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Media Analysis

Kolbilynn Blackburn
Mr. Learys WHH4
Why are these considered protest songs of a generation?
Womens Rights were a minimal thing back then and Union Maid was a way of
protesting against the unjust working environment for women. Imagine was
considered a protest song against war and a way to recognize the need for peace.
What was each protesting?
Woody Guthries Union Maid is a song protesting about womens rights. John
Lennons Imagine is protesting against war and thinking about peace. Woody
Guthries This Land is protesting against discrimination and Americas Western
Why do artists make political statements through their work?
Because artist express their selves through their art and use their music as a source
of stating their opinions about an issue.
Identify 3 current works that may be considered protest songs & explain what
they are protesting?
Bakermats One Day- Is a protest song about racism in the world, using Martin
Luther King Jr.s speech I had a dream.
John Legends If youre out there- is about making a change throughout the world
and using a more passive way to fight instead of with war.
Beyonces Flawless- a Feminist song trying to advocate womens rights and equality
for both genders
Are protest songs effective?
I feel that these songs are very effective as people enjoy music and singers and
song writers are very influential in modern day society.

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