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Faithlyn Norman

Julio Alicea
PEET Paragraph
March 26, 2015
Mexican-American War Justified or Unjustified

The Mexican-American War was unjustified and Mexico should want their land back
because many people felt like America stole their land between 1847 and 1848.
In Mexican Aliens Seek to Retake Stolen Land, an article written in the Washington Post in
2006, says that if Mexico gets its land back they will rename their country "The Republica del
Norte." That land includes modern day Texas, California, Nevada, New Mexico, Arizona,
Colorado, Wyoming, and Utah. Mexico has a plan in place for their stolen land. Also there
exists a demographic map showing where most Mexican Americans live. The map shows that the
majority of Mexican Americans live in the Southwest part of the US. which is the area that
Mexico wants back. Overall I think that the Mexican American movement was unjustified.
Although Mexico won the war, it was not fair because America bought their way through getting
land. Imagine if Mexico gets larger, they will have attractions that America used to have.

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