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In S.E.

Hintons The Outsiders, Sodapop is known as caring,

entertaining , and friendly. In the beginning of the book, Sodapop cared
about the entire gang. Although, he cared about his family because thats all
who he had left (p.152). So Sodapop is shown to care and love like a big
brother and best friend should. Soda is also known to be entertaining. At one
point in this book, he even let the police share in his fun (p.89). Soda is truly
a pure entertainer. The last character trait I would Sodapop would be friendly.
He shows this in many ways. He always tries to help out Ponyboy when he
can with Darry (p.18) and with Steve (p.12). So that is why when I look at
Sodapop Curtis I see a caring, entertaining , and friendly guy.

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