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Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Assignment

(PGDBA 2013 batch from SCDL, Pune)

1. The main role of integration of data is: (Multiple choice single

a. To analyse the data
b. To process the data
c. Effective database management
d. To plan the strategies
Ans. c
2. Fill in the blank:
You are on a faltering mode to satisfy a customer as he belongs to
the ________ category.
a. The negotiator
b. Mr. Know it all
c. The friendly buyer
d. The dealer
Ans. b
3. True/False
Contact management facilitates better coordination and
understanding between various departments.
Ans. False
4. Fill in the blank:
__________ will help you see the natural behaviour of a customer.
a. Informal study
b. Observation
c. Customer complaint
d. Formal study
Ans. b
5. True/False
It is not necessary that the technology tool you select to implement
CRM is aligned to your corporate strategy and objectives.
Ans. False

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