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Classmate Biographies

1. Paragraph
Introduce your classmate, using
their full name. Give their
background information, such as
their birthday, the place they were born, where they live.
2. Paragraph
Discuss your classmates family such as their siblings, aunts
and uncles, pets, grandparents, etc
3. Paragraph
More details(5 sentences)Describe your classmateboth a
physical and personality description. Are they funny, quiet,
shy, outgoing? You must use at least five (5) descriptive
adjectives. Discuss what activities your classmate likes to do
sports, hobbies, favorites (television, movies, books, subject
in school, etc.).
4.Edit and Revise your Rough Draft (in class).
5.Type or neatly write your Final Draft
6. Upload the final version to EDMODO

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