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Dry ice is a versatile product that has a number of commercial and consumer uses:

To remove floor tiles

To remove skin imperfections
In the poultry industry
In the baking industry
To lengthen the life of wet ice
To make fog in the entertainment industry
To shrink metal
To retard chemical catalysts
To improve porosity in oil wells
To pack ice cream on trips
To purge fuel tanks
To brand animals
To store food during power outages

For low-temperature testing

As a mosquito attractant for traps
To keep party kegs cold
To pack trophy game or fish on the way home
By airline caterers to keep food chilled
By blood banks for shipping
To blast clean rubber and plastic injection moulds and food processing
By the concrete industry to prevent heat build-up
To freeze unstable ground
To germinate food
To freeze water lines without shutoff valves
To blast clean fire-damaged buildings

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