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GED 267: Introduction to Public Policy: How Dhaka Works

Interview summary
Due 18 March
Instructions: Each student group is to find and interview people who are
knowledgeable about their chosen policy or policy problem. These could be public
officials, individuals affected by the problem, or just people knowledgeable about
the problem. Students should develop a list of at least four questions ahead of
time and interview at least four people. For example, if my broad topic is traffic
and my subtopic is enforcement of traffic laws then I might talk with two drivers,
one pedestrian and one police officer. Following completion of the interviews,
student groups are to submit a two page document with the interview questions
and a summary of the responses.
Question: Why dont police fine drivers who break traffic laws?
Answers: Police and pedestrians provided different answers to this question.
One police officer noted that he does not have the authority to fine drivers.
He pointed out that police have to be of a certain rank to issue fines and
because he is a constable he is unable to do so. Another police officer
pointed out that they dont have time to issue traffic fines. As it is they have
many police on just one intersection and they can barely keep things under
control. Two of the drivers felt that fines wouldnt help. They argued that the
problem is just so big. If the police tried to issue a fine they would be
laughed at. Even if they did issue fines they would be so small in number
that they wouldnt really affect the problem. A pedestrian interviewed felt
that the police are corrupt and that they dont care about enforcing the law.
Group members:


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