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Euri Oh

UNST 107I-001
Professor Farr
December 7, 2014
Ethics and Social Responsibility
The objective of ethical and social responsibility is to allow the student to have the ability
to make informed decisions in both private and public life. The university studies program at
Portland State should give students the capability to critically consider how their personal
choices affect the rest of society. Once the skill of critical thinking is established, the student is
able to think conceptually and broaden their education. From here on, one is capable of connect
every aspect of their lives to what they have learned in their university studies. The goal of
ethical and social responsibility is for students to have the aptitude to live a life being thoughtful
of how their actions connect to the humankind.
The assignment I have chosen for myself examines and analyzes how one is able to gain
the knowledge and experience necessary to be socially responsible in the society they are in.
College should give one the "opportunity to get to know one's self by effectively allocating the
resources available to him/her, connecting with their peers, learning independently, and gaining
the depth of knowledge necessary to problem solve." During the process of writing this essay, I
have reiterated for myself the importance of doing things for the good of all. In William Cronon's
article, "Only Connect..." The Goals of a Liberal Education, Cronon states that liberally educated
people "understand that they belong in a community whose prosperity and well-being are crucial
to their own, and they [should] help community flourish by making the success of others
possible." This is a lesson that the university studies program hopes to give to all students, and is
emphasized in the ethics and social responsibility goal.

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