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Canyon Nuckols

Mrs. Pettay
English 111, 3A
Question: Personal Statement with 500 Word Limit
481 Words
I watched the shiny, yellow bus approach the bus stop unaware of the dangers lurking
behind the pretty faces of two girls I had known for years. About halfway to school, the girls
asked to borrow my headphones, but when I said no, the girls became extremely agitated
breaking my headphones, hitting me, and slamming my head into the metal bar and window of
the bus. At this point, my male friends urged me to retaliate and refuse to take the abuse, but the
whole time, I kept thinking, I cannot hit a girl, so I just sat there. Someone must have reported
the incident because later that day I was called down to the Vice Principals office. He called the
girls down and told them to apologize to which I replied, I dont need them to apologize
because I have already forgiven them. Later, I requested that one of the girls be reinstated as
captain of the cheering squad because I felt that one incident of bullying should not have had
such a dramatic effect. Adults close to me seemed awed by my ability to forgive so easily.
When someone does something that is completely foreign to how I would treat others, I
always feel shocked. My gut reaction is, What about their life experience makes them behave
that way? So, rather than feeling anger, I feel sympathy for them. While many of the adults
around me view this sympathy as a gift that prevents me from holding grudges and helps me

mend broken relationships, growing up with this gift has often felt like a curse because it has
allowed peers to take advantage of me. I frequently felt like I didnt know how to relate to or fit
in with the mean-spiritedness of middle school or the exclusionary nature of high school. While
my parents and church leaders often praise me for this trait, many times I have wished I could be
just a little less easy-going.
As I approach adulthood, I realize that I do get mad at situations and people more so than
when I was younger. However, I also accept that holding a grudge is not natural for me. I just
do not see the point. No situation has ever been resolved because a person held a grudge or
retaliated for a wrong. It would cost me so much energy to foster anger, probably would not
change anything, and would never make me feel better, so I choose to just let it go. While others
may try to take advantage of me, I find a way to remain true to who I am while protecting
myself, and maintaining anger and resentment would not be staying true to who I am. Like the
girls on the bus, I see people for their potential for greatness and kindness not for the evil they
may commit.

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