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1 cat =^.^=

3 bunny(\--/)

5 o--) Cyclops


9 #- eye



8 :~ elephant

10 }(((*>

2 bored :/

4 \o/ cheer

6: o? dog


I went to the zoo Saturday. I really wanted to see the :~ s . I wish

they had a (o:3 though. They had a weird type of <:3() ~~ that looked like a
(.v.). I was X(when we couldnt bring our o?. my favorite animal was the
<)))~ . A lot of the animals were lI and that was =( . They had a tank filled
with }(((*> but there were no <(((> in the tank the fish werent (--.--)zZ
And that was :--). The big =^.^= looked :/. I was very =D that the (*v*)
exhibit was open. The
>*^,^,^~~~ wasnt very D: I was =0 when I saw the().() because it
looked like a :o) not a real bear, someone was :p it they were >:--I. After all
that I was very ^.^.

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