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Dear Next Years Teacher:

I look forward to be in your class next year. To help you understand better with students and to
help us make the year one of the best years, I would like to acknowledge you my style of
learning. As a student, Ive recognize my strengths and weaknesses of writing. Through this
realization, I felt the best way for me to improve in writing is to practice writing essays at least
once a week. I have done this in my sophomore year and felt a huge improvement in writing
after I finished that year. Another way of learning is to give out practice multiple choice reading
and writing at least once a month. By the end of the year, students will master the skill in the
multiple choice section. It would definitely help since we will be taking the AP Exam by May.

Some of the assignments Im anticipated to do would be the college essay. Next year would be
my most excited, nervous, and diligent year since it would be my last year in high school waiting
for the college admission notifications. I want to learn the best elaborate ways to write a college
essay to my dream college and I believed almost all the students if not all share the same ideas I
have in mind now. I also hope to do more research on scholarships. Basically, the assignments I
want to do next would involve colleges- whether its college research, admission or scholarships.
But I also expect AP English assignments that well be doing in preparation for the May Exam. I
felt the best way to work this out would be to emphasize college related subjects from September
to December and the rest of the year just AP assignments. This is because not only are we, as a
senior, focuses on the AP Exam, we also need to prepare for the future.

Lena Lin

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