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Namrah Siddique

Social Media

Shown above is my groups Twitter account. My group and I decided to create a Twitter
account as we believed it would be effecient to broadcast information about our production
and keep track of our progress as we would be updating details along the way. Not only
would this be useful to us, but it will also help us gain feedback and opinions from our target
audience. As Twitter is more popular than Facebook, it will be easier to gain access from our
target audience by reaching them out on this social media website. Twitter is also an easier
way to update our followers on our progress as they will be able to access a full stream of
tweets showing all details of our upcoming production and when it will be released.

Although Twitter may be more popular, my group and I still intended on making a Facebook
page to interact with as many people still use it as their main source of social media due to
not liking Twitter. Therefore our aim was to interact with our target audience through this sie
too. By liking our Facebook page, they will have unlimited access to our posts and be able to
know what stage we are on of our film progression.

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