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Revision test


Choose the right alternative:


Harry has/is 14 years old.

They dont/doesnt like to quarrel.
Did you were/Were you at home yesterday when the light went out?
She is a good/well singer. She sings good/well.
When I am at home, I have -/the breakfast, go at/to school, make/do my
homework/homeworks and go to bad/bed at 9 p.m.
6. Whose/Whos your goodest/best friend?
7. How old are hes/ his
children/ childrens?
8. I havent nothing/anything to say.
9. You are fond of/ Are you fond of quiz shows?
10. Yesterday, I tried/tryed
to help/ to helped my brother at/with his homework, but
he didnt wanted/didnt want to.
11. Its/Its to/too late to study harder/more hard now.
12. She was late for hours/classes.
13. She forgot/left her film review at home.
14. In/ - Every day she get/gets up early in the morning. Now, its 6 a.m. and the alarm
clock rings/is ringing. Yesterday it ring/ranged/rang at 6 oclock, too, but she didnt
wake/didnt woke up. She felt/fell asleep and she were/was late for school. Today,
shes/her mother wakes/is waking her up just to make sure she isnt/wont be late
15. Jane is prettier than/then Pam.

Decide if the sentences are correct or not. Correct the wrong ones:

1. Jack went to the swimming pool yesterday?

2. Fiona dont likes fish.
3. The cat caught its tail in the mouse trap.
4. In spring is nice and warm.
5. Are there many schools in your town?
6. It is a good film on PRO TV tonight.
7. The girl stoped to bye an ice-cream.
8. The children didnt were well- prepared for the test.
9. Lucy live on the three floor.
10. Hes worse at sports than Alan.


Translate into English:

1. Cti copii sunt nascuti in noiembrie in clasa ei?

2. Ti-ai facut patul ieri dimineata?
3. Linda isi face temele in fiecare zi, dar acum e obosita si trage un pui de somn.
4. Mary vorbeste la telefon cu prietena ei cea mai buna.
5. Ea de obicei nu uita unde isi pun lucrurile, dar azi si-a uitat portofelul in taxi.
6. Ei nu au intrziat la ora de fizica azi dimineata.
7. Ploua cu galeata(acum).
8. Chiar daca filmul a fost foarte lung, s-au simtit putin extenuati, dar foarte incntati de
el. Distributia a fost extraordinara, actorul lor preferat a jucat in rolul principal, iar
muzica si efectele speciale au fost incntatoare.
9. Cnd au luat masa la restaurantul Tivolli, au ramas fara bani de buzunar.
10. Deoarece simpatizeaza fotbalul european, turistii japonezi si-au rezervat bilete la
meciul de smbata.

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