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Sth Annual World Children's Caan ‘The participants free to choose any thome about which he or she wishes to ‘express himsolt or hereet. Rules for Pictures {@size: 728mm x 15mm oF smaller, and with thickness of 3mm ole (@Pointing materais: The participant can use any materials, @ietnod : Any method is acceptable. PERE 8 15 years old Cea uly 1 - October 31,2007 (The pieture must he receved in the IE-NO-SIKARI [Association by this date.) Etienne) ‘@Fesuts wil be announced on the 1E-NO-NIKARI Associaton website in end: fanuary, 2008, http:thnnienchikarinevzugacon! (@7he IE-NO-HIKARI Association will send the result notice to all the Participating organizations (orto each participant fhe of she participated nthe contest nevidvaly in April, 2008, (©The I-NO-HIKARI Association will put togother the awarded works into a commemorative book, and will also send the book all the parilpating organizations. @cold Prize : 20 people, Silver Prize : 40 3. Bronze Prize : 60 people, Honorable Mention :€0 people Gold, Sver and Bronze Prize Winners wil be avarded a cortiicate of merit anda commemorstive git. Honorable Mention Winners wil be awarded a certitoate of merit. {@Each cls may submit only one pieture, The picture must be unreleased. (@rio work can be returned tothe applicant Al rights to entry pletures wil belong to the host organization @in some cases, children's artworks will be loaned our for setvities and ‘events promoting children’s art education, et. in Japan. (@Ptease make certain of ing the applleation form completly in block letters; {ack ot nformadion o legible hand may cause troubles such as misreading of 9 ame and ttle or return of he prize foe he award winner as undellverable. {@0ne organization can send 200 pictures at mos; if more than 200 pictures ‘are submitted to one organization, please ‘organization betorehane. Enel IE-NO-IKART Association “Tho 16th Annual World Children's Picture Contest* No.1, Funagawar-che, lehigaya, Shinjukisku, Toy 162-848, Japan TEL: 491-9:3266-0007 FAX: 4813-3266.9997 ‘all: culturedf@imva.biglobe.nep “The apleaton torn ean be da ra ote Pe ‘Al sepa emi wtb oper handed under ne I-NO-HKARI Associaton pracy slcy invitation to The Goadasee gamer erty Cock tac ts Paste tho “application form I” on the lower right hand comer of the backside ofthe picture. c actos tn appteation tom 1° sono with ho tres 6 sora me cures. ee F Samples Organization: IE-NO.HIKARY Scheel, eueher ene Mave, Shut Suz! Wid (Remet, 7 Years Old) Tite ot Picture Tulip ‘Given Name Gaais Name aie Midori Suzuki [oe “(mate Wtemale Date of Birth oe frog Yew iv 15, 1, 2000 Organization ae br IE-NO-HIKARI School | Representative of Organization leno Mitsuo ==> gage | Japan voocen: Shinjukucku,Tekyo Tet 481-3-3266-1000 PAX B1-3-B2SE-KXK cultured Fcc sop ‘The 15th Annual World Children's Picture Contest Application Forml ‘tor Child Information) >on ‘Orasnization IE-NO-HIKARI School Representative of Organization leno Miteuo | Country at Domicile Japan ‘Address of Organization culbured rocco xnp ‘Number of the entry pictures you sre sending us” 200 "Number of total entries: ‘Please make certain of fillng tho application form in block letters, Letter Samplos: ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPORSTUVWXY2, Lack of information or legible hand may cause troubles such as misreading of a nama and tio or tum of the prize forthe avd ‘winner Undeliverabl. ‘The 15th Annual World Children’s Picture Contast Application Formll tor Tse organization representa) [Tide or ctare | a Sex male Oreanizton epresniniv of Ox aunty ot ami | {reo FAX Organization’ -Hopresentative of Organization Gountry of Domicile Address of Organization “Fax ‘Numba’ of total entries tthe entry pictures: ending ue :// ‘See cS ‘rector goer The Nana Mussu af Modern At Tokyo TSUIMURA,Tesve Profnsr, Tokyo National Unvrty of Fine At ane Muse UWENARA, Yio Profesor, Seka Uiersty NAKASE, Norse ‘Chaierton, pan Feoron ofA uration Teaehrs TOuUYASU, Kei Chaoperson, Tokyo Watopttn At Teacher's Society of ray School TSUUL Messhiro LAS LT Le IENO-HIKARI Association ian ee {ternational Raiflelsen Union International Society for Edueation through Art ‘The Ministry of Foreign Affaire of Jepan, ‘The Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology of Jepan ‘The Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries of Jepan INELKE (Sop Broadcasting Corporation) Japan Federation of Art Eduction Teachers Central Union of Agricultural Co-operatives ‘The Norinehukin Bank "Nokyo Tourist Corporation 2938 AS Anuar WORLD CHILDREN'S PICTURE CONTEST ‘The 1E:NO-HIKARI Association, a charitable orgenizalion established as ‘member of the Japan Agricultural Co-operatives group, works hard to fostor cultures of rura vilages through publication of books Including the “IE-NO-HIKARY magazine as well as various cultural activities, As @ part of Ite civersitied activities, the 1E-NO-HIKARI Association has held the ‘World Children's Picture Contest” since 1999, in hope thet this contest ‘would create amity and frendship among children all over the world and {develop good personality of ehiléren, ‘he cover-page picture is “Trees in colors” by Nka Grn (Slovenia Age 6), Gold Prize Winner nthe 1th Contes

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