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Why Should We Learn About The

By: Alex Tallman
We should study the Holocaust so we can make sure it doesn't happen again.
Anne Frank, also known as Annelies Marie Frank, should be known and remembered
because of her great story about her experience in The Holocaust and her bravery.
The Holocaust was one of the worst events in world history because of the death
of millions of people for no reason. Heres a little bio of Hitler: Adolf Hitler was born April
20, 1889, in Braunau am Inn, Austria and died April 30, 1945, in Berlin, Germany. He
was married to his last wife Eva Braun for about 40 Hours before they both committed
suicide, Adolf Hitler by gunshot, Eva Braun by cyanide pill. Hitler was the crazy guy who
wanted to kill all Jews for no reason even though they did nothing wrong.
Heres a little short story of Anne: Anne Frank hid in an attic like area above a
business that Otto owned along with her family and some other random people
including Peter Van Pels (her later boyfriend) which she spent alot of time with (About
half the day) before she was eventually kissed by him because he had a big crush on
her and she was only 1 of 2 girls in the Annex before they are all betrayed and taken
away to Concentration Camps by The Nazis.
Sadly everyone dies in the camps except for Otto Frank whose camp was
liberated before Annes. He also published Annes diary. That is why she was the most
popular person in The Holocaust and most people know about her. For all those
reasons along with the short story of Annes life, that is why people should learn about
The interesting but scary and Brutal Holocaust.

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