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Wade Wilson had cancer and

as his last hope he got
accepted into the department k
weapons program. His cancer
got delayed because of a
healing factor added to him
but that didnt stop the scars.
After that he became a
mercenary and now works
for multiple people and

Deadpools healing factor

allows him for accelerated
healing. He also has the ability
to teleport and has throwing
stars and guns.Deadpool also
has the ability to annoy people
to the point of surrender

Due to his healing factor

deadpool has an abnormally
scarred face and skin.
Due to his healing factor
deadpools mental state is
unstable and he is often prone
to outbursts and he can be
very irritating. Dead pool Is
very crazy and can often be
prone to outbursts



Weapon X, Teleportation, swords,

guns, healing factor, and knives

Has a fear of cows. Idenity still


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