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-Our World in the Future

Answer as many of these as you can:
Where do people get food? (& what do they eat?)
-People get their food from the alien race. Since they are slaves, they have scheduled eating
times. They eat this blackish looking object that tastes like burnt corn.
Where do people go to the bathroom?
-People can go to the bathroom in their homes. The aliens have conquered the humans, but
they are fair. They let the human race stay in their houses but make them work for them.
Where do people sleep?
-People are allowed to sleep in their own house.
What do they wear?
-Clothing is provided by the alien race. It is just a simple gray jumpsuit with no pockets.
Having no pockets means no one can conceal a weapon, Humans are allowed to wear
whatever they want in their own abodes, but are required to wear it outside the house. Failure
to wear it could lead to a punishment.
Where do they get clothes?
- The aliens provide it for them.
What does success look like in your society? (How do people become successful,
and what are the signs of their success?)
-There is no success in the society. The aliens promote the idea of equality so in terms,
everyone is successful. However, later on in the story, success is whomever survives the
How do people get from place to place?
-Normal conventional ways. Cars, trains, planes, etc..
What are the most important rules?
-The most important rule is to trust the aliens. That is all that is required.
Who enforces the rules?
-Aliens usually patrol neighborhoods in their spacecrafts. These spacecrafts have X-Ray
technology, so any conspirators can be caught pretty easily. All aliens,even the civilian aliens,
are equipped with a deadly weapon.

What happens to people who break the rules?

-Usually the aliens punish humans by pouring this brown liquid that gives a sensation that you
are burning alive but no physical damage is done to you. If it is a serious offense, they just kill
Where do adults hang out?
-There are designated places where adults can hang out. These places are more common
than the teenagers because the aliens trust the adults more because of their maturity.
Where do teenagers hang out?
-There are designated places where teenagers can hang out. There is usually one hang out
plac per community where all teenagers are required to hang. If any teenager is caught
breaking this law, they can be severely punished.
Where do kids go to learn?
-Kids go to an alien spaceship to learn the aliens culture and native language. All evidence of
Earth teachings are mostly burned.
What do they learn?
-The alien races language and culture. The plan for this is to prep the humans so they can
assimilate into their society later on, if they prove themselves to be worthy.

This doesnt need to be beautiful, its all about being able to picture your world. Here are some
things you could draw:
A map of the place where your piece is set
The layout of an important building/ship/space ship/etc.
The clothing that people wear
The way your main characters look

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