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Movie 1: Be safe, Responsible

Scene 1
Alwyn: (tries to access unknown websites) awwwwwwww man why cant I get on to
this website
Andrew: (looks at what Alwyn is doing) Dude, thats site not school approved
Alwyn: Pfft so what
Andrew: Sooo the filter blocks it
Scene 2
Alwyn: laa de dum dedum (typing)
Shri: hey kid what you doing
Alwyn: oh just filling out this forum
Shri: That looks like a hack or as you kids call a cheat
Alwyn: naa it nading
Shri: just dont put personal info
Alwyn: OK (angerly than hard shut down walk away)
Shri: kids these days (walks away)
Scene 3: commercial
Alwyn Jr: (using random mouth app)
Pandrew: Whaat yoou doing
Alwyn jr: Using useless app to feed my ipad for foon
Pandrew: wheel you know dat yo not sapposed ta do dat. Yo gotta get it off the TSD
cat-in a log ear about dat
(Alwyn is about to talk than end sequence comes)
Scene 4
Forget to charge and plagrize
Alwyn: Comes to school with only 2% charge

Andrew: Says why did you come to school with your I pad not charged.
Alwyn: I was to lazy to charge it
Andrew: Everyday when you come to school you have to have 95% Charge your
Ipad every night.
Alwyn: Okay (next day comes to school with 100% charge.
Movie 2 Be respectful
Scene 1: Do not disable others I pad
Alwyn: Tries to hack into Andrews I pad, but instead disables it
Andrew: Comes in, and says why you disabled my I pad for 5 minutes. I need it for
next our, com on man why did yo do this.
Andrew: looses his I pad
Alwyn: Thinks it is funny, and takes 563 picture on Andrews I pad that are
inappropriate. Andrew does not have a password on it. (Alwyn also does not know it
is Andrews I pad because Andrew does not have his name or picture on his I pad)
(Janitor finds I pad, and gives it to the office. The office does not know what to do
with it.)
Andrew: Comes to office, and ask them do you no were my I pad is then he finds it
(after a long time)
Office: this is why you should put your name, and picture of you on the I pad.
Andrew sees the pictures, and gets annoyed, but does not do anything.
Scene 2: Do not punch your I pad when mad
Alwyn: Is trying to do a lot of homework at ounce. His I pad keeps on lagging, and
being slow. (Alwyn gets so mad, and throws his I pad on the ground.)
Andrew: Comes in, and says why did you do this now you have broke your. You
might have to pay a lot of money to repair it.

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