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Buenas tarde, hoy le hablare de petra

Good afternoon , today we speak of petra

2. Tiene 20 aos de edad

She is 20 years old

3. Ella es una geodesta, encargada de la cartografa del pas

She is a surveyor , responsible for mapping the country

4. En su trabajo ella se especializa en modelo digital de elevacin

In her work she specializes in digital elevation model

5. Estos son usados como informacin base en sig

These are used as baseline information in sig

6. Como tambin la delimitacin de cuencas hidrogrficas

As well as the delineation of watersheds

7. Esta son las que proporcionan agua a las cuidades cercana

This are those that provide water to the cities nearby

8. En su actividades esta en generar atributos morfometrico como

pendiente, geologa, entre otras
In his activities this in generate morphometric attributes as slope, geology,
among other

9. tambin se encarga de referenciar imgenes de satlite

also responsible to reference satellite images

10.para acercar su modelo ms a la realidad.

to bring the model closer to reality

Good afternoon , today we speak of petra

She is 20 years old
She is a surveyor , responsible for mapping the country
In her work she specializes in digital elevation model
These are used as baseline information in sig
As well as the delineation of watersheds
This are those that provide water to the cities nearby
In his activities this in generate morphometric attributes as slope,
geology, among other
also responsible to reference satellite images
to bring the model closer to reality

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