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Eccentrics, Steroids

Can Glycogen Loading and Eccentric reps

Replace Steroids?

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Podcast hosts: Brad Howard and John Barban
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(In other words, spread the wealth, just dont

change the message)

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From The Desk of Brad Howard

Dear Friend,
Welcome to the Adonis Lifestyle Podcast!
Inside this transcript, youll find a lot of actionable information that youll be able to put to use
TODAY to help develop your body for maximum visual impact. With that said, here are a few
things to remember as youre reading through this document.
1. Our trainings and opinions are based solely on the end goal of creating a body based on
proportions and social influence. Just as baseball players, powerlifters, and MMA
fighters train for a specific purpose, the techniques, tactics, and strategies we talk about
revolve around looks based training and not performance based training. (although
your average performance across most all regimes will, in fact, increase as a whole with
our advice)
2. Health based training takes a backseat as the recommendations we give create bodies
that fall within all of the generally accepted parameters for good health (blood pressure,
heart health, etc) by default. And, although we do talk about health and aging from time
to time, realize that health comes with the package, without having to FOCUS on it.
3. Our opinions are strictly our own and sometimes are about as un-PC as you can get, but
well never hide from the truth or try to sugar coat reality. Our job is to help you get in
the exact shape you want, with all the BS aside. So, if you think were a little harsh
sometimes just know weve got your best interest at heart.
So, with all of that said, dive in and enjoy. If youd like more information on our workout
systems, just click this link. We guarantee youll save a bunch of time and energy in the process.
Your friend,
Brad Howard

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Brad Howard: All right guys, welcome once again to your Adonis Lifestyle podcast. I
am Brad Howard and on the phone is John Barban once again. And today were going
to talk about some really interesting things, and we probably are going to get a little
controversial toward the end. I know John has got some questions that he wants to go
ahead and handle over really quickly up front. Were getting a lot of questions on these,
so why dont you go in and take it away.
John Barban: Okay, we are talking about glycogen and glycogen loading, glycogen
synthesis, glycogen repletion, and the question that was in the forums and people are
kind of buzzing around is, how much glycogen is optimal, for muscle growth? And
then the conversation goes a little further and wondering is it possible to be in a calorie
deficit, and then the assumption is youre also in a glycogen deficit and still build muscle
if the amount of glycogen stored in your muscle is somehow rate limiting to muscle
growth. So the quick lesson is that glycogen is just the storage form of glucose and
basically any carbohydrate you take into your body eventually gets turned into glucose
in your bloodstream and then it gets stored as glycogen, and that gets stored in all cells
of your body, in your liver and in your muscle cells, with muscle cells being the ones
were kind of talking about here.
Glycogen gets stored as a different forms so there is proglycogen and macroglycogen
and its stored in different areas, speaking of the muscles specifically, and its stored in
different particle sizes. So its not a uniformed molecule in its storage form. Its stored
in different places at different sizes and at different densities, so its kind of all over the
place, and there is a lot of research in endurance athletes, so people who are doing
long distance stuff like runners and cyclists that if you do an exhaustive exercise where
you do a lot of exercising, like hours of exercising to deplete your glycogen stores, and
then if you force-feed yourself lots of glucose, you can super-compensate and your

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muscles will absorb more glycogen than they had before. So what that means is that
there is a standard level of glycogen that the average muscle will be holding at any
given moment. If you do a depletion exercise and then drink a lot of sugar basically, like
sugar water, you can get your muscles temporarily to absorb more glycogen than they
had before. But that doesnt mean theyre going to be huge, that just means
scientifically you can measure more glycogen in them.
But all of this type of research is done in endurance athletes and the amount of glucose
that theyre taking in is really high. Its like it would be an extra thousand calories, if not
more, per day on top of what youre eating just in sugar, so its kind of a lot. So anyone
who is focusing on trying to lose weight, I dont know that you all of a sudden want to be
taking in another 500 grams of sugar just to try to get your glycogen levels up in your
muscles. It would be kind of defeating the purpose of at least trying to lose weight, and
then none of this really has even been shown to have anything to do with actually
building muscle.
Another study was done trying to see if low glycogen levels in one muscle (and this is
on the same person they tested one leg versus another). If having low glycogen on one
leg before weight training exercise changed its anabolic response. When they say
anabolic, they were just measuring various RNA levels of different genes that promote
muscle hypertrophy, and it seemed to be a bit of a muted effect, like nothing really
happened and if anything, the low glycogen leg had a more favorable response by
knocking down the gene expression of the genes that cause muscles to shrink. I know
that was a lot to take in. So basically the low glycogen leg may have genetically turned
down muscle degradation, but not really upped muscle synthesis. But if you can turn
down degradation, that still results in muscle growth. So basically, my overall point here
is there is not much we can really do with glycogen in our muscles as far as making
them grow.

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Brad Howard: Right.
John Barban: I mean, if youre eating enough, and even if youre just eating to
maintenance or just eating a mixed diet, thats probably all you need to do. And if your
goal is fat loss, its your primary goal, if your muscles feel a little flatter and they feel not
quite as bloated, they probably arent, but it doesnt mean that youre not going to be
able to gain it. It doesnt mean to just give up on going to the gym. It just means for
those few weeks or months, youre going to have to kind of deal with not feeling as big
while youre losing fat, and then when you can go back to eating maintenance, you can
have that sort of big feeling again. And if strength in the gym is an issue, I dont think
any amount of glycogen can compare to just caffeine and ephedrine. If you actually
want to feel super-strong, a caffeine tablet and an ephedrine tablet is way beyond any
amount of sugar you can drink.
Brad Howard: Right. Yeah, its pretty interesting because we hear a lot of people in
the forums and just questions we get on the blog and even emails to support asking
these types of questions especially, and especially talking about losing strength while on
a diet and things like that. I think from my perspective, from what has happened to me
when I cut down, a lot of times when Im eating a lot less, a lot of its in the head, too. I
just dont feel it, I guess you can say. Like I just dont have I dont want to say the
energy, but its almost a little more of a lethargic feeling sometimes. And I know that
carries over into the gym.
John Barban: Oh, yeah, for sure. Im not saying that there is not actually a response
there where you may not be as mechanically strong simply because the muscles are
not as bloated. But for weight training, glycogen is not really limiting. Its because
weight training doesnt burn that much. It might just be a mechanical thing. It might just

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be it doesnt feel as bloated because it actually isnt as bloated because glycogen stores
a lot of water with it. Your body can only store so much glycogen because it needs two
parts of water for one part of glycogen, so you couldnt. Otherwise, you would be just
enormous if you just kept storing up glycogen. Thats why your body switches any
excess calories to fat because fat can be stored with virtually no water, so it takes up
way less space.
Brad Howard: Right.
John Barban: Per unit of calories. Thats the difference, so its always a transient
storage system. I mean, super-compensation happens over two or three days, but it
happens in different forms and its going to go back down to normal if you dont do it
again, if you dont train again. So you have to view the size of your muscles as a
transient thing. Its kind of like for the entire time in your life that youre working out,
youre sort of always in a perpetual muscle pump state, and then the moments right
after workout where you have that even a little bit extra pump. And then lets say you
just stopped working out, a year later your just in your sort of non-pumped state and
thats kind of the way to look at it. Its like you will eventually shrink back down to what
you were before you worked out, if you stopped working out all together.
Brad Howard: Right. I know weve kind of talked about muscle memory and things like
that and I dont know if we kind of discussed on whether weve actually figured out
where that comes from or the actual protein actually leaves the muscle, when you dont
work anymore if it really atrophies that much or if its still there and its just not pumped.
John Barban: We know that if youve been training for 10 or 15 years and you break a
limb, the muscle shrinks up. It looks like a 12-year-old girls, like my buddy, it happened
to his arm, it just shrunk right up. It looked like his arm when he was 12 years old, and

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then the minute his cast came off, within six months it was right back up to its full size,
but obviously not as like as if he never trained size, but all the way back to 15 years of
training size. So there is obviously some lasting adaptations that happened in the
muscle, but it still shows you that if the muscle is full sized, it still is transient state.
Brad Howard: Yeah.
John Barban: Do you see what Im saying? So something structurally or something
genetically has changed but you still need to train the freaking muscle all the time to
keep it bloated.
Brad Howard: Right.
John Barban: Because the minute his arm was in a cast, the 15 years of training just
disappeared, but it all came back in six months, so its not like it took him 15 years more
to get back.
Brad Howard: Sure. I guess thats the reason I never worry about losing muscle while
dieting down. I mean I went a month without training just to work on my shoulder a little
bit and I was still eating decently low.
John Barban: Yeah, sure.
Brad Howard: I dont look very different, especially when I get out of the gym and get
ready to take a shower. I look at myself in the mirror. I mean, Ive noticed that I have
less body fat on me.
John Barban: A month isnt long enough to do much.

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Brad Howard: Right, but I guess before it would be like, Oh shit, my muscle is
disappearing. But now, its just, Oh well, my body fat levels are lower. Yeah, that
makes sense. Or You know, I havent worked out in a month, yeah, that makes
sense. Or I havent eaten that much today, so I dont have as much water or there is
no pump in there. I mean, this all makes sense now. Its not like this scary thing; its
just this big transient thing that I know one day will be back.
John Barban: Yeah, well, I guess its just accepting the fact that it is. I guess people
who have never been through a cut down or never coached or never been around
fitness or bodybuilders who go up and down like this, they dont realize how transient it
all is. Its really day to day, and especially when youre trying to really manipulate things
that it changes a lot and it becomes more apparent the leaner you are. Like if youre 50
pounds overweight, a fluctuation of ten pounds of water doesnt really show up because
there is just so much mass covering up the muscles. Its really hard to tell whats going
on. I mean, you just wont notice it.
So glycogen and all of that, there is not really a whole lot going on there. You just have
to be clear with your goals. If youre trying to lose weight, lose body fat, you kind of
have to accept the fact that maybe along the way down youre not going to be breaking
records in strength. You may, but it is okay if you dont quite feel like its the biggest
your muscles have ever been on the way down. Youve got to kind of have to let one go
to get the other one that really worked, but again, thats a psychological thing. You have
to remember that youre not losing muscle, they just dont. The transient state of how
bloated they are might not quite feel the same, thats all.

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Brad Howard: Yeah, its like the black box of whatever the muscle is for that day, and
because there are so many inputs and outputs and things that can change and not
change and things out of your control and in your control that its kind of random.
John Barban: Yeah.
Brad Howard: I remember back in the day, this is back when I was maxing out and
stuff like that. I might have been 23 or 24, and we walked into the gym. We had no
business walking into the gym because we had just gotten in at 3 or 4 AM the night
before. I mean, we were hung over. Good God hung over. I mean, it was bad. I was
like, How in the hell are we going to max out today? And literally I lifted more that day
than I lifted ever before, but Ive never been able to repeat that.
John Barban: Oh probably not. It just worked for you.
Brad Howard: Yeah, just that day, for some reason, I was able to lift more even in that
state, but every other time Ive tried it, it was nowhere even close to that.
John Barban: The strength is day to day, and the look of your body actually is day to
day, too. I mean, generally, you will know what you look like. Everybody knows its got
fluctuations day to day.
Brad Howard: Sure, right.
John Barban: So the glycogen and muscle thing, its a day-to-day thing, and if your
goal is fat loss, just accept the fact that you cant always feel as bloated as maybe you
would like.

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Brad Howard: Right, right.
John Barban: And when I say bloated, I dont mean your gut. I mean, its your
muscles. Your muscle bloat.
Brad Howard: Sure. Okay, I think you wanted us to talk about rep speed, too. Were
getting questions about rep speed, concentric and eccentric reps and things like that.
John Barban: Yeah, eccentrics, just for people that arent sure of the terminology that
is just the negative, so that actually means the lengthening of the muscle and then
concentric is the contractions or the shortening of the muscle. So whatever exercise
youre doing, there is typically a push and then well, not really a push and a pull, but
there is the lengthening and the shortening, and those are the two, eccentric and
concentric. And then there is this idea that time under tension and all of that stuff, if you
take longer on the eccentric, thats where more muscle damage is done (and not in a
bad way, but in a trauma to the muscle that it forces it to remodel way), which then in
turn supposedly forces it to grow, but there has never been any scientific proof to say
that eccentrics alone can cause muscle growth, so there needs to be some concentric,
too, where youre shortening the muscle.
And then the other side of that is if you believe in time under tension, then why wouldnt
you just do one super-long slow rep with like really light weight? But that doesnt work
either because the longer the rep takes, the lighter the weight has to get. So eventually
youll get to a weight thats so light that it wont stimulate muscle growth, so you cant
just go overboard with the rep speed either. So the idea of three reps, two reps, five
reps, 8-13 or whatever the rep range is, it will dictate the weight you can handle
because you basically want to be able to do that many reps in good form with that
particular weight, and that in turn determines the speed of your concentric and

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eccentric. So the heaviest weight you could possibly lift, by definition, will move super
slow, and if you can move it any quicker than just really, really slow, its not the heaviest;
because by definition the heaviest is the weight that like one ounce heavier you wont
be able to move it all. So the heaviest weight you could possibly move will move by
definition very slow both on the concentric and eccentric, and then as you slowly get
lighter from that, you can start pushing it up faster and taking longer to lower it. And
then somewhere between your one rep max and your 21 rep kind of pump sets are all
of the other concentric and eccentric speeds you can force weight to go.
And so there are various calculations to what the maximum power (power being able to
move a combination of somewhat heavy weight quickly), is. There is some calculation
for what the max weight out of your one rep max you can do that with, but its not
actually that heavy. There is only so much weight you can lift with speed until the
weight itself stops you from pushing it that fast, and you cant just train with ballistic
power like throwing medicine balls or taking a light barbell and literally throwing it.
There is only so much of that you can do that will translate into how much you can lift in
the other rep ranges, its neuromuscularly specific. I mean, there is strength-speed and
speed-strength. Thats how much they split it up when theyre measuring it, when
exercise physiologists are measuring it. So you can train them all, you can do ballistic
lifts if you want. You can throw medicine balls if you want. You can lift super, super,
heavy weights. You can do forced negatives where you put a weight on the bar that you
cant even lift up at all, and then you get somebody to help you lift it and then the both of
you lower it, and you can do all that stuff, but what Im saying is all of those are kind of
not the core, but the sort of addition to a core program. And then you can sort of
sprinkle those things in here and there and thats kind of the quick and dirty on the
eccentrics and concentrics.

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Its okay to do some slow rep, and even in the ATS, in the advanced workouts, we
actually have an entire four-week module where its all about controlling ups and downs.
Its like controlling the eccentric and the concentric. So we have that in there. Its not
the basis of an entire routine though. I guess the point is the rep range you pick, so if
youre in the five rep range or if youre in the 13 or whatever, the speed that you can
likely move that weight at, its already calibrated for you by how heavy it is.
Brad Howard: Right.
John Barban: Like you shouldnt be moving five rep weight very quickly, nowhere near
as quick as you can move 13 reps and so on.
Brad Howard: Right, and if you can, obviously, youre not doing it right.
John Barban: Well, if you can, its not heavy enough.
Brad Howard: Right, this is one of the things we talked about time and time again, but
I guess this is one of the things we really cant show, so I guess thats why we have to
bring it up a lot. Were talking about intensity and getting the intensity right, so
especially when people are talking about their workouts being easy or something like
that. I mean, its always every single time someone says, You know, oh man, these
workouts are easy. Im like, man theyre not easy. I just had somebody tell me the
other day, and you actually showed me the forum posts and I actually talked to the guy
on Facebook. He was saying another muscle building guy jumped in and did our
workout and he was thrashed halfway through. He couldnt even finish, so that was
kind of funny because I know that guy.

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John Barban: Well, that tells you two things. He was at least lifting the right amount of
weight and he was lifting heavy obviously.
Brad Howard: Right.
John Barban: And then the other thing is hes just not used to the pattern.
Brad Howard: Yeah.
John Barban: Like whatever he does isnt similar to what were doing.
Brad Howard: Right, yeah, exactly. But like I say, I like the guy. Hes a real cool dude,
so I hope he wont mind if I gave him a hard time. And literally, I probably cant do what
he does just because its different.
John Barban: Yeah.
Brad Howard: I think he does a lot of body weight stuff. Id probably be just completely
thrashed like one arm about to fall off or something, so all of this stuff is very specific to
what goal you have and what youre practicing in, I guess.
John Barban: Well, yeah, like I could have sworn we were talking about building
muscle, not speed specific strength. Are we just talking about building muscle here?
Like where is this discussion going? It just seems like its so easy to get caught up
talking about things that when you bring it back to the bigger picture its like what did
that ever have to do with the goal of why Im working out in the first place anyways.

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Brad Howard: Yeah, and the big question is, are you making it more difficult on
yourself than it needs to be?
John Barban: Well, yeah. Like if there is something. I mean, I get that the overall goal
seems to always land back on it, but I guess this just brings me back to the third point I
want to talk about today is what is the goal and what is it that youre after. Its the
concept of are you trying to get somewhere that these techniques cant get you. Its
kind of like exercising to manipulate hormones, like people think that squatting and dead
lift actually increase testosterone and those sorts of things. Well, Ill just come around
and say it. If what youre after is a steroid-induced look, but you dont want to use
steroids, well, there is no way around that besides using steroids. There is no fancy rep
scheme. There is no glycogen-loading protocol. There is no exercise manipulation of
your hormones to get you into a steroid looking like growth pattern.
You just cant recreate steroid growth without steroids, and that seems to me to be
where all of these discussions are coming from, not that anyone who has opened these
discussions thought that. Theyre like, Well, I dont want to use steroids, but I want
those types of gains Thats where the rhetoric comes from. Thats when you read
supplement ads, when youre in different forums, I mean, most of all of that is people
avoiding using drugs and trying to find another way around getting a drug-like effect,
and not realizing that. Like maybe they have an image in their head of a size they think
they should be, and theyre like, Well, you know, how come its not happening? Or
they just dont have patience. Like somebody was posting in the forum of just being a
little bit skeptical of where the program is going to get them and things like that and then
he said hes only been training for two years, and Im like, Well, Ive been training for
15, so what makes you think you can get to where I am in two. Its like there is a lack
of patience there. Like the total volume of exercise you do isnt just specific to within a
week or a month, but its specific to your life.

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So Ive been training for about 15 years, someone who has been training for two, even if
were the same age or no matter what their age is, I still have 13 years of lifting on them.
I have thousands, tens of thousands of more reps done, like what would make them
think that they could get to where I am at in one-seventh of the time. Its like it doesnt
make a whole lot of sense, but then people start thinking about all these other things
like is it glycogen, is it rep speed? Do you know what it is, is youre missing out on 13
years of training, thats what it is.
Brad Howard: Yeah, its time.
John Barban: Its time over your life. Thats one thing that no one ever talks about,
and the perfect example of that is my buddy who broke his arm. Hes my age. Our
birthdays are actually like the same day, and hes the same age as me. Hes been
training for about 15 years and he broke his arm. His arm shrunk. He came out of the
cast and six months later, he still has a huge arm, like he brought it right back. Now, if
somebody else who has only been training for two years (and that persons arm is two
inches smaller than my buddies) and breaks that arm, and then it comes out of the cast,
it will only come back to whatever size it is and still being two inches smaller than my
buddies arm, like you still need to spend the next 13 years to build that up to my friends
arms size. But the point is the total amount of time spent with the number of reps over
your life also matters. If youve been training for seven years and Ive been training for
15, its not necessarily on par, like you cant really compare yourself to me and I cant
compare myself to someone who has ten years of experience more than me because
thats just ten years more reps theyve done than I havent.
Brad Howard: Well, its the reps, but its also the knowhow. I mean, you will learn a lot
of knowhow in that time where if you fall off the wagon or something, you can bounce

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back and get back to where you need to be, not only just physically because all of the
muscle memory and stuff like that, but just by knowhow and knowing what to do to get
to the way you want to go.
John Barban: Oh, yeah, all of that stuff. I think it is just impatience. Everyone is just
looking for another way around it. Like it was unbelievable when Jasons pictures went
up and people were actually finding reasons to shoot him down, like, Oh, well, Jason
has got machine-like intensity and dedication in the gym, and oh, well, Jason has been
training for a long time. Exactly, and hes an example of the body you can get to, and
its like some people want it to happen in a third of the time without the intensity or the
Brad Howard: Yeah.
John Barban: So I dont understand how you think thats going to be. Heres an
example of how you do it, and then people look at that and go, Okay, well, I dont want
to do that. I want to find another way to do that.
Brad Howard: Sure, yeah, you dont get a body like that, I mean, ripped. I mean, you
dont get that without deciding that is exactly what you want.
John Barban: It doesnt happen by accident; otherwise, everyone would have it.
Brad Howard: Yeah, I mean, it surely doesnt. Especially in weight loss and stuff like
that, you hear a lot of people talking about how they use stuff and theyre losing weight,
and we see this all the time with all these different protocols. But the fact is that all
these different protocols that people are talking about in the mainstream, nobody is
ripped. I mean, none of these people are ripped using all these different protocols. I

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mean, theyve just lost some weight. Maybe theyve lost a hundred pounds, which is
great. Dont get me wrong. Its fantastic, but getting ripped, I mean, Im telling you right
now Im going for it, it takes more than just coasting. It is an active decision.
John Barban: Oh, yeah.
Brad Howard: It is every single day, and then every single day you have to decide.
John Barban: Each new level of leanness you get to thats sort of on the way, you just
have to remind yourself there is still more to go. In general, I get the feeling that there is
a lot of people who are impatient with how long muscle building takes, and even to
some degree with fat loss. And that impatience is where the diet and fitness industry
and the supplement industry and the magazines and all of those things get you because
theyre promising speed. Theyre promising something that takes years to happen in
months or weeks, and then people become skeptical when after four weeks of training
on a particular system, theyre like, Well, you know, Im not as big as I thought Id be.
Like four weeks, what do you expect to happen in four weeks?
Brad Howard: Yeah.
John Barban: I just dont get it. I mean, I guess its been a while since Ive believed
that you can do things that quickly and the newbie strength gains that you get and the
muscle gains you get when the first time you trained, no matter how old you are, and
once those go away and juvenile muscle growth goes away, it starts to just take a lot
longer and thats when you settle into getting that, Oh, this is just the life I live, like I live
a life of to slowly just chipping away at it. I even posted my general strength on
different exercises as a comparison for guys who were saying, Well, you know, I
thought I would be bigger and stronger. I said, Well, this is the weights I lift now. And

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a lot of this is splitting hairs. People asking Well, what about post-workout repletion
and this and that and the other? In general, I can always put two plates on the bench
press and do it for at least 6 or 8 reps per sets and I always use 100-pound dumbbells,
you know, flat, maybe 90-95s inclined. With squatting, Ive made it up to three plates for
reps and somewhere around two plates now for more reps. I can curl 60-pound
dumbbells, not that this is impressive, but that is just where Im at, but it took me a long
time to get here. If youre not as big as me and youre trying to at least get as big as
me, Ive managed to get all the way here without knowing anything about glycogen
loading or trying that or messing around with rep speed or any of that stuff. So you can
at least get to as big as me without doing any of that stuff, and then from there maybe
there is something else to do, but I dont see where it fits in. To me, it just seems like
people are looking for ways around the truth that it just takes consistency and hard
Brad Howard: Yeah, but the thing that sucks about the Internet is that once somebody
puts something out, with even books, once some research gets done and this gets
published and people take it and run with it there is really no way to go back and say,
Oh, yeah, I was wrong. I mean, so many people do it, but they dont go back and edit
that blog post they put out four years ago that talked about this protocol being the next
best thing, because all this stuff changes. Just like milk was bad ten years ago, and
now its good. Its like all of this stuff changes. I mean, one of these days, maybe well
find out like low carb is the cause of cancer or something
John Barban: Oh, its cyclical. This stuff started in the late 1800s. Its not like its new.
Nothing has changed. Ironically, the only people I know who do mess around with
glycogen loading before and after exercises are guys who are already on steroids.
Brad Howard: Right.

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John Barban: The guys who are competing, guys who have already maxed out
everything else, guys who have been training for years who are using drugs and using
insulin and using growth hormone, and only those guys are the ones that mess around
with this carb and protein manipultion.
Brad Howard: Right.
John Barban: Actually, I was talking to one of my buddies who is a bodybuilder and he
has a coach (which is more or less the guy who sells him his drugs and works on his
nutrition/drug routine), and I dont know if Ive said this before on a podcast, but he was
just saying, Why doesnt anyone try that stuff (glycogen loading etc) without using the
drugs? Hes of the opinion that, Its not really going to do much for them. So its
another one of those things where youre trying to do something, and maybe it does
matter if you take in 400 grams of carbohydrates after a workout while youre on 2
grams of testosterone and taking like 4 IUs of insulin a day. Maybe it really does and
really makes a big difference, but it probably doesnt matter at all for the average guy
who is clean.
Brad Howard: Oh, yeah, I could see that mattering, especially with insulin.
John Barban: Yeah, so what Im saying is substrate, (substrate would be glycogen
here) the substrate, the thing that youre putting into your muscle is same with protein,
those things probably make a big difference when youre using drugs because youve
got an altered metabolism. Basically, things are growing quicker, things are adapting
faster, certain genes are turned on and certain enzymes are moving at different rates
when you have that much drugs floating through you.

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Brad Howard: Sure.
John Barban: So some or a lot of the stuff we hear about is at least adapted or
borrowed from that culture. Now, some of it comes from clean athletes too, and in
normal research, but most of the research on a lot of these things, at least for glycogen
and stuff like that, its from endurance athletes and I dont think anybody listening into
our stuff really cares about being able to run a marathon faster. People are just trying to
build muscle.
Brad Howard: Right, and the other thing about the hormones is like everything that
youre trying to do and from what Ive talked to you and Brad about it is just anything
that you could possibly do is still going to put that hormone within the normal range.
John Barban: Oh, yeah, yeah, you cant train your way to steroid-like testosterone
Brad Howard: Right, its still in the normal range of testosterone, like if you got tested,
you wouldnt test positive.
John Barban: And you said it right, thats a range. There is high normal and normal
and then there is low normal and then below low normal is when youre diagnosed with
low testosterone.
Brad Howard: Right.
John Barban: But you might be able to maybe move it around into the higher end of
normal, but that doesnt mean youre going to just burst with muscle. Like even guys

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who inject testosterone, but just not a lot of it, even they dont really get huge muscle
gains. You needs lots of extra testosterone to start gaining fast.
Brad Howard: Right, yeah. Then thats the whole point, guys are trying to manipulate
the hormones. I mean, in trying to get this 5% gain whereas if it was that important to
you, you could literally go out, go get a little bit of testosterone, stick it in your ass or
take d-bol or whatever you want to do in just a little amount and get that same thing
without doing the crap that youre trying to do.
John Barban: Im with you on that one.
Brad Howard: If its that damn important, just do that.
John Barban: Yeah, to me, the barrier, (and I guess this is for guys who has never
used drugs, dont get it). To me, the barrier is not realizing what you can and cant get
with a clean body, (clean being drugs versus no drugs). and then its how much drugs
do you need to get how big you want and in what speed. So if you want to gain 30
pounds of muscle this year, well, thats going to be pretty hard without drugs.
Brad Howard: Its also the blurred line of whats clean, because if youre taking
supplements, is that clean? Is that natural?
John Barban: Sure, and hey, Im with you 100%, but all Im saying is the rates and the
results that can be achieved, we already know how to do all of this stuff. If you want to
gain a hundred pounds, I know how to make you gain a hundred pounds.
Brad Howard: Right.

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John Barban: It just requires a lot of drugs that I dont have access to.
Brad Howard: Yeah.
John Barban: And if you want to look your best without drugs, I kind of know how to do
that, too.
Brad Howard: Right.
John Barban: But youve got to be clear, but it may not happen quite as fast as gaining
the hundred pounds with the drugs even, but its just two different things. So I guess
thats kind of the moral of the story and wrapping it all up. Getting into specifics of things
like glycogen and rep speed and all of that stuff is a bit of the minutiae. I mean, for
someone who is not using any drugs and just trying to build the best body they can
have without drugs, the number one thing you can do is be consistent in the gym and
work really hardyou have to push really hard. Thats the thing you have to be good at;
consistency and effort.
I mean, thats the testament to Jasons physique. He actually does push hard and he
does have effort. I think thats why he has got the shape hes in. I mean, thats the
point, like with his pictures, he is showing you how to do it, it takes effort and if you want
a shortcut, then you have to go somewhere else.
Brad Howard: Yeah, even with drugs, there is still the pain threshold.
John Barban: Well, yeah, those guys push hard, too.
Brad Howard: Yeah.

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John Barban: They just end up abnormally larger, thats all.
Brad Howard: Yeah, I mean, the pain threshold or the crap youve got to through, like
for instance, I was talking to my buddy the other day at the gym and hes getting ready
to go and do a show, and I was asking him if he was cutting and he was like yeah. I
mean, this dude is big. When hes not cutting down, hes probably 225, maybe 240 at
John Barban: Yeah, thats huge.
Brad Howard: Right, I mean, hes a big dude. But the funny thing about it, I was like,
Well, how many calories are you eating now when youre cutting down? And he was
like, Its 2,400 a day.
John Barban: And does he do like cardio as well as his weights?
Brad Howard: I dont see him do a lot of cardio.
John Barban: Yeah.
Brad Howard: I dont see him do a lot of cardio, but thats what Im saying, I mean,
hes using a lot of drugs, but hes used to eating 4,000 a day. And I walked in on him
while he was eating, and I was like, How is the food going? Hes like, Oh man, it
John Barban: Oh yeah, dieting sucks. Every single fitness competitor and bodybuilder
Ive ever met knows that its not exactly fun. They just force their way through it.

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Brad Howard: Yeah.
John Barban: Like when I was working at the last supplement company I worked at,
there was a guy, (and I didnt know he was dieting at the time) but he had a show
coming up, and I would purposely go leave little doughnuts on his desk just to tease
Brad Howard: Right.
John Barban: And then some of the other girls (everyone on that freaking company
was either a bodybuilder or a fitness competitor). Some of the girls would come over
and take the donuts and bring them back to me, and then theyd give me a lecture.
Theyre like, Would you stop it. You need to support him. Hes competing. I was like,
Oh, I didnt know he was competing. I wouldnt have done that. And so the next day I
just left even more on his desk, but it was killing him, like it was really hard for him to
have those sitting in front of him. And then another girl there, she was dieting down and
she was a national level fitness competitor, and she had like five or six almonds sitting
on her desk next to her keyboard, and I walked up. I dont know what I needed to talk to
her for, and I had grabbed one to eat it and then she slapped it out of my hand and
shes like, Dont do that. I only get to have those five. She has her calories calculated
for the day and so all five of those almonds were accounted for, so if I ate one, I just
took one-fifth of her almond snack, right? And shes said, Come on, thats all I get right
now. Im like, Oh, sorry.
Brad Howard: Right.
John Barban: But that was how strict they were, and they know there is no other way
around it. I mean, there is still a lot of effort to be put into lose weight.

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Brad Howard: Yeah, well, there is one secret that I dont think we really ever talked
about, and I think we can end with this. The secret is this: once you discover how hard
this really is, then it gets easy.
The road gets really easy once you realize and come to grips with how hard all of this is
because everything crystallizes in front of you. It all makes sense.
John Barban: Yeah, its basically the recognition of what youre actually up against.
Brad Howard: Right.
John Barban: And at that moment, you discard all of the minutiae that are pointless
and then you can focus all your attention on what actually needs to be done.
Brad Howard: Right, yeah. I forget who, but somebody was telling me that, and this is
years and years ago, and yeah, I blew it off, like I said, yeah, whatever. But yeah, Im
seeing it now, just in this regard, especially when youre trying to cut down. On muscle
building, Im not as much concerned with because I dont think I want to gain too much
more and not that they would be even possible, but you realize that youre like, All right,
well, this shit sucks. Its hard. Right? I mean, you just know mentally. You know it.
Its like going to war every single day. You know its going to suck. You know something
is going to get sacrificed. You know youre going to have to do this. Something is going
to have to happen. Yeah, youre still going to be able to live your life, but I mean, once
you decide that you have this ultimate big hairy goal that you want to go and hit, man, I
mean, you can have anything you want in life, you just cant have everything. Thats
really the key. I had a guy tell me that one time. I was like, What do you mean? He
goes, Well, you cant have everything. I mean, if you want, youve got to decide what

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you want and then there are going to be other things that you kind of want to do that
youre just not going to be able to do it if you want that.
John Barban: Oh, yeah, if you want the red car, you cant have the blue car.
Brad Howard: Yeah, sure.
John Barban: So youve got to pick.
Brad Howard: Yeah, I mean, its kind of the way it is. So thats kind of what were
saying about the hormone thing. I mean, lets wrap up real quick. Lets go ahead and
wrap up and then let them go, but go ahead and wrap up glycogen and all that stuff and
then well take it home. Go.
John Barban: Yeah, I guess, the take home message is there is not a whole lot to
worry about with glycogen. If youre interested you can load, but in the research, its a
lot. Like theyre taking in 800-1000 extra calories and basically just pure sugar, so Im
sure that thats not really on your radar for something youd want to do. So I wouldnt
worry too much about it. If you do feel weak in the gym, just a bit of caffeine might help,
and if its because youre cutting down, just remember that its okay if youre going to
feel a little weak or look a little flat while youre cutting down because your goal is fat
loss, not having the greatest muscle building workouts of your life while your cutting
down because the cutting down eventually will end. Muscle building goes on forever.
Brad Howard: Sure.
John Barban: Rep speed, the weight youre using, the amount of weight and the rep
range youre using more or less dictates the rep speed. So the heavier the weight, the

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slower things get on their own. If you want to manipulate rep speed, you can but just
realize that the longer the eccentrics take, the lighter the weight will get, and at some
point, youve got diminishing returns. I would say eccentrics longer than two seconds
down is kind of getting a little ridiculous, so two seconds down is probably more than
enough, if you want to experiment with it and I would only add that every once and
while. If you browse the ATS workouts, theyre in there for a full four weeks and youre
sore the whole time during that one.
Brad Howard: Yeah.
John Barban: And we dont keep it up for the whole 12 weeks.
Brad Howard: Its terrible.
John Barban: Yeah, and then as far as the hormone manipulation in training, dont
pretend like youre going to get steroid like gains just by doing squats and deadlifts. I
mean, theyre good. Theyre definitely good foundation exercise for building mass. I
mean, thats because they work basically almost every muscle in your body. Thats the
point of those exercises, so its not necessarily because theyre mimicking steroid-like
blood levels of testosterone.
Brad Howard: Yeah, thats the other thing, too, youre thinking that one thing would
trigger it all, but there could be ten other things in your life that youre not doing like not
getting enough sleep or not doing this or not doing that, that it will totally negate any of
those effects, so its like why?
John Barban: Its an aggregate, the whole thing, its everything.

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Brad Howard: Sure, so like I say, were not telling you to use roids or not use roids.
Your body is up to you, but I think both John and I agree thats it. I mean, if this is
important to you, well, just go and do it and just see for yourself. I mean, hell, maybe
one of us should go on roids for a month or something just to show them what happens.
Because I remember a guy that was one of our friends, and this guy was skinny as a
rail. He literally could not bench the bar. He could not bench the bar and he got on
Finajet, I think it was, and within three months he was benching over 225 and he was
John Barban: Oh, yeah.
Brad Howard: I mean it was incredible.
John Barban: Yeah, drugs are powerful. Youve just got to make a decision and then if
youre not going to use drugs, you have to accept the fact that things just take a bit
Brad Howard: But the other thing is dont fool yourself if youre going to use drugs to
think that nobody is going to know that you dont use because people will know.

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John Barban: Yeah.
Brad Howard: All right, man. All right guys, well, I dont think we got anything else to
cover with that. But for John Barban, I am Brad Howard and this is your Adonis
Lifestyle podcast.

Here are a few links for you to check out:

1. Adonis Lifestyle Podcast (iTunes subscription link)
2. Listen to the audio version of Glycogen, Eccentrics, and Roids
3. Get the body you deserve and invest in the Adonis Index Systems

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