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Resipi ayam goreng dan nasi lemak Acik

Ayam 3 ekor (potong 12)

Garlic 2 labu
Ketumbar 3 sudu mkn
Kunyit hidup 5-10 inci / serbuk 4 sudu
Add tepung jagung 3 sudu, telur 1 biji, tmbh aji dgn gula sikit, garam
secukupnya. Perap.

7 kg beras (100 packs)

Santan kotak (1 liter) 4 kotak
Bwg putih, merah potong halus
Halia potong
Serai n daun pandan
For every 4 cups of rice, add 2 teaspoons of salt
**4 cawan beras 6 cawan santan (kurangkan if rice was soaked for at least 2
hours). 1 part santan kotak diluted 3 times; santan: air = 1:3
1 cups of rice = 200g
Soak rice first for at least 2 hours. Adjust the amount of liquid added to the rice
as needed.

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