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V.P. & B.O.T. REGULAR MEETING MINUTES #2014-06 (2-25-14) 5 xn, xm ORDINANCE #14-06-13: .N ORDINANCE ALLOWING A VARIATION TO INCREASE THE "ATION OF 8732 S. RIDGELAN Trustee Desmond moved, seconded by Trustee Olejniczak to approve Items XI. and XIL ROLLCALL: TRUSTEE VORDERER-YES ‘TRUSTEE DESMOND-¥1 ‘TRUSTEE STREIT-YES TRUSTEE CARBERRY-YES ‘TRUSTEE OLEJNICZAK-YES MOTION PASSED 5-0. ORDINANCE #14-06-14: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING TITLE 1 CHAPTERS 6 AND 7 OF THE OAK LAWN VILLAGE CODE PERTAINING TO THE CREATION OF A COMMITTEE OF THE WHOL! ‘Trustee Olejniczak moved, seconded by Trustee Desmond to approve Item XU Trustee Streit stated the Village has been conducting business in the open and televising these Board meetings for ‘many years, People have come to expect to see the meetings on television and to hear al sides of the debate of an issue, When this proposal first came before the Board, he said it was a good idea as long as the meetings continue to be televised. Trustee Streit stated that Trustee Carberry said that we can take care of that concern. Trustee Streit discussed that there is nothing in the ordinance guaranteeing that this new Committee of the Whole will televise these mectings. If the Village does not televise the meetings, then we will be taking a giant step backward in regards to open government and transparency. The people deserve to be able to hear the various viewpoints and to hear the explanation for votes that we take in the regular meetings. Trustee Streit would be in favor of this type ‘of meeting if we agreed to amend the language to require that the meeting is televised and broadcast with our Regular Board meetings. Televising the meetings as we do provides a more public discussion that residents are cenlitled to and have become accustomed to, If we turn back the clocks and turn the cameras off, the lasers will be public who will not be able to see their government in action. Trustee Streit moved to amend the ordinance to state that the Committee of the Whole meetings will be video recorded and broadcast along with the Village Board meetings. There was no second to the motion, so the motion failed, Village President Bury stated that the Committee of the Whole meetings are generally not televised. She said 10 ‘Trustee Streit that he has been on many committees over the years and she bet he could count on one hand or less ‘the number that have been televised, Trustee Vorderer stated as he understands this ordinance, nothing prevents Board members from discussing their “objections to televising the meetings. Ths is just a workshop that gives us all a chance to vent our issues in a ‘mare lengthy presentation and get feedback, Trustee Vorderer stated nothing prohibits a Trustee if he bas ‘objections or wishes to add something for the camera. ‘Trustee Carberry stated the Committee of the Whole meetings are more for staff to come to the Board, so last minute decisions do not have to be made. This will give staff an opportunity to come and discuss concerns oF budget items. ‘Trustee Vorderer agreed with Trustee Carberry. Trustee Vorderer stated that he gets the Board agenda on Friday and on Monday staff sometimes cannot get right back to him regarding an issue, These meetings will give ‘everyone a chance to understand the issues. ‘Trustee Desmond asked if the Board can direct staff at the Committee of the Whole meetings to prepare items for the next agenda in two weeks. Village President Bury answered yes. Village Attorney Pat Connelly stated the intent of the Committee of the Whole is not to eradicate the system of the various committees that members of the Board sit on. The idea behind this isto give the full Board an opportunity to be able to interface with staff about certain projects that they will ultimately be asked to vote on. ‘Trustee Streit understands pretty clearly why we are going to do this. There ate items placed on the agenda that some Trustees did not know about, He said imagine how he feels. He cannot even request an item to be placed on the agenda and get it on the agenda. He knows how the Board feels when they get an agenda item and they ask how this got here. He knows that is the main objective and the Board want to stop that, He said you all ran on a platform of openness and transparency. What will happen now is most of the debate will take place in a ‘committee meeting that will not be televised and the publi is not going ta see that. If you are really committed to ‘openness and transparency, the Village should televise the meetings ‘Trustee Olejniczak gave a great example of the Committee of the Whole regarding the Finance Committee. Every ‘year we go through five or six days of meetings that last from one to three hours regarding the budget and listening. to presentations from staff. These mectings have never been televised. We do a lat of good work there; there is a lot of friendly debate and there is @ lot of discussion that goes on there. This is a working meeting. There isa lot ‘of open discussion, One Trustee used a quote from one of the meetings to try to scare people into thinking that Trustee Olejniczak was looking to sell the water system. He cannot prevent people from trying to use scare tactics and laking bits and pieces from brainstorming, but having a Committee of the Whole is good and honest V.P. & B.O.T. REGULAR MEETING MINUTES #2014-06 (2-25-14) 6 XIV. xv. ‘open work. All business will still have to be vetted in front of the full Board and Board members will till have every opportunity to debate, discuss and talk. Every year the Public Works Department comes up with their recommendations for streets. Every year there is discussion on this issue with the Public Works Committee and then this comes to the Board of Trusiees for final approval. Trustee Olejniczak stated this system has worked ‘many years prior to him and Trustee Streit, The Committee of the Whole can be time to better work together as 2 Board. Trustee Olejniczak stated that Trustee Streit does not return phone calls. Village President Bury asked Trus Olejniczak not to call out any one Trustee, ‘Trustee Olejniezak stated he would have loved to have the Committee of the Whole when the new bank being built near the Village Hall was put on the agenda with a parking variance that is greater than 60%. He stated a certain Trustee looking at him at the meeting, voted for it without any concern for the neighborhood and what the residents in the neighborhood said, Trustee Olejniezak asked for this it hhad no input on the bank. sm to be tabled and it was not tabled. He ‘Trustee Carberry stated that he agrees with the idea that counsel has presented. The Village will see how the ‘Committee of the Whole works. It is worth giving this committee a try. If this committee is ineffective and has no ‘merit, we can do something else. Trustee Streit stated that he has observed this structure in a number of other municipalities. What happens is the ‘debate takes place at the committee level and when you go into the Board meetings which are taped, all the decisions will already be made. The public will not see the debate because the committee meetings will not be televised. Village President Bury stated to Trustee Streit, that is what he has already said a few times. She asked Trustee Streit if there was anything new. Trustee Streit stated there are people here who were unable to see the committee meetings and the many issues discussed about outsourcing services, Televising meetings is a good thing forthe public to see what is going on. I will be missed and he thinks itis critically important that the public has an opportunity to view what this Board «does and they will not see it when this committee structure is implemented. Village President Bury stated to Trustee Streit regarding putting items on the agenda, that he has the same rules that any other Board member has, Ittakes two Trustees to put something on the agenda and if that does not work, 2 call to Village President Bury or Village Manager Deetjen would have that same effect. ‘Trustee Streit stated Village Manager Deetjen would not put an agenda item on for him. Village President Bury and Trustee Streit disagreed on who interrupted who, Village President Bury called ‘Trustee Streit “out of order” Village President Bury asked for the roll to be taken, ROLL CALL: TRUSTEE VORDERER-YES TRUSTEE DESMOND-YES TRUSTEE CARBERRY-YES ‘TRUSTEE OLEJNICZAK-YES MOTION Pass ED 4-1. ORDINANCE #14-06-1 N ORDINANCE REQUIRING 24-HOUR RESIDE} PERMIT ONLY SIGNS ON THE NORTH SIDE OF 93°” PLACE, BETWEEN KOMENSKY AND KEELER AVENUE: ‘Trustee Vorderer moved, seconded by Trustee Carberry to approve Item XIV, ROLLCALL: TRUSTEE VORDERER-YES TRUSTEE DESMOND-¥1 ‘TRUSTEE STREIT-YES TRUSTEE CARBERRY-YES ‘TRUSTEE OLEJNICZAK-YES MOTION PASSED 5-0. RESOLUTION #14-06-08: A RESOLUTION APPROVING A PROPOSAL BY CDM SMITH, IN PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING SERVICES PERTAINING TO THE 2014 SANITARY SEWER REHABILITATION PROGRAM: FOR ‘Trustee Olejniezak moved, seconded by Trustee Carberry to approve Item XV. ROLL CALL: TRUSTEE VORDERER-YES TRUSTEE DESMOND-YES ‘TRUSTEE STREIT-Y1 ‘TRUSTEE CARBERRY-YES ‘TRUSTEE OLEJNICZAK-YES MOTION PASSED 5-0.

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