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Subjects lifted the most weight when using a barbell seated on a stable surface and

the least when lifting dumbbells (unstable load) on a stability ball (unstable surface).
This demonstrates that as the load and/or the surface becomes unstable that the
maximum amount of weight lifted decreases. If an individuals goal is to increase
strength, the reduced ability to load an exercise when using unstable loads
(dumbbells) or surfaces will limit strength gains.
Muscle activity in the abdominals was higher during exercises performed on stable
surfaces. This suggests that the ability to lift more resistance on stable surfaces
requires more abdominal musculature. For the back muscles, activity was signficantly
higher when lifting stable loads (barbell) on both stable and unstable surfaces.
These findings may, however, be specific to the overhead press and may not reflect
core muscle activity for other exercises like the bench press or rowing exercises.
TAKE HOME MESSAGE: The results of this study emphasize the need to include some
traditional strength training exercises into your exercise program to maintain and
improve muscular strength. Although this study did not measure balance or ability to
perform activities of daily living, another study by Spennewyn2 reported that training
on unstable surfaces can improve balance. Until more research is available regarding
the effects of training on unstable surfaces, it is a good idea to incorporate a mix of
traditional resistance training, in addition to exercises on unstable surfaces into your
exercise program. This is especially important if the goal of the program is to improve
muscular strength.

1. Kohler, J.M., Flanagan, S.P., & Whiting, W.C. (2010). Muscle Activation Patterns
While Lifting Stable and Unstable Loads on Stable and Unstable Surfaces. Jour Stren
& Cond Res, 24(2), 313-321.
2. Spennewyn, K.C. (2008). Strength Outcomes in Fixed Versus Free-Form Resistance
Equipment. Jour Stren & Cond Res, 22(1), 75-81.

RESUMEN: Utilizar plataformas inestables en trabajo de fuerza no

muestra ningn beneficio en el desarrollo de la misma, es ms,
disminuye la aplicacin de fuerza. Sin embargo, se muestra que los
ejercicios abdominales realizados sobre plataformas inestables (bosu,
pelotas de pilates, rodillos de espuma, etc...) aumentaron la actividad
elctrica de los msculos abdominales.

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