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List the sounds you can teach using the following:

Baa Baa Black Sheep rhyme

Sound (s)

Baa baa black sheep, have you any wool?

Yes sir, yes sir, three bags full!
One for the master, one for the dame,
And one for the little boy, who lives down the lane.
Itsy Bitsy Spider

Sound (s)

Itsy Bitsy spider climbing up the spout

Down came the rain and washed the spider out
Out came the sun and dried up all the rain
Now Itsy Bitsy spider went up the spout again!
Pat a cake, Pat a cake

Sound (s)

Pat a cake, Pat a cake, bakers man

Bake me a cake as fast as you can;
Pat it and prick it and mark it with a B,
And put it in the oven for Baby and me.
Three Blind Mice

Sound (s)

Three blind mice, three blind mice,

See how they run, see how they run,
They all ran after the farmers wife,
Who cut off their tails with a carving knife,
Did you ever see such a thing in your life,
As three blind mice?
June Can Sing

Sound (s)

My dog June is very cute,

Although shes quite huge, too,
And every time I play my flute,
June knows just what to do.
Curriculum Development Division

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June howls as I play my flute,

She thinks shes singing a song,
And as I continue to play my tune,
June keeps on singing along!
Holiday Sparks

Sound (s)

On July 4th weekend

My friend Mark and I
Went to watch fire works
At a park nearby.
The sparks exploded colour
Against a sky so dark
Red, white, and blue
Lit up the whole park!
If All the Seas Were One Sea

Sound (s)

If all the seas were one sea,

What a great sea that would be!
And if all the trees were one tree,
What a great tree that would be!
And if all the axes were one axe,
What a great axe that would be!
And if all the men were one man,
What a great man he would be!
And if the great man took the great axe
And cut down the great tree,
And let if fall into the great sea,
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What a splish splash that would be!

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London bridge is falling down

Sound (s)

London Bridge is falling down,

Falling down, falling down,
London Bridge is falling down,
My fair Lady.
Build it up with wood and clay,
Wood and clay, wood and clay,
Build it up with wood and clay,
My fair Lady.
Wood and clay will wash away,
Wash away, wash away,
Wood and clay will wash away,
My fair Lady.
Build it up with bricks and mortar,
Bricks and mortar, bricks and mortar,
Build it up with bricks and mortar,
My fair Lady.

Build it up with iron and steel,

Iron and steel, iron and steel,
Build it up with iron and steel,
My fair Lady.
Iron and steel will bend and bow,
Bend and bow, bend and bow,
Iron and steel will bend and bow,
My fair Lady.
Build it up with silver and gold,
Silver and gold, silver and gold,
Curriculum Development Division

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Build it up with silver and gold,

My fair Lady.

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