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Prenatal Development

Between 3 to 4 weeks, the body plan emerges as the brain, spine and heart are identified in the yolk sac. The fetal stage is where the organ system, the toes,
the eyes and genitals of the fetus are seen. This is right around the third month of pregnancy.

Sensory and brain mechanisms for hearing are developed at 30 weeks of gestational age. Babies are able to understand sound and language in the womb by
responding with movement and reacting to sounds and words.

By 2 weeks old, babies realize they can make things happen. Babies kick, push and punch in the womb. They are using their cognitive skills by reacting to
mom and things that the mom does. If mom drinks a cold drink, the baby may kick or push into the mothers rib to show that they felt something cold.

Premature, low birth weight, brain damage, asthma and miscarriages are all signs of signal atypical development issues. Birth defect issues can be caused
by smoking or drinking during pregnancy.(Haus, 2013).

Social and cultural skills include talking to the baby during pregnancy and introducing the baby to music and different sounds. Cultural beliefs may include
having the baby naturally versus having the baby natural but with no medication.

Families should talk to new mothers about taking care of themselves during their pregnancy. This means eating right, staying away from smoking and
drinking and simply promoting good health habits for the moms unborn child. Pregnant mothers should always practice good health habits to avoid birth
defects during their pregnancy. (Davidson, 2014).

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