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Published by
(Mauritius Branch)
On the auspicious occasion of the 54th Birthday Anniversary of our beloved

S wa mi V e n k a t e s a n a n d a
December 1975
Swami Sivananda St, Rose Hill

Garland of Prayers

Siva-Pada-Renu at the Lotus Feet of Sri Swami Sivanandaji Maharaj

Garland of Prayers

Garland of Prayers

The Power Of Kirtan-Singing by Sri Swami Sivananda
Universal Prayer
Let Us Pray
Publishers Note
Morning Hymn
Guru Stotram
Peace Mantras
Opening Prayers
English Hymns
Concluding Prayers
Glory of Mantras
Benefits of Maha Mantra
Benefits of Maha Mrtyunjaya Mantra
Benefits of Gayatri Mantra

Garland of Prayers


Sankirtan or singing the Lords Names and Glories is not the monopoly of Hinduism.
The Hebrews, the Christians, the Buddhists and the Muslims have all their own versions
of it in their liturgy. This is particularly evident in the Hassidic tradition as well as
among the Christian mystics and the Sufis. Singing the Names of the Lord and dancing
enable one to forget the world and the little self and to remember ones essential
divine nature.
Gurudev Swami Sivananda loved sankirtan. His life itself was one unbroken sankirtan or
song in praise of the Lord. He once wrote to an illustrious disciple of his, We should
revolutionise the whole of India with the help of sankirtan. At the conclusion of his
epoch-making All-India tour in 1950, he remarked: All these public meetings and
public receptions are not of real value. We should go from village to village, from house
to house, sing a few kirtans and go away. That will purify the atmosphere in the house
and leave a lasting impression in the hearts of the people.
Gurudev also exhorted all his disciples to have a brief satsang in their own homes every
night before going to bed, during which they could sing some sankirtan and read some
soul-uplifting scriptures. This way one can transform sleep into Samadhi, ones daily life
of sorrow into a divine life of bliss.
Dust of Gurudevs feet
Swami Venkatesananda

Garland of Prayers


Take refuge in the Name of the Lord. Sing and chant His Name always. In Kali Yuga
singing the Lords Name is the easiest, surest and safest way for attaining Godconsciousness. May you attain God through Kirtan!
The presentation of philosophy in the form of songs and kirtans has a peculiar
attraction. Philosophy, though dry, when put in the form of songs and sun in a
melodious tune, becomes more intelligible to the ordinary man. He gets himself merged
in the music of the soul through the medium of songs and sankirtans.
The rishis of yore have invariably written their inspiring works either in the form of
poetry or in the form of songs. It is easier to remember some small couplets and poetry
than volumes of prose. Songs and sankirtans inspire and elevate the depressed mind.
They directly touch the heart of the devotee and inspire him to lofty ideals of peace bliss
and immortality. Even if you get by heart some selected songs and sing them whenever
you get time at your disposal, you will be highly benefited. Every song has the names of
the Lord attached to it and hence the mere singing of it will form a kind of Sadhana.
May you all live drowned in an ocean of divine ecstasy! May you all singing the Lords
names every day regularly in the morning and evening and drink the divine nectar of
Prem (pure love) and attain oneness with the Lord in this very birth!
Swami Sivananda

Garland of Prayers

O adorable Lord of Mercy and Love!
Salutations and prostrations unto Thee.
Thou art Existence-Knowledge-Bliss.
Thou art Omnipresent, Omnipotent and Omniscient.
Thou art the indweller of all beings.
Grant us an understanding heart,
Equal vision, balanced mind,
Faith, devotion and wisdom.
Grant us inner spiritual strength
To resist temptations and to control the mind.
Free us from egoism, lust, greed, anger and hatred.
Fill our hearts with divine virtues.
Let us behold Thee in all these names and forms.
Let us serve Thee in all these names and forms.
Let us ever remember Thee.
Let us ever sing Thy glories.
Let Thy Name be ever on our lips.
Let us abide in Thee for ever and ever.
Swami Sivananda

Garland of Prayers

This Universal Prayer was given to us by Sri Gurudev himself. Hence, it has the
authority of one who is totally enlightened and who is therefore in a position to point to
us the path to perfection or enlightenment.
Gurudev had great faith in prayer. This faith is not a lukewarm belief in the efficacy of
the words uttered or the mantras used. His faith sprang from his own direct and
immediate awareness of God to whom the prayer is addressed.
That God is your own self, the innermost and the only reality in you. But, then, why
should I pray, you may ask. The answer is hidden in the question. it is because the I
still feels that it is an independent reality. As long as this false notion continues, prayer
is essential.
However, care should be taken that the prayer does not strength the false notion. Any
prayer that is motivated by worldly and selfish desires and ambitions will surely
strengthen the ego, the I. While such prayer may have its own place in the life of man
and its own reward, the Universal Prayer of Gurudev directs its and our attention to the
reality or God within.
What do we see when our attention is thus directed within? If we are honest, we shall
not fail to see the presence of qualities like lust, anger, greed, and the absence of good
and noble qualities. We pray to God for them.
Why should we pray to God for them? Because, the I has not been able to rid itself of
the evil qualities and develop the good qualities. All evil springs from the I. The good
qualities that occasionally manifest in our lives do so only when the I is temporarily
suspended. Hence, we realise that the I is unable to achieve total goodness unaided by
the divine grace.
Gurudevs Universal Prayer also contains the very essence of his own teachings, the very
essence of Divine Life. divine Life is the resolute abandonment of the self and thus of
selfishness in all its forms. Hence, the Universal Prayer reminds us that we should
behold the one Lord in all beings, serve Him in all beings and constantly remind
ourselves of this truth. Then, we shall abide in Him forever and ever, utterly freed from
sin and suffering.
Gurudevs own life was unceasing prayer. When he repeated the Universal Prayer, the
words sprang from his heart, from his whole being. When he opened his eyes after
saying the Prayer, it was evident that he was in fact seeing God in all, that he was in fact
lovingly serving the Lord in all. Let these words come from your heart. Say the words as
if you are saying them for the first time. Experience for yourself the miraculous lifetransforming quality of this prayer. May the light of Sivananda (all auspiciousness and
bliss) illumine your heart.
Dust of Gurudevs lotus-like feet,

Garland of Prayers

The kirtans and hymns are given in alphabetical order and the scheme of transliteration
is as follows:













s as in sun





palatal sibilant
s cerebral sibilant as in shun


Garland of Prayers


prtasmarmi hdi sa spurattma tatva
sat cit sukham paramahamsa gatim turyam
yat svapna jgara susuptim avaiti nityam
tat brahma nikalam sham na ca bhta saga
prtar bhajmi manaso vacasm agamyam
vco vibhnti nikhil yad anugrahea
yam neti yneti vacanair nigam avouch
tam deva devam ajam acyutam hur agryam
prtar nammi tamasa param arkavaram
pram santana padam puruottam khyam
yasmin idam jagad aeam aeamrtau
rajvm bhujagama iva pratibhsitam vai
lokatrayam idam puyam loka traya vibhaam
prta khle pahet yas tu sa bacchet paramam padam
In the early hours of the morning, I think of the Self which shines in the chambers of my
heart, which is of the nature of Existence-Knowledge-Bliss Absolute, which is the goal of
the Paramahamsas, and which is the fourth state of Consciousness. I am that Brahman
which is Nirguna and Eternal, beyond the three states of consciousnesswaking,
dreaming and deep sleep, and I am not composed of the elements.
In the early hours of the morning, I adore Him who is the God of gods, who is beyond
the reach of mind and speech, and by whose Grace alone speech is illuminated, whom
scriptures describe by the Neti-Neti formula, who is unborn, Achyuta, and the
Primordial Being.
In the early hours of the morning, I bow down to that Purusha who is beyond darkness,
who is the brilliance of the sun, who is full, eternal, and in whom this universe appears
as a snake appears in the rope.
He who read these verses which are auspicious, the ornament of the three worlds,
attains to the Supreme State (of self-realisation).

Garland of Prayers


brahmnanam parama sukhadam kevalam jnamrtim
dvandwttam gagana sadam tatwamasydi lakyam
ekam nityam vimalam acalam sarvadh skibhtam
bhvttam trigua rahitam satgurum tam nammi
ajna timirndhasy jnjana alkaya
cakuraunmlitam yena tasmai r gurave nama
gurur brahm gurur viu gurur devo mahe vara
guruh skt para brahma tasmai r gurave Namah
dhynamlam guror mrti pjmam guro padam
mantramlam guror vkyam mokamlam guror kp
om nama ivya gurave satcidnanda mrtaye
niprapacaya ntya nirlambya tejase
I prostrate myself before that Guru, the Existence, devoid of the three Gunas, beyond
comprehension, the witness of all mental functions, changeless and pure, one and
eternal, transcending the pairs of opposites, expansive like the sky, reachable through
the sentences like Thou art That, the Bliss of Brahman, the giver of supreme
happiness, the mass of absolute wisdom.
Prostrations to that Guru who, through the collyrium of knowledge opens the eye of him
who is blinded by the gloom of ignorance.
Guru is Brahma. Guru is Viu. Guru is iv. Guru is the Supreme Brahman Itself.
Prostrations to that Guru. The form of the Guru is the root of meditation. The feet of the
Guru are the root or worship. The teaching of the Guru is the root of all mantras. The
Grace of the Guru is the root of salvation.
Prostrations to the Guru, iv, the essence of Satchidananda, worldless, peaceful,
supportless and effulgent.

Garland of Prayers


om am no mitrah am varua
am no bhavatv aryam
am no indro bhaspati
am no viur urukrama
namo brahmae namaste vyo
tvam eva pratyakam brahmsi
tvm pratyakam brahma vadiymi
tam vadiyami satyam vadiymi
tan mm avatu tad vaktram avatu
avatu mm avatu vaktram
om ti ti ti
om saha nvavatu saha nau bhunaktu
saha vryam karavvahai
tejasvinvadhtam astu m vidvivahai
om ti ti ti
om ya candasm abho vivarpa
chandobhyo dhamtat sambabhva
sa mendro medhay spotu
amtasya devadhrao bhyasm
arram me vicaraam jihv me madhumattam
karbhym bhri viruvam
brahmaa koso si medhay pithita
rutam me gopya
om ti ti ti
om aham vkasya reriva krtih pham girer iva
rdhva pavitro vjinvasvamtamasmi
draviam savarcasam sumedh amtokita
iti triakor vednuvacanam
om ti ti ti

Garland of Prayers


om pramada pram idam prat pram udacyate

prasya pram dya pram ev vaiyate
om ti ti ti
om pyyantu mamgni vk pras caku
rotram atho balam indriyni ca sarvi sarvam brahmopaniadam
mham brahma nirkurym m m brahma nirkarod
anirkaraam astv anirkaraam me astu
tad tmani nirate ya upaniatsu dharms
te mayi santu te mayi santu
om ti ti ti
om vg me manasi pratihit mano me vci
pratihitam virvirma edhi vedasya ma stha
rutam me m prahsr anendhtena horatrt
samdadhmy tam vadiymi satyam vadiymi
tan mm avatu tad vaktram avatu avatu mm
avatu vaktram avatu vaktram
om ti ti ti
om bhadram no apivtaya mana
om ti ti ti
om bhadram karebhi uuyma dev
bhadram payem kabhir yajatr
sthirair agai stuuvmsas tanbhir
vyaema devahitam yad yu
svasti na indro vddharav
svasti nah p viva ved
svasti nas trkyo arisanemi
svasti no bhaspatir dadhtu
om ti ti ti
om yo brahmam vidadhti prvam
yo vai vedmca prahioti tasmai
tam ha devam tma buddhi prakam

Garland of Prayers


mumukur vai araam aham prapadye

om ti ti ti
May Mitra be blissful to us. May Varua be blissful to us. May Aryam be blissful to us.
May Indra and Brihaspati be blissful to us. May Viu, of long strides be blissful to us.
Salutation to Brahman. Salutation to you, O Vyu. You, indeed, are the immediate
Brahman. You alone I shall call the direct Brahman. I shall call yourighteousness. I shall
call you truth. May He protect me. May He protect the teacher. May He protect me. May
He protect the teacher. Om, peace, peace, peace!
May He protect us both (the teacher and the taught) together (by revealing knowledge).
May He protect us borht (by vouchsafing the results of knowledge). May we attain
vigour together. Let what we study be invigorating. May we not cavil at each other. Om,
peace, peace, peace!
The Om that is the most exalted in the Vedas, that pervades all the worlds, and that
emerged from the immortal Vedas as their quintessence, may He (Om that is Indra), the
Supreme Lord, gratify me with intelligence. O Lord, may I be the receptacle of
immortality. May my body be fit; may my tongue be surpassingly sweet; may I hear
much through the ears. You are the sheath of Brahman; you are covered by (worldly)
wisdom. Protect what I have heard.
I am the invigorator of the tree (of the world). My fame is high like the ridge of a
mountain. My source is the pure (Brahman). I am like that pure reality (of the Self0 that
is in the sun. I am the effulgent wealth. I am possessed of a fine intellect and I am
immortal and undecaying. Thus was the statement of Trisanku after the attainment of
realisation. Om, peace, peace, peace!
Om. That (Supreme Brahman) is infinite, and this (conditioned Brahman) is infinite.
The infinite (conditioned Brahman) proceeds from the infinite (Supreme Brahman).
(Then through knowledge), taking the infinite of the infinite (conditioned Brahman), it
remains as the infinite (unconditioned Brahman) alone. Om, peace, peace, peace!
May my limbs, speech, vital force, eyes, ears, as also strength and all the organs, become
well developed. Everything is the Brahman revealed in the Upaniads. May I not deny
Brahman; may not Brahman deny me. Let there be no spurning (of me by Brahman), let
there be no rejection (of Brahman) by me. May all the virtues that are (spoken of) in the
Upaniads repose in me who am engaged in the pursuit of the Self; may they repose in
me. Om, peace, peace, peace!
May my speech be based on (i.e., accord with) the mind; may my mind be based on
speech. O self-effulgent One, reveal Thyself to me. May you both (speech and mind) be
the carriers of the Veda to me. May not all that I have heard depart from me. I shall join
together (i.e., obliterate the difference of) day and night through this study. I shall utter
what is verbally true; I shall utter what is mentally true. May That (Brahman) protect
me, may That protect the speaker (i.e., the teacher). May That protect me; may That
protect the speaker. Om, peace, peace, peace!
May my mind and all these be good and well.

Garland of Prayers


Om! O gods, may we hear auspicious words with the ears; while engaged in sacrifices,
may we see suspicious things with the eyes; while praising the gods with steady limbs,
may we enjoy a life that is beneficial to the gods.
May Indra of ancient fame be auspicious to us; may the supremely rich (or all-knowing)
Pusa (god of the earth) be propitious to us; may Garuda, the destroyer of evil, be well
disposed towards us; may Brhaspati ensure our welfare. Om peace, peace, peace!
To Him who ordains Brahma the Creator in the beginning and who delivers to him the
Vedas, to that self-effulgent Being, I, desirous of liberation, resort for refuge. Om, peace,
peace, peace!

Garland of Prayers


jaya ganea jaya ganea jaya ganea phi mm
r gaea r gaea r gaea raka mm
jaya sarasvati jaya sarasvati jaya sarasvati phi mm
r sarasvati r sarasvati r sarasvati raka mm
jaya r durge jaya r durge jaya r durge phi mm
jaya r durge jaya r durge jaya r durge raka mm
jaya r kli jaya r kli jaya r kli phi mm
jaya r kli jaya r kli jaya r kli raka mm
jaya r lakm jaya r lakm jaya r lakm phi mm
jaya r lakm jaya r lakm jaya r lakm raka mm
aravaabhava aravaabhava aravaabhava phi mm
subramaya subramaya subramaya raka mm
datttreya datttreya datttreya phi mm
dattaguru dattaguru dattaguru raka mm
gag rani gag rani gag rani phi mm
bhgrati bhgrati bhgrati raka mm
rjarjevari rjarjevari rjarjevari phi mm
tripurasundari tripurasundari tripurasundari raka mm
satgurudev satgurudev satgurudev phi mm
satgurudev satgurudev satgurudev raka mm
ivnanda ivnanda ivnanda phi mm
ivnanda ivnanda ivnanda raka mm
vekaea vekaea vekaea phi mm
vekaea vekaea vekaea raka mm
janeya janeya janeya phi mm
hanmanta hanmanta hanmanta raka mm
om jesus om jesus om jesus om
om allah om allah om allah om
om tat sat om tat sat om tat sat om
Garland of Prayers


om nti om nti om nti om

hare rma hare rma rma rma hare hare
hare ka hare ka ka ka hare hare

Garland of Prayers


dityya dityya dityya phi mm
anaicarya anaicarya anaicarya raka mm
dityya dityya dityya phi mm
bhskarya bhskarya bhskarya raka mm
ambike mahevari varda ankari
bhakta varda ankari om varda ankari
jaya varda ankari varda ankari tripurasundari
istha varapradayini ajna bhanjanij
jaya mahevari rpururesvari
jaya mahevari camundesvari
ambike mahevari varda ankari
janeya vra hanmanta ura
vyu kumra vnara dhra
r rma dta jaya hanmanta
jaya jaya siyarma ki jaya bolo hanmna ki
rma lakmana jnaki jaya bolo hanmna ki
jaya siyarma jaya jaya siyarma (2)
jaya hanmna jaya jaya hanmna (2)
agaa bham agaa bham bhje damru
nce sadiva jagadguru
nce brahma nce viu nce mahdeva
kappar leke kli nce nce dideva
bhakavatsala govinda
bhgavata prya govinda
patitapvana govinda
parmadaylo govinda
nandamukunda govinda
navantacora govinda

Garland of Prayers


veuvilola govinda
vijaya gopla govinda
govinda jaya govinda
gopla jaya govinda
bhaja govinda govinda gopla
r ka kanhaiya tum nandalla (bhaja.)
mt yasod mkan baloche
mkan khvo tum nandalla (bhaja.)
yamun ke tra gava charvata
bansi bajvo tum nandalla (bhaja.)
vdvana ki kunja galn me
rsa racvo prabhu nandalla (bhaja.)
mr ke prabhu hgirdhara ngara
araname rkho tum nandalla (bhaja.)
bhaja govinda jaya gopla
bhaja mral manochara nandalla (bhaja.)
bhaja mana rma rma dina sr (2)
rma rma jin gte hain
un hday me rma samte hain
bhajo rma bhajo rma bhajo rma (bhaja mana.)
rma hi bahar rama hi bhtara
rma hi aparampra
bhajo rma bhajo rma bhajo rma (bhaja mana.)
starma rdheyma
jaya ka jaya hare hare
rdheyma rdheyma rdheyma (bhaja mana.)
ivnnda ivnnda satguru ivnnda
gurudeva gurudeva gurudeva (bhaja mana.)
vekaea vekaea sadguru vekaea
hari om hari om hari om (bhaja mana.)

Garland of Prayers


bhaja rdhe govinda gopla tera pyr nma he

gopla tera pyr nma he
gopla tera pyr nma he
nandalla ter pyr nma he
bhajore bhaiya rmagovinda hari (2)
japa tapa sadhana nahin kacu lagata
kharcata nahin gathari (bhajore.)
santata sampata sukha ke karana
jasa bhula pari (bhajore.)
kahata kabira rma na ja mukha
ta mukha dhula bhari (bhajore.)
rma govinda hari rma govinda
bol hard bol hari hari hari bol
keava mdhava govinda bol
kais pyr sundara nm
ka kaho che kaho rma (keava.)
rma kaho ya kaho rahaman
rma ki mahima he anmol (keava.)
candraekhara candraekhara candraekhara
sambaiva hare
sambasadiva sambasadiva sambasadiva
smbaiva hare
ambho mahdeva ambho mahdeva ambho maddeva
sambaiva hare
nlakaa nlakaa nklakaa

Garland of Prayers


cidnand cidnand cidnand hum

har hlme almastha satcidnanda hum
ajarnand amarnand acalnanda hum
har hlme almastha satchidnanda hum
nirbhaya sur nicita cidghannanda hum
kaivalya kevala kuastha nanda hum
nitya uddha siddha satcidnanda hum
knowledge-bliss, knowledge-bliss, bliss absolute
in all conditions I am knowledge-bliss absolute
I am without old age, without death, without motion
in all conditions I am knowledge-bliss-absolute
I am without fear, without worry, bliss absolute
existence absolute, knowledge absolute
independent, unchanting, non-dual tm
immortal tm
advaita tm
eternal, pure, perfect, knowledge-bliss absolute


more rma (2)

more rma (4)
ghanayma (2)
ghanayma (4)
mahdeva (2)
mahdeva (4)
gurudeva (2)
gurudeva (4)

datttreya tava araam

dattannta bhava haraam
dattaguru jaya dattaguru
pra guru avadta guru

Garland of Prayers


magalam yogivaryya mahanya gubhaye

gagatra nivsya r ivnndya agalam (2)
deva deva ivnnda dnabandhu phi mm
candravadana mandahsa premarpa raka mm
madhura gta gnalola jnarpa phi mm
samastaloka pjanya mohanga raka mm (deva deva.)
divya gaga travsa dna la phi mm
ppa haraa puyala parmaspurua raka mm
bhaktaloka hdayavsa svaminatha phi mm
citsvarupa cidnanda ivnnda raka mm (deva deva.)
satguru jaya satguru jaya satguru jaya phi mm
satguru jaya satguru jaya satguru jaya raka mm
satgurudev ivnnda satgurudev phi mm
satgurudev ivnnda satgurudev raka mm
durgati nini durg jaya jaya
kla vinini kli jaya jaya
uma rma brahmni jaya jaya
rdhsit rukmini jaya jaya
smbasadiva smbasadiva
smabasdiva jaya jaya sakara
jaya m durg jaya m tr
jaya gaea jaya suba gr
jaya jagadambe jaya jagadambe
jaya jagadambe jaya m durge
gaea araam araam gaea
gopla araam araam gopla
muruga araam araam muruga
r durga araam araam r durga
r lakm araam araam r lakm
r vani araam araam r vani
r rma araam araam r rma
Garland of Prayers


mahadeva araam araam mahadeva

gurudeva araam araam gurudeva




gopla (2) gokulanandana gopla

navanitaoor gopla
nandakumra gopla (gopla .)
praa purua gopla
paarintha gopla (gopla .)
govinda govinda govinda govinda govinda govinda
gopla rdhe
govindha rdhe
gopla rdhe (govinda.)
govinda jaya jaya gopla jaya jaya
rdh ramaa hari govinda jaya jaya
govinda hari hari gopla hari hari
jaya jhaya he prabhu dnadayla hari
akara jaya jaya iva hara jaya jaya
uma ramaa iva akara jaya jaya
gag ki jaya jaya devi ki jaya jaya
gauri ramaa iva akti ki jaya jaya
guru maharj guru jaya jaya
para brahma satguru jaya jaya
guru maharj guru jaya jaya
ivnnda satguru jaya jaya (guru maharj.)
Garland of Prayers


vekaea satguru jaya

daynanda satguru jaya jaya
rmaka satguru jaya jaya
kabir dsa satguru jaya jaya
tulsidsa satguru jaya jaya
buddhadeva satguru jaya
iesunta satguru jaya jaya
hari nryaa bhaja nryaa (4)
haro rma goplam govindam mama jvanam (4)
hari nryaa govinda dri jaya nryaa govinda
nryaa govinda mukhunda
acyuta parmannda (hari.)
bhaktavatsala govinda hari nryaa govinda
bhgavata priya govinda hari nryaa govinda (hari.)
veuvilol govinda hari nryaa govinda
vijaya gopla govinda hari nryaa govinda (hari.)
nryaa nryaa nryaa om om (6)
jagaduvar day karo m
siva ankari kp karo m
devi iva akari kp karo m
sarvevar rak karo m
paramevar bhal karo m
iva ankar kp karo m
devi iva akari kp karo m
jaya gaea jaya gaea jaya gaea deva
mt gauri prvati pit mahdeva (jaya gaea.)
koyi carve pan phul koyi carve mev
koyi carve dp dhp tulasi kare sev (jaya gaea .)
jaya jagadambe mt bhavani
ari bhuvanesvari trilokapalini

Garland of Prayers


jaya jagadambe mt bhavani

he iva ankari uma mahevari
jaya jaya jaya mahisasura mardini
namo namo jaya jagadisa mt
jaya jagadambe mt bhavani
jaya gurudeva bhole bhle
tum ko lkhon pranm (2)
na ham me bala he na ham me buddhi
na ham me sdhan na ham me bhakti (jaya gurudev.)
arana me ye ham tumhre
day karo day karo day karo
he daylu gurudeva (jaya gurudeva.)
jaya guru iva guru hari guru rma
jagad guru param guru sadguru yma
di guru advaita guru nanda guru om
cidguru cidghana guru cinmaya guru om (jaya guru.)
jaya jaya rmaka govinda nryaa
rmaka govinda nryaa
om nryaa hari nryaa
rmaka govinda nryaa
namo nryaa namo nryaa
rmaka govinda nryaa
jaya mahkli jaya mahdurg
kappar tul dhari
kappar tul dhari mt
kappar tul dhari (2)
jaya mahkli jaya mahadurga
candanamndana mri
candanamndana mri amba
candanamndana mri (2) (jaya mahkli.)
jaya nryaa (3) jaya jaya jaya
jaya siyrma jaya (3) jaya jaya jaya
Garland of Prayers



rdheyma jaya (3) jaya jaya jaya

r durge jaya (3) jaya jaya jaya
r lakm jaya (3) jaya jaya jaya
r vni jaya (3) jaya jaya jaya
hanumn jaya (3) jaya jaya jaya
gurudeva jaya (3) jaya jaya jaya

jaya iva akara nammi akara

iva akara ambho (3)
jaya iva akara jaya tripurr
jaya gangdhara jaya madanr
smbasadaiva sambasadasiva
smbasadaiva smba ivom hara (jaya iva.)
ambho akara gauris iva
ambho akara gauris
akara iva akara iva
akara iva akara (jaya iva.)
dnabandhu dnanatha vivantha jaya vibho
phi mm he raka mm prnantha he prabho (jaya iva.)
jaya siyrma jaya jaya siyrma
jaya rdheyma jaya jaya rdheyma
dasaratha nandana jaya siyrma
jaya raghunandana jaya siyrma
raghupati rghava rj rma
patita pvana sit rma
jnaki vallabha sit rma
gag yamun sit rma (jaya siyrma .)
jis hlme jis deme jis veme raho
rdharma (3) kaho
rdharma (3) kaho (bis)
jis kmme jis gnvme jis dhmme raho
rdhrama (3) kaho
jis jis rogme jis bhogme jis yogme raho
Garland of Prayers


rdhrama (3) kaho

jis sagme jis rage jis agme raho
rdhrama (3) kaho
khelati mama hday r rma
khelati mama hday r rma
moha mahrnava traka kr
ragadvea mukhsura mr (khelati.)
santi videha suta sahacari
daharayodhy nagara vihr (khelati.)
paraamahamsa smrjyoddhr
satya jna ananta arr (khelati.)
rma rma rma rma rma rma trakam
rmaka vsudeva bhakti mukti dyakam
jnaki manoharam sarvaloka nyakam
akardi sevyamna puya nma krtanam
kodaa rma jaya rma
kalyna rma jaya rma
pattbhirma jaya rma
nanda rma jaya rma
r rma jaya rma jaya jaya rma (4)

rm bole koyi ym bole

bole st rm (3)
rm bolo koyi ym bole
bolo rdheym (3)
rm bole koyi ym bole
bole ivnnda (3)
rm bole koyi ym bole
bole vekaea (3)
rm bole koyi ym bole
bole rmaka (3)

ka ka mukhunda janrdana
ka govinda nryaa hare (3)
Garland of Prayers


acyutnanda govinda mdhava

satchidnanda nryaa hare (ka ka .)
ka murr jaya giridhr
rdhe rdhe ym re (2)
ka gopla jaya nandalla
mrali bansi vla (2)
bhagava ivnnda sadguruntha
rdhe rdhe ym re (2)
bhagavan vekaea sadguruntha
rdhe rdhe ym re (2)
ka pyare yma re
daran dikhate kion nahn (3)
ka pyre yma re
bansi bajte kion nahn (3)
ka pyre yma re
gita sunate kion nahin (3)
ka pyre yma re
makhan curte kion nahn (3)
ka pyre yma re
gaiya carate kion nahn (3)
hari om namo nryanya om namo nryanya
ka rma rma govinda hari hari
ka rma rma govinda mdhava
ka rma rma govinda keava
viu sadnanda veugopla bla
ka rma rma govinda hari hari
ka ka gt javo
ka k nma pyr hai
murali madhuri sunt hai
ka kanhaiya ll hare
rma rma gt jvo
rma k nm pyr hai
yma hare ghanyma hare
yma hare ghanym a hare
Garland of Prayers


govinda gopla
yma murr more nandalla
mtji mtji gte hain ham nm tumhre
kli mt koyi bolte hain
durg mt koyi bolte hain
tum he sr jaga ke janan (2)
gte ahin ham nm tumhre
akti mt koyi bolte hain
sarasvati mt koyi bolte hain
lakm mt koyi bolte hain
tum he sara jaga ke janan
gte hain ham nm tumhre
mukhunda mdhava govinda bol
keava mdhava hari hari bol
hari hari bol hari hari bol
ka ka bol ka ka bol (mukhunda.)
rma rma bol rma rma bol
iva iva bol iva iva bol (mukhunda.)
ivnnda bol ivnnda bol
vekaea bol vekaea bol (mukhunda.)
natavaralla giridhara gopla
jaya jaya nanda yaoda ke bla
sra sra sab ke sra
rdha rasikavara rsa vihra (natavara.)
sphatika sphatika maya gopimandaladhma
gopi gopi madhya marakata yma (natavara.)
dhanya dhanya vrajagopi dhanya ho
dhanya vndvana kunja dhanya ho
vraja khaga mga sab dhanya dhanya ho
vraja rja yamun pulina dhanya ho (natavara)
arata prnima nirmala yamun
adbhuta rsa mahotsava anupama (natavara.)
r ka caitanya prabhu nitynanda (6) (natavara.)

Garland of Prayers


om guruntha jaya guruntha

satguruntha jaya guruntha
nanda guru om (4) (om guruntha.)
dnantha dnabandhu divyasvarpa satguruntha
om guruntha jaya guruntha
gurur brahm gurur viu gurur devo mahevara
guruh skt para brahma tasmai r satgurave nama
tasmai r satgurave tasmai r satgurave nama
nanda guru om nanda guru om (6)
satguru jaya guru satcidnanda guru
nanda guru om nanda guru om (2) (om guruntha.)
om guruntha jaya guruntha
satguruntha jaya guruntha
om guruntha jaya ivnnda
om guruntha jaya vekaea
nanda guru satcidnanda guru om
om hari om hari om hari om hari om hari om hari om (2)
nryaa hari (3) om
om nama ivna (3) om
guru maharj gurudeva (3) satguru ivnnda
guru maharj gurudeva (3) satguru vekaea
bhagavan r rmaka (3) om
om namah ivya (4)
ivya nama om (3) nama ivya
iva (4) ivya nama
hara (4) nama ivya
smbasadiva (3) smba ivom hara
iva iva akara hara hara akara
nammi akara bhavni akara
iva iva akara hara hara akara
jaya jaya akara nammi akara (om nama ivaya.)
om namo bhagvate vsudevya
Garland of Prayers


iva iva iva om nama ivaya

uddhva jaya jaya mdhava jaya jaya
rdhramaa hari govinda jaya jaya
r ka govinda hare murre
he ntha nryaa vsudeva
akara jaya jaya iva hara jaya jaya
um rmaa iva akara jaya jaya
om akti om akti om akti om (2)
brahma akti viuh akti iva akti om
di akti mah akti par aktio om
icch akti kriya akti jna akti om (om akti .)
om iva om iva omkara iva
um mahevara tava araam
nammi akara bhavni akara
girij akara tava araam
prantha guruntha rta vatsala guruntha
advaita mrte guruntha nanda dyaka guruntha
brahasvarpa guruntha brahmananda guruntha
papa vinasake guruntha parma daylo guruntha
akti dyaka guruntha bhakti dayka guruntha
buddhi dyaka guruntha mukti dyaka guruntha
mt twameva guruntha pit twameva guruntha
twameva bandhu guruntha sarvam twameva guruntha
guruntha jaya guruntha (4)

mama bandhu
day sindhu

Garland of Prayers


radho govinda bhajo rdhe gopla (2)

jaya jaya govinda bhajo jaya jaya govinda
jaya jaya rdeyma bhajo jaya jaya rdheyma
jaya jaya siyarma bhajo jaya jaya siyrma
jaya jaya hanumn banjo jaya jaya hanumn
jaya jaya r durge bhajo jaya jaya r durge
jaya jaya r lakm bhajo jaya jaya r lakm
jaya jaya r vani bhajo jaya jaya r vni
jaya jaya mahdeva bhajo jaya jaya mahdeva
jaya jaya gurudeva banjo jaya jaya gurudeva
rma ka govinda nryaa (2)
ka rma govinda nryaa (2)
nryaa nryaa nryaa (2)
rma ka nryaa govinda murri
govinda murri mukhunda murri
madhsudana nryaa govinda murri
govinda murri mukhunda murri
satchidnanda nryaa govinda murri
govinda murri mukhunda murri
govardhana giridhri govinda murri
govinda murari mukhunda murri
keava dmodara govinda murri
govinda murri mukhunda murri
nitynanda gopla govinda murri
govinda murri mukhunda murri



siyrma bolo (4)

r hanmanta bolo
gopla ka bolo
iva akara bolo
sadgurudeva bolo
ivnanda bolo
vekaea bolo

rma rma rma sit rma rma rma (6)

Garland of Prayers


rma sumir rma sumir (2)

ehi tero kj hai (rma sunir.)
my ko sanga tyga
hari ki araa lga
jagat sukha mna mithy
jhuta sab sja hai (rma sumir.)
naka jana kahata bta
bin jaiha tero ghata
cin cinkri gayau kla
taise jt j hai (rma sumir.)
rma rma rma rma rma rma rma rma (2)
rma rma rma rma rma rma tarakam
rma ka vsudeva bhakti mukti dyakam
jnaki manoharam sarvaloka nyakam
akardi sevyamna punya nma kirtanam
om nama ivya (4)
om namo bhagavate vasudevya (2)
om namo nryanya (4)
rma se koyi milde mujhe
rma se koyi milde
bina lth ka nikal andh
rha se koyi lagde (rma se.)
koyi kahe vo base hain avadha me
koyi kahe vo vdvana me
koyi kahe ttha mandira me
koyi kahe milte vo man me
dekh sakn me apne man me
koyi aissi jyoti jalde raddh jyoti jalde
bhakti jyoti jalde jna jyoti jalde (rma se.)
sambho mahdeva candraca
akara smbasadiva
gagdhara kailavs
phi mm prvati ramaa
ivya ivya ivya nama om
Garland of Prayers


iva ya nama om harya nama om

iva iva iva iva ivya nama om
ivya namah om haraya nama om (3) (ambho.)
satcidnanda guru r ivnanda (2)
guruntha gurntha satguruntha guruntha
apra mahima guruntha kpa sgar guruntha
dnadaylu guruntha pariprakplu guruntha
akara guru jaya akara guru
akara bhagavadpda akara guru



parmadaylu raka mm
dnadaylu raka mm
dnadaylu raka mm
ivnanda raka mm
vekaea raka mm

satyam jnam anantam brahma (6)

satyam brahma jnam brahma anantam brahma
satyam jnam anantam brhama (3)
ntam ivan avaitam brahma
ekam evdvityam brahma
satyam jnam anantam brahma
anmugantha mm phi
aravanabhavaguha mm phi
ambhukumra mm phi
svmintha mm phi
iva iva iva iva gagdhara (4).hare.
ambho akara amba iva iva gagdhara.hare.
sitrma kaho rdheyma kaho (2)
sitrma bin sukha svapne nahn
rhdeyma bin koyi apn nahn (sitrma.)
sitrma bin sukha kaun kare
rdheyma bin dukha kaun kare (sitrma.)
Garland of Prayers


sitrma bin uddhra nahn

rahdeyma bin be pra nahn (sitrma .)
r ka govinda hare murre
he ntha nryaa vsudeva (2)
kam vande jagadgurum r
r kam vande jagadgurum (2)
prasda devaa jagannivs (2)
r ka caitaya Prabhu nitynanda
hare ka hare rma r rdhe govinda (2)
r ka araam mama (4)
r rma araam nama (4)
r durg araam mama (4)
r lakm araam mama (4)
r vni araam mama (4)
r gurudeva araam mama (4)
rman nryaa nryaa nryaa (4)
yaja nryaa nryaa nryaa
lakm nryaa nryaa nryaa
srya nryaa nryaa nryaa
satya nryaa nryaa nryaa
badri nryaa nryaa nryaa
guru nryaa nryaa nryaa
r rma jaya rma jaya jaya rma om (4)
gurudeva guruntha araam mama om (4)
r rma jaya rma jaya jaya rma om (4)
bhagavan ivnnda jaya jaya rma om
bhagavan vekaea jaya jaya rma om
r rma jaya rma jaya jaya rma (6)
raghupati rghava rjarma
patitapvana strma
strma jaya strma
rdheyma jaya rdheyma
bhagavan ivnnda rma rma rma
Garland of Prayers


bhagavan vekaea rma rma rma (r rma .)

rnivsa govinda r vekaea govinda
praa purua govinda
pandarivsa govinda (rnivsa.)
apad bandhava govinda
anatharakaka govinda (rnivsa.)
vekataramaa govinda
sakata haraa govinda (rnivsa.)
tirupativsa govinda
tirumalaivsa govinda (rnivsa.)
govinda hari govinda
gopla hari gopala (rnivsa.)
sunja sunja sunja ka
tu gitvl jna sunj ka
pilde pilde pilde ka
tu prem bhar pyla pilde ka
dikhj dikhj dikhj ka
tu mdhuri ki mrti dikhj ka
lagj lagj lagj ka
mere naiyko pra lagj ka
va putaka dhrini amb
vni jaya jaya phi mm
akti dyini phi mm bhukti dyini phi mm
bhakti dyini phi mm mukti dyini phi mm
vipinavihr rdheyma kunjavihr rdheyma
bankivihr rdheyma devako nandana rdheyma
gopka vallabha rdheyma rdh vallabha rdheyma
ka murr rdheyma karu sgara rdheyma
bhakti dyaka rdheyma akti dyaka rdheyma
buddhi dyaka rdheyma mukti dyaka rdheyma
satcidnanda rdheyma satgururpa rdheyma
sarvarpa r rdheyma sarvanma r rdheyma
Garland of Prayers


rdheyma jaya rdheyma (5)

yamun tra vihr vdavana sacri
govardhana giridhr gopla ka murr
daaratha nandana rma rma
dasamukha mardana rma rma
paupati rajana rma rma
ppa vimocana rma rma
ayodhya vsi rma namo
gokula vsi ka namo
vaikuha vsi viu namo
kaila vsi akara namo
jaya r rdhe jaya nandanandana
jaya jaya gopi jana manarajana
om guruntha jaya guruntha (5)
rdh ka gopla ka
yamun tra vihri gopla ka
vdvana sacri gopla ka
praa purua gopla ka
punya caritra gopla ka
gopala gopala gopla ka
rdh rdh rdhka
rdh ka
gopla ka

Garland of Prayers


brahma here brahma there brahma brahma everywhere
god is one god is one god is one for everyone
rma here rma there rma rma everywhere (god.)
ka here ka there ka ka ka everywhere (god.)
buddha here Buddha there Buddha Buddha everywhere (god.)
jesus here jesus there jesus jesus everywhere (god.)
allah here allah there allah allah everywhere (god.)
hare rma hare rma rma rma hare hare
hare ka hare ka ka ka hare hare
eat a little, drink a little, speak a little, sleep a little,
mix a little, move a little, serve a little, think a little,
help a little, give a little, study a little, worship a little,
do japa a little, do kirtan a little, write mantra a little, reflect a little,
do asana a little, pranyama a little, meditate a little, do vichra a little.
hare rma hare rma rma rma hare hare
hare ka hare ka ka ka hare hare
o my jesus, o lord jesus, hail hail jesus, o saviour saviour
o my mary, o virgin mary, hail hail mary, o mother mother
o my buddha, o lord buddha, hail hail buddha, o father father
o my allah, o lord allah, hail hail allah, o khuda khuda
o my akti, o adi akti, hail hail akti, o mother mother
ivnanda ivnanda satguruntha ivnanda
vekaea vekaea satguruntha vekaea
Is there not a nobler mission than eating, drinking and sleeping?
it is difficult to get a human birth, therefore try your best
to realise in this birth
fie on that wretch, woe to that man

Garland of Prayers


who wastes all his time in sensual pleasures

Time sweeps away kings and barons
where is yuddhistir? Where is ashoka?
where is Shakespeare? Where is valmiki?
where is napoleon? Where is shivaji?
be up and doing yogic Sadhana
you will enjoy supreme bliss
be up and doin brahma vichara
you will attain immortality, kaivalya moksha
can you expect reals santi if you waste your time
in novels, newspapers,
in fights and quarrels,
in scandal, backbiting,
in cards and cinemas,
in smoking and drinking?
can you expect supreme peace if you waste your time
in idle-gossiping?
when your throat is choked at the time of death
who will help you for our salvation?
practise ahimsa, satyam, brahmacharya
this is the foundation of yoga vedanta
practise srvan, manam, nidhidhysan,
you will attain self-realisation
all is jalam, all is jugglery
all is mayas trick, all is mayas frown
o mom o mom o mom om (2)
to the right is om to the left is om
in front is om
above is om below is om behind is om
everywhere is om

Garland of Prayers


serenity regularity absence of vanity

sincerity simplicity veracity
equanimity fixity non-irritability
adaptability humility tenacity
integrity nobility magnanimity
charity generosity purity
practise daily these eighteen ities
you will soon attain immortality
brahman is the only real entity
mr. so-and-so is a false non-entity
you will abide in infinity and eternity
you will behold unity in diversity
you cannot attain this in the university
but you can attain this in the Forest University
serve love give purify meditate realise
be good do good be kind be compassionate
enquire who am I? know the self and be free
adapt adjust accommodate
bear insult bear injury highest Sadhana
find the knower find the seer find the hearer
find the taster find the smeller
you are not this body not this mind
immortal self you are
devotion dedication and discipline
discrimination dispassion determination
satsang santoa sat vichra
solitude seclusion and silence
these are the aids to self-realisation
detach attach detach and attach (2)
Garland of Prayers


attach it to the lord

d.i.n. d.i.n. d.i.n. do it now do it now do it now
k.i.v. k.i.v. k.i.v. keep in view keep in view keep in view
seek find enter and rest
this is the way this is the truth this is life divine
peace for all, peace for all
for all the countries peace
joy for all, joy for all
for all the nations joy
a rose morning peace
a smiling summer joy
all for each and each for all
this is the golden rule
life and light and love for all
for all that live our love
work and food and clothes for all
equal status for all
health and home and school for all
a happy world for all
no idle rich no more beggars
all are equal workers
no more tears no more fears
the heart is full of cheers
no atom scare no fat mammom
no room for war demon
like leaves on trees like rays in sun
we are one communion
one divine communion

Garland of Prayers


the good in you is good for all

your life is life for all
the god in you is god for all
your love is love for all
for he or she or it or rest
this collective life is best
this universal life is best
north or south or east or west
peace for plants and birds and beasts
for hills and streams and woods
peace in homeland and air and sea
dynamic peace we see
peace for all peace for all
immortal peace for all
r rma jaya rama jaya jaya rma (6)
take my life and let it be
consecrated lord to thee
take my moments and my days
let them flow in ceaseless praise
take my hands and let them move
at the impulse of thy love
take my feet and let them be
swift and beautiful for thee
take my voice and let me sing
always only for my king
take my lips and let them be
filled with messages from thee
take my silver and my gold
not a mite would I withhold
Garland of Prayers


take my intellect and use

every power as thou shalt choose
take my will and make it thine
it shall be no longer mine
take my heart it is thine own
it shall be thy royal throne
take my love my lord I pour
at thy feet its treasure store
take myself and I will be
every only all for thee
r rma jaya rma jaya jaya rma (6)

Garland of Prayers


hare rma hare rma rma rma hare hare
hare ka hare ka ka ka hare hare

Maha Mrtyunjaya Mantra

om trayambakam yajmahe sugandhim pui vardhanam
urvrukamiva bandhann mtyor mukya mmtt

om jaya jaya rati vighavinyaka
vighnavinyaka r gaea
jaya jaya rati subrmanya
subrmaya krtikeya
jaya jaya rati veugopla
veugopla veulola
ppavidra navtacora
jaya jaya rati vekataramaa
vekataramaa sakataharaa
strma rdheyma
jaya jaya rati gauri manohara
gauri manohara bhavani akara
jaya jaya rati rajarjevar
rajarjevar tripurasundari
mahlakm mahsarasvati
mahkli mahakti
jaya jaya rati janeya
janeya hanmanta
jaya jaya rati datttreya
datttreya trimrti avatra
jaya jaya rati anaicarya
anaicarya bhskarya
jaya jaya rati sadguruntha

Garland of Prayers


sadguruntha ivnanda
jaya jaya rati sadguruntha
sadguruntha vekaea
jaya jaya rati veugopla

Katha Upanishad Mantra

om na tatra sryo bhti na candra trakam
nema vidyuta bhnti kutoyam agni
tameva vbhntam anubhti sarvam
tasya bhs sarvam idam vibhti

Prayers to the Seven Rivers

gage ca yamune caiva godvar sarasvat
narmade sindhu kver namastubhyam namo nama

Peace Prayers
om sarvem svasti bhavatu
sarvem ntir bhavatu
sarvem prnam bhavatu
sarvem magalam bhavatu
sarve bhavantu sukhina
sarve santu nirmay
sarve bhadri payantu
ma kacit dukha bhgbhavet
asato m sat gamaya
tamaso m jyotirgamaya
mtyor m amtam gamaya
om pramada pramidam prt pramudacyate
prasya pramadya pramev vaisyate
om ti ti ti

Prayer of Surrender
kyena vc manasendryairv
buddhytmnav prakter svabhvd
karomi yad yad sakalam parasmai
nryayeti samarpaymi
Garland of Prayers


Swami Sivananda
A mantra is a divinity. The mantra and its presiding Devata are one. The mantra itself is
devata. Mantra is divine power, manifesting in a sound body. Constant repetition of the
mantra with faith, devotion and purity augments the sakti or power of the aspirant,
purifies and awakens the mantra chaitanya latent in the mantra, and bestows on the
aspirant illumination, freedom, peace, eternal bliss and immortality.
By constant repetition of the mantra, the aspirant imbibes the virtues and powers of the
deity that presides over the mantra. Mantras are in the form of praise and appeal to the
deities, craving for help and mercy. Some mantras control and command the evil spirits.
Rhythmical vibrations of sound give rise to forms. Recitation of the mantras give rise to
the formation of the particular figure of the deity.
Chronic diseases can be cured by mantras. Chanting of mantras generates potent
spiritual waves or divine vibrations. Mantras penetrate the physical and astral bodies of
the patients and remove the root causes of sufferings. They fill the cells with pure sattva
or divine energy. They destroy the microbes and vivify the cells and tissues. They are
best, most potent antiseptics and germicides. They are more potent than ultra-violet
rays or Rontgen rays.
Mantra siddhi (powers) should not be misused for the destruction of others. Those who
misuse the mantra power for destroying others are themselves destroyed in the end.
Those who utilise the mantra power in curing snake bites, scorpion stings and chronic
diseases should not accept any kind of present or money. They must be absolutely
unselfish. They should not accept even fruits or clothes. They will lose the power if they
utilise it for selfish purposes. If they are absolutely unselfish, if they serve humanity with
devotion, their power will increase through the grace of the Lord.
Get the mantra initiation from your Guru. Or pray to your Ishta Devata (chosen deity)
and start doing japa of the particular mantra if you find it difficult to get a Guru.

Garland of Prayers



hare rma hare rma rma rma hare hare
hare ka hare ka ka ka hare hare
These sixteen words destroy the evil effects of the Kali Yuga (Iron Age). They remove the
veil of ignorance of the jiva, surrounded by sixteen kalas (rays). Then like the sun which
shines in full effulgence after the clouds are dispersed, parabrahman alone shines in full
splendour. r Nrada asked: O Lord, may I know the rules to be observed in the
repetition of this mantra? Brahma replied: There is no rule. Whoever in a pure or
impure state utters this always, attains Salokya (the same world of), Sampya (proximity
with), Sarpya (the form of) and Sayujya (absorption into) Brahman (Infinite). So this
mantra is very very effective in this Kali Yuga.
Om trayambakam yajmahe sugandhim pui vardhanam
urvrukamiva bandhann mtyor mukya mamtt
We adore the three-eyed Lord who is fragrance and revitalising. May
He free us from death, even as a cucumber is freed from the creeper, on
becoming ripe.
This mantra is a life-giving mantra. In these days when life is very complex, accidents
are an everyday affair, this mantra wards off death by motor accident, fire accident,
water accident, air accident, snake bite, lightning and accidents of all descriptions.
Besides, it has a great curative effect. Again, diseases pronounced incurable by doctors
are cured by this mantra, when chanted with sincerity, faith and devotion. It is a weapon
against all diseases. It is a mantra to conquer death.
This is also a moksha mantra. It is Lord Sivas mantra. It bestows health, long life,
peace, wealth, prosperity, satisfaction and immortality (Moksha).
On your birthday, repeat this mantra, perform havan and feed sadhus, the poor and the
sick. This will bestow on you health, long life, peace, prosperity and Moksha.
Om bh bhvah svah tat savitur vareyam
bhargo devasya dhmahi dhiyo yo na pracodayt
We meditate on that Gods glory, Who has created the universe, Who is
fit to be worshipped, Who is the embodiment of knowledge and light,
Who is the remover of all sins and ignorance. May He enlighten our

Garland of Prayers


Gyatri is the mother of the Vedas and destroyer of sins. There is nothing more
purifying, on the earth as well as in heaven, than the Gyatri. The repetition of Gyatri
mantra brings the same fruit as the recitation of all the four Vedas. This single mantra
repeated three times a day brings great good. It is the supreme mantra of the Vedas. It
destroys all sins. It bestows splendid health, beauty, strength, vigour, vitality and
magnetic aura in the face.
Gyatri destroys the three kinds of pain (physical, mental, moral) and bestows on one
righteousness, wealth, desired objects and liberation. It destroys the three knots of
ignorance: avidya (ignorance), kma (lust) and karma (action). Gyatri purifies the
mind. It eventually gives liberation or emancipation from the wheel of birth and death.
The repetition of Gyatri brings the darana (vision of Gyatri and finally leads to the
realisation of unity of consciousness and the aspirant who asked for light from Gyatri in
the beginning, sings now in exuberant joy: I am that Light of lights that gives light to
the buddhi (intelligence).

Garland of Prayers


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