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Hollis Stine

Mrs. Crowley
Grade 8 History, Period 5
February 11, 2015
Current Event
Title: In Minnesota, thousands of Native Americans protest Redskins name.
Source: Washington Post
Publication Date: November 2, 2014
This article is how Native Americans are angry and protesting the mascot of the NFL
team, the Redskins. They are angry about how they believe the mascot, a Native American, is
"racist" against them. (Paragraph 1) They are protesting with signs, chanting, banging drums and
waving banners. (Paragraph 3) Most of these protests would happen at NFL stadiums where the
team the Redskins would play. Many of the Native Americans would confront and curse at every
Redskins fan they could. (Paragraph 6) Most Redskins fans were not bothered by the protests but
some fans believed that the name was respectful and that the Native Americans should take
pride in the name. (Paragraph 12) The Native Americans protests had influenced the Twin Cities
and even throughout Minnesota, but the NFL did not change the Redskins name. My opinion is
that I think the mascot is not offending the Native Americans. The mascot is for a football team,
which does fairly well in the NFL. Not in any way does the mascot make fun of or mock the
Native Americans. I believe the Native Americans should take it as a privilege to have a NFL
football team based off their race. I do see why they would be mad and offended, but I do not
think they should be.

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