being our guides, We had a beautiful day and a most ex- citing trip. le visited all the ani— nals fron elephants to fish. Then we had a nice picnic lunch. After this, it was tine to return so we hurried back to uur bus. We enjoyed our visit to see the ani+ nals =- We onjoyed our bus trip, too. It was a fun day, Urs, .Stieh1 1-¢ On April 22na we went to the Cincinnati Zoo. We had a wonderful day, even though it had stormed earlier in the morning. Hrs. Christy, Mrs. Phillips, Urs. Lay, and Mrs, Roberts went with us. le were able to see, to feel, to hear, and to sell so nany, many ania nels. We all had our special favorites Bo we have each written stories and riddles about thon. » Day 2h Hello snd Goodby, Everything, except school was new to us when we'cane to 2i, Very soon we will say gocd-by to all of this and go back to our "Sunmer play." We plan to have fun this Summer by reading many good books, swimming, having mary plonies and’ traveling. Have a hoppy summer all, Our last unit of work has been on Shelter. Ye want you to take time to read sone of the many ideas we have found vbout building materials and our Bes. Gright 22 We have 4 substitute teacher, Her nane is lizs, Seanon, We got a letter fron lirs, Enright and we hope she will fel better soon, We are studying about stars, — Ld you Imow that the stars are really suns? We naned 22 ty; 3 of shelters. In 1th ve are talldng aboutposture, Our field trip to Dr. Haseneirts office was interesting. We even saw part of . real hunan backbone. Julia licretl Eller zobertson ay iiller Lisa Harcer brs, Estil 3. "In the good ole sumer time, in the sood ole surmer time" But 3i wont t Se strolling dow the shady’ lone" weive much nore exciting things to do during summer vacation, If you want to see a really good baseball game, co to Sith Farm and watch Sluggere David Gebhardt, Tim ulexan~ der, Randy Netherly, Brent Sprodling ané'Gre; Fazro , Three of our cirls will be canpers at Camp [iiddlenoor, Carolyn Brammer, Robin Steele and Mary Jestice, We know theyll have fun. Shirley Palner and her family plan to go to Tennessee to see "The Grand Ole Operie," Annette Allison end liarinnae iuterspaw will also go South, to Florida - Jeff Lewis, Bill Gillen ond Rick Creson to Kentucky. Tidssy Triplett 1s traveling north to Wisconsin and Dianne Wood to liichigan. Still farther north, iiark Easterly and Viely Koeppel may go to Canada. Mere Snodgrass plans to fish in Penn- sylvania, like Sabo, Cathy Alexan= er, Chip Hardin and'Gina Fraete nay not travel far, but will enjoy ewimuing, fishing, and pionicing aroun? liiddletowm. We are sad, how- ever, because three of our friends Will'be noving this sumer. Steve Hartis family ‘plans to move close to Clinton County Air Force Base and It. Col. Hartsi work. Karen Phillip 4s moving to Cleveland and she hopes to swiz in Lake Eric. Mary Jestice will be boving to Fanawa when her father Lt, Col. Vernon Jestice retur- Mrs, Estin- contd. ns from Viet Nan, Good luck to all of you, Our newest friend Toni Haw= kins will be busy getting acquanited 2 "el family just arrived in Kidd Letowm, We hope’ you have as much fun as’we are going to have, See ye next September. English 3B We have been studying about Middle~ town and our city governnent. We have learned many interesting things about our tom. We will visit the City Buildin: and go on tho lilddle~ town Landmark Tour soon. lire. Mrs, Dvott 4h On May 15 the Fourth Grades will co ona trip to Wright Patterson ir To Force Nuseun in Fairborn, Ohio. Ve have been studying cbout’the Wright Brothers end some things about fli~ Ght. Wo will learn more interesting facts on our trip. In science wel ve studied about plants and seetts. We are doing some experiments with dif~ ferent soils and conditions. We are also planting pots of flowers, Host of us know all our Multiplication foots. We can do long division and hard multiplication problems. te Imow meth is important ant hope welre ready for fifth grade. on April 2lith we got free ice or bars and we got to go dom to the gyn because it was lirs, Prattis birthday. We played kickball. irs. Fratt was the pitcher. Rickey Simon- son, David MoCheasney and rat Ke Farland kick them high. We had fun. ‘Tamy Cross Beth Ann Hiney In art we nade birés out of tissue paper, When you go down the main hell you will see then. te made pirds such as woodpeckers, robins, bluejays, and hunning birds. ve made flowers with "rs, Pratt, to @ecorate our roon and windows. ‘This week we made clowns out of colored chalk. le put then in the hall by our room. Joni Hiller Jean Lansdale Mrs. Allen Si Hawatt We have been studying Hawaii in our room, It is a most interesting sub- ject, We have learned that Hawait is our newest state. It 1s sometime called an "Island Paradise" because it 1s a beautiful place to live or to go on a vacation. The first Hawaitans were natives and they had brown skin and dark hair, They used dugout canoes for their long trips across the ocenn. Hawaii has about the right temperature all year round, Mrs, Allen - contd. tt has lovely flowers and paln trees+ Phoir main products are pineapples: They are nost important and sugar. for our military defense. When you get in the fifth grade. T am sure you will enjoy studying Hawaii as much as I did. Jeanne Combs lirs. O'Brien 5B ‘The first thing we did was to find out what teachor wo had. A couple nonths Inter we wont on a fielé trip to the Free Public Library. We learned many interesting things about the library, Afterwords on the last before Christnas va= cation wo had s party. Ne wore ine side nost of Jantary ant February. We practiced for our World Day of Frayer Service and then the Spring Progran, Now it is Kay and we hope this month will pass quickly. Seott Fratt In history we are studying about the turn of the century, We lenrned about the inmagrants coming to americs, Some irmagrants could'nt find good jobs. Jacob Riis helped them. We Also Learned about such people as andrew Camegie and Joseph Bok. Fred Gillespie Mr, Gadd 6 A Sotence Ye have done many experiments this year.. We heve mace things in sci- @nce. We made telegraphs. Now we ‘re studing "Electron's in Action." Not tes many experiments fail. only one that I can renember really goo~ fea was when Nr. Gadd pushed a cork into a test-tube too far and tried to get it out by heating it up and it exploded, The experiment from * our book was being investigated and Me thought we followed all of the steps. No one was hurt. Some of the other experiments that we either performed or discussed were: using pulleys, a block and tackle, in- @lined plane, simplo machines, what happens when’ fuel burns, and an electric current. ‘Terry Tincher Modern Nath This year is the first time the sixth-grede has had modern math. We are going rather slow but we! ve learned a lot. Our mathenaticion lr, Gadd has relly helped us along. He has tought us several ways to @ivide, and add or subtract frac tions.’ Welve learned different laws or rules. Wetve talked about such things as recoprocals, true and false number sentences, multipli- cative inverses, exponents, place values, anf a whole bunch more, Tdie Carver nx. Goda 64 cont!a. give ve fone eight different roporle Miss Word 6B At the beginning of the your nade rules, like brush your teeth -fter lunch and if you said Ain't you would have to stay after sehool nd do 15 ninutes of hard Jabor, We went ona field trip to the Cincinnati Nusewn, It was very exciting. Then we had the /ndy Alexander Progren, It wns civen jn front of the kindersar tens first, Then At was given in front ofthe whole school and parents. Not long after that we gave the Spring srogran. Now its! tine for the lawa Fete, ‘The room thnt sells the most tickets will get » big prize, 6B would like to thank you for your cooperation on the Vild~ wood Chatter, We're sorry that All of our news could not be in be~ cause the newspaper could not be thet long. Mrs, Patton = 4.N. hdgns Out our, What *10 wo S007 A St. Bernard Ao’ Mrs. Schmitt of Dix Rosa wee wilk= ing’hin. David dloxanier, Janes Scott ashonhurst, Doug Lynch, and Jo ‘nn Heh dictted the following story: We went out ana visited him nna petted him. Fe is big an¢ 1s brow and white snd bleck, He has one Diack eye ant one white eye, ile 1s about five months old and weishs about sixty pounds. He will weigh over One Hundre’ and twenty pounds when full grown. Kagn, P.M. ooking, Back @ you Tike school? 4 thun*erous yes" resounded by all but one. Stand up 1f you like school, the clnss was asked. 11 stood up but one, Tom Swartzbaugh said he did not 14ke school because everytime he wos, budding with blocks, wou! jock ther down, Thinking Back to Septeaber, the fall, the winter, and now the spring, what do you like best about school? Mary Lynne Abell: "I like Work", (what 4s York?) "Work menns using paste, Scissors, crayons and things." Paks = conte, others who said they 11ked work With art materints wore Seth ae Geohartt Jahn Coney Davie. Hnthemay Bony Thacher, smi Greg citens SS Hable onotee over elays Scott Snvie anit, cestattesily, sFinscrpaaneiae, Carmela Hsposito: making friends ana Goins exercises to Rock ané Noll recorés, Stephanie Whittlesey: rhythm band S411 Cornelia: narehin: arty Tlesher: salloping ike seweonb: skipping Smith: birthiay celebrations ek: walking outside, Look flowers an? things -- forsy- si We should follow not ficht. Jo shoul be nice to ed At 11 up when he likes lexrning about playing nice” urfin tan and nerry-go-round nonkey bars Srretiat né all the equirnent on the piay- fie Willer and Cathy Barker: junping rope icky Dietz: Farties are fun. xing of parties, each child was Conmittec. 4 Conaittee went ing and prepare? 2 simple Nenu for exch of the five sersonal partios scheduled, fost popular iten: peanut butter an jelly sanéwiches. The last party committee had an easy tive when wo Ciscovered on the shelf at the Grocery Store a jar of peanut butter and jelly mixed together. ve a safe and happy sumer! the swings, slides ERE AScicV iS ITS fe SERRE Some "Zoo Stories" frou 1-B - Robhy Knecht = I sata blue percock. It was a pretty one. . peacock has very Long tail feathers. Danny iiartin = Bats aro black and they can fly. Thoy hans ureide down, They sleey during the ay. ‘They fly at night ant Look for food. Joe Suiter - Lions are dangerous. ‘they come fron the jungle. They hnve sharp teeth. Jonnne Narstall = I have lonz, strong legs. I have sone fenthers. i oan run very fast. My nane begins with 0 Whee am 1? wows, Ridéles, and Stories 1¢ Secn i.evarland - I svim in icy water. I eat fish I an white, and I sleep on the ice. Who on I? ‘(Polar bear) Liss Dicristofore - One day there was on elephant, It flegpet its ears and took my popcorn, It had a long trunk and wide feet. It had tusks made of ivory, Joey Alexander = Yhen we go camping, In a bag we sleep, Warm and cry, Counting sheep? Steel 2-1 Steel cones from iron ore. The tron oro is heated ina furnace and the pig iron 1s taken fron the iron ore. This process 1s called smelting. The pig tron is then renelted in conbina- tion with other raw materials to make steel, The furnace in our house 1s made out of steel. Secky Yost 2A out 35 years Aco. Hy house was built « this 4s celled It 1s n woo house frone, It is a Cape Cod Style. Janet ‘ane. I’ shoe one room on the first floor, I like wy room best. Linda Schmitt 2A Creative Corner - cont'd. I Wish I wish I coulé fly in the air and se« the oretty flowers and trees and evel the Rice blue sky. Eve dasterly 2B Fairyland toking a walk, His nane was Brownie. Soon he cane to a tree. He took a long nap. When he woke up, he saw a hole in the tree. So he (just for fun) pvt his head in the tree. He looked av He saw arden of Tlovors ina ring. Out~ side the ring were the fairy houses. But in the niéél y queen: “Cone right in, Browni; the fairy queen. Brownie eae "Eello!" "Ht, what a nice plac Brownie. Brownie stayer Eut one day he went away. on his way in the woods, he always once a eanel » pokes his head in trees: But he Rever saw it again. it once Wools, an@ you see o hole put your honé in ané see hat happens. 2B alder Be Kind to Snoopy once there was = dog named Snoopy, ané a bad dog naned Red Baron. mesn Red Baron burned Snoopy's ¢o5, hovse. Snoosy was so mad that ho threw a rock st Red Baron. 3B Joanne Farney ‘She Lown Fete ‘The Lawn Jete's going to be fun, T Imow, because I always like to go. There's lots of food, and I’m sure you'll be in the mood. I'm sure you'll have fun; Gouse it's bettor than the Flying Nun, Laurie Houser 3B Toni Loves School Little girl who loved to ‘Toni was She went to tildwood go to school. School (that's why). because of her toacher and the kids. It was alnost time for school to be out for the sumer and Toni still wanted to go to school so she went She liked 1t be~ to Summer School, oause 1f wns at iMildvood. When school cane to Junior High, Temi Conbs 4A e of the ring was the "Zea," ead the queen. there for a long tine. is he goes So if you take a wik in the Ve only get then by tho yards again she had to go ‘put she likes it too. creative Corner - cont'é. A Year At Wildwood ‘rst wo net the people in our room, © Then I wished I could leave soon. But then I found out Wildwood wis 7 goot place, Bverythere'I look there was face. So I went on through the yes: Ané founé out to get Gooc Grades you need a Good car. T foune out irs, Best wos Good, Jind she taught "ceverything she So I liked that lth grade year. then I. ,0 to Viléwood School, I have no foor. oF: 9 friendly could. Den Cannoy 4B e." Fourth Grade ¢,Fourth Grade has been for ne = The gredos we call, "i" through "D". Geography, 1istory, Spelling, liath; nd I thought Fourth grade was just ‘a laugh. You can only see Geography assignnents can't be hor, History, linth, or Reading; is cs hard as’ singing. Neither can Not a thing Dianne Brewer 4B Ny Year in 4th Grade In school, I yas ready to quit the That very first day. Put our "good olé" teacher node us ged us to Imow wrong fron right. She told us wo should never fight. She taught us how to act our age ind told us how we should behave ‘That was o very Good act But I will still have to leave her back. If there's anything else to say Well ~ I'11 just have to tell it an- other day! Jia Kelbough 4B ‘The Eascball Gane by Randy Miller 5h ‘The basoball cane hes now begun, ‘She Liked schoolThe pitcher throws the ball ‘The unpire calls throe strikes again, Another batter falls! Now 1t 1s all up to no, With two outs in the ninth, ‘The pitcher throws, I swing ny bat, And then the ump calls Strike! ‘The pitcher throws the ball agnin, Ve throw it very fast, I hit that ball, T hit at hard, Tt almost racked the bat! So I ran fast and I ran hard, sand then soneone enlled no, ere cnarastmncraatiea F5aTs, Be Sane, oatges Ant T ena, Five corner = cont'd, Spring 5 1s for Sweet Fea protty and purple. > 4s for potunin sturdy and white. r is for Roses prickly and pink. 4 4s for Iris stately and blue. n is for Nasturtiur deliente sna is for Geraniuns lovely and rea. Janatte short su on Pun Sunner 4s full of tun. Sonctines you run and run. That's why T like sunner. nuse it's fun, fun, fun. Nark Engle 5-B Swnor r will co er will pass ut in that short We'll have us 2 blast. The tine, unshine, will shine ive us a tan we must not for: To use our “Ban, t, Scott Pratt 5-B on hy Vacation On ny vacation my family and I are soins to Yellowstone. We are also Going to the Black Hills. At tho Blnck Hills, thore is soing to be a SPORTS SPOTLIGHT Physienl education Net It has been a vory successful school year in our physical education classes. Our physical fitness test is completed ‘and_we had sone record breaking por- fornances: Record brovkors - Boys Bedie Carver - 1:51 - 600 Yara un Pat Thonas - 197! - Softball ‘Throw Jeff jinttingly - 6.8 - 50 Yaré Bash (tied record) Although the rirls fatled to set ary now records, svecial nention is given to Cathy Sinongon, who just mtsse? by 2 school records: hor 143! softboll throw nissed by one foot of the ox isting record of 1M! set by Nancy Sinpson in 1962. Cathy rlso had 9 2:05 - 600 yard run missing by 2 sec~ onds - Barbara Nay!'s 2:04 set last year, Presidential Physical Fitness Awards were won by: Rick Hackney, Chrissy howard, Cathy Sizonson, Gail tullins, Chris O'Connor and Reneé Moreland, ‘These boys and giris attained the’ 85th percentile or higher in all seven events (sit ups, pullups, broad jump, 50 y¢. dash, shuttlc run, softbail throw, anc 600 yd. run). rodeo an? it 1s callot Tho black Kills’ Terie Reynolés 5: The House There ins > fat nouse in 2 eave, Tho never, over would behave. He pulled’the cats tail, nd lanéed in jail ow that mouse will always behave, ‘Tana Hines 6-B Hippies I think thore should be no Hippics, because thoy do things which have a bad effect on the younger generation. For exanple, thoy havo hair down to their shoulders and have beards, which rake then look just terrible. ‘They also take drugs’ which can be vory hamsful. Children under the wrong guidance could got mixed up with this sort of a living and take a drug and die because of Hippies. They think there should be love and pence in the world. If all the imoriean people tere like them a foreign country could como and attack us and noone woulé fight bocsuse they would 911-bo Hippica it.our zreit nation woul’ fall. cathy Simonson 6B Again, I would like to give special mention to: Cathie NeChesney, Stephanic. Harrison, Jeff Mattingly, and Cindy Risner who attained the 85th percentile in 6 of the ? evente thus just missing the presidential sward. This past year in gyn class was the yorr for the Wildwood 'lipzers, These tumblers work hard ll year and were able to perforn and do outstanding jobs at 4 special tunbling exhibitions; at Springboro, Cincinnati liccllor and Middletown High Schools - also at Maple Park School. It was a real de- ight working with these chanpions: John Cox, Ralph Lawrence, Joff lattinaly, lunrk iinttingly, Cathie neChesney, Cathy Simonson, Pat iiack, Gail iiullins, hark, Triplett, Jeff Short, Fat Newconb, Reneé Moreland, Brion Kack, Davie HeChesnoy, Richerd Mullins’ and. Wayne! Lawrence, Our second annuel tumbling and gyrcnastic meet was held and our winners wer: 1st Boys - John Cox ~ 2nd Noys lark attingly Ast Girls - Gail tullins - 2nd Girls - Cathie iiechesney Congratulations to al: Have 9 safe - fun filled summer - Stay fit, lr, Bert Wraj Gini Toacher A GYM SHOW on Nay tho 9th tho fourth, fifth, and sixth sraders of Wildwood lth graders rirticipated in the Wildwood "500" (gyn a gyn show. |The and Wildwood's .B.C. Tournament (Bowling relay). ‘Tho Teton Mountain Stomp and Duck for tho Oyster. @ anced doing two dances, The sixth grade boys played Crab Soccer and King of the Toobor. The Wildwood Flippers did Chicken Fat and put garde girls did the Bamboo hop. on a tuubling oxihibition, tullins and Reneé Moreland did work on the Balance, Bean. ‘The presentation of Physical Fitness Awards performance on the Side Horse. was given at tho ond of the show. SE ie Ss John Cox did a Paralicl Bar routine, school, put on scooters) ‘The fifth graders square ‘The sixth while Gail. Jeff Short did e John Cox = Sports Roporter CRENINS Son NIEMINEN School Patrol 1968-69 Brenda Martin - Captain Stevo Howard - Lieutenant Patrolnen “kins - (bus) Dobbie Wienke Shelly Yost Ban Stacy Sherry Sabo Cindy’ Risnor Fred Gillespie WENN Eadie Carver, leave ny ripped ‘chool patrol raincoat to Steve Howard, 1f he is willing to get soaked. Sixth Grade Last Wills and Testanents Alternates Ellen Yost ~ 1st Jin Willoughby - (bus) Tin Miller - (bus) Donna Sherman Sines by Eadie Russell, to Valerie Gillen. I, Robert Scott, leave ny inl Carbine to Jenes Ferney. I, Ralph Lawrence, leave my gym horse I, Cyndi Converse, leave ny long eye ane braces to Jeff Short. lashes to Jeannie Conbs. 1, Robert Ponny, leave ny snall waistel, Terry Tincher, loave my teacher line to lark Engle. (ir, Gada) to Chris O'Connor (poor kid). 1, Ronnie Evans, leave our nathenati- / clan (?) Hr. Gadd to Scott Pratt. I, Debbie Garlend,. leave ny dirty gyn clothes, broken penoiis, all ny notes,. and the one and only Mr. Gadd to Cindy Risner. I, Jackie Cogan, leave to the fifth groders our Dear Mr. Gadd. 1, Cathie MeChesney, leave ny crumny lScker, No. 3, to Gail Mullins, and T hope you can get it shut. I, Hike MeLaughlin, leave ny old broken chair and lopsided desk to Chris O'Connor. I, Bill DuBois leave ny braces and nouthwash to David HeChesney. 1, Becky Nickell, leave ny grades to Tani Conbs. I, Jean MeZarland, leave roon 6-A to any lucky person who gets in it. I, David Flesher, leave ny dirty white socks ané gyn clothes to Preddie Gillespie. 1, Vicki Profitt, leave ny original |. bottle of toilet water, given to ne & lark Spradling, leave my broken giasses end worn out tonnis shoes ‘0 Brent Sprealing. 7 I, Badde Russell, leave my size 124 shoes to Ricky Barker. I, Jeff ticitullen, leave ny ripped up pandbook to David Sinpson. I, Steve Hawkins, leave all ny flying saucer books to Scott Pratt. I, tiark Hattingly, leave ny gymnastic ability to Joff Short. I Vicki Schicring, leave ny tenperment to ny sister Stephanie Schierins. I, Stephanie Harrison, leave ny broken clarinet reeds to Susan Schiering. © I, Chrisy Howard will ny old desk and ‘books and ny nice teacher to Kin Wendt. I, Debra filler, will ny alnost new ‘books to Valerie Gillen. I, Jimny Koeppel, will ny teacher to anyone. I, Tana Hines, wi11 ny Hath book to) hathy Hart.

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