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Journal Prompts

Kolbilynn Blackburn
Mr. Learys WHH4

What role has science & technology played in globalization in the last 60
Science and Technology have made it so not only can we travel in much faster
ways, in the past 30 after the internet and World Wide Web was created we can now
communicate from long distance. We can gather knowledge from all over world and
make opinions on other world issues. Science and Technology has allowed us to
improve international health and safety in traveling.

Why do some nations make choices that have known detrimental impacts on
the rest of the world?
When Germany invaded Poland it did not just effect Poland but had France and
Great Britain declare war on Germany. By the end of World War 2 the majority of the
world had been involved.

Should human rights be the primary force for international decision made by
It should be a primary force for decision making but leaders should take economic
and environmental circumstances in hand as a factor in all decisions. Human rights
are an importance and a very high priority but human life should also be a high

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