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Most students (x%) agree, there are always cases where some students

are left out during group projects, they are not accepted into other groups
as majority students always forms their team within their own race and
ethnic group. They also reject some students from their group due to
different race, skin colour and cultural background. This clearly shows that
racial discrimination exists within the campus. This problem could be
solved if lectures and tutors group the students themselves or make it a
must to have multiple races students in a group. Additional points or
marks should also be awarded to groups consisting of multiple races to
encourage more students working with other races. Students also should
be encouraged to sit among other races in class as it brings more
interaction and build better understanding among them.
Additional findings based on our survey is that, x% of the students feel
some races are given more flexibility or priority in terms of cultural and
festive celebration compared to theirs. No proper location and time
provided for cultural activities and festival celebration for some races.
Only certain race is given exemption from lectures and classes during
their festive celebration. Holidays are also extended for some cultural
festival where else others are not even given the day off to celebrate.
Rooms and halls are not given to all races for their activities purposes.
This is a common problem in an international university with multiracial
environment. The university management can solve this issue by
providing location and exemptions for the other races festive and cultural
activities. By doing this we can have a wider variety of cultural
celebration. This works as a platform for students to know about others
cultures and festivals and improve our understanding.

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