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Kolbilynn Blackburn

Mr. Learys Honors 4

Historical Research Project
How can the internet help strengthen democracy?
The internet was started when ARPANET had adopted TCP/IP and then their researchers
founded the Network of Networks which soon became the bases of the internet, in 1983. In
1990 it became a more recognizable form when scientist Tim Bernes Lee invents the World Wide
The internet is truly a source of democracy. With no real source ownership and no person who
dictates how it should be ran. Volunteers set standards with groups such as the Internet Society.
The U.S government also tries to mandates and control internet use in America. With legal and
complex law set to regulate websites that involve gambling, sex trafficking, child pornography
and hacking, though there are also rights in place.
Internet is something everybody pays for. People pay fees to use the internet from the ISP
(internet service provider). Fees collected from users go to the companies who manage the
connection. Then these companies pay for their use of the network.
The internet is a large source of ideas and allows mostly everybody with access to share and
voice their opinions on matters, which allow people to speak for the people. It is a platform that
can be used to address problems using the peoples freedoms of speech. The internet allows
people from different locations to be able to speak with similar interest thus making it easier to

Democracy stands for the people. With the internet, people can communicate from different
locations and express their ideas freely, and congregate as the people, for the people. The internet
not only brings people together but also is used to voice opinions and spread ideas. The internet
may have only been around for at least 30 but its influence is large and has been a fundamental
for democracy in the 21st century.

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