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1) Forme frases seguindo os modelos.

He / play football/ on Saturday

He / not play football/next Saturday
He /play football/next Saturday/?

= He is going to play football on Saturday.

= He is not going to play football on Saturday.
= Is he going to play football on Saturday?

a) I / travel / to Paris / next summer holidays

b) Kate / meet / her friends / tonight
c) Mr. Harris / not watch / a film / this evening
d) Your parents / walk / in the park / tomorrow?
e) We / not dance / at the disco / next Friday
f) Lucy / bake a cake / this afternoon
g) John and Mike / play basketball / next week
h) You / ride a bike / this weekend / ?
2) Reescreva as frases nas formas negativa e interrogativa.
a) They are going to read.
b) Peter is going to learn Chinese.
c) She is going to marry with Pedro.
d) Those books are going to fall.
e) It is going to rain tomorrow.
f) They are going to stop it.

Leia o texto
I have a special friend. He lives with me. He is my father. My father is never sad. He is
always smiling about everything. In the morning, every day at six thirty he knocks on my
bedroom door and say: Wake up, son and be ready for another day.
So I get up and brush my teeth, when I am in the bathroom he reminds me, Dont
forget to kiss your mother!
Tomorrow is my fathers birthday, I am going to give him a present but I dont know
what buy. My father likes to cooking, maybe a book is a good option. I am going to ask mom
for help.
Never nunca
Knocks bate
Say diz
I dont know eu no sei
Everything tudo
Wake up acorde
Son filho
Another outro
Get up levanto
Maybe talvez
Brush escovo
Reminds me me lembra
Forget esquea
Give dar

1) De acordo com o texto:

a) O pai do menino feliz por que:
( ) ele est sempre trabalhando
( ) ele est sempre chorando
( ) ele est sempre sorrindo
b) O significado da expresso BE READY no texto significa:
( ) durma novamente
( ) prepare-se
( ) pare
c) O menino vai pedir ajuda sobre a escolha do presente para:
( ) a me
( ) o pai
( ) um amigo
2) Responda de acordo com o texto:
a) Quem o amigo do menino de acordo com o texto?___________________________
b) Que horas o menino acorda todos os dias?__________________________________
c) Quem o menino beija antes de ir para a escola?______________________________
d) Por que ele vai comprar um livro para o pai?_________________________________
3) Escreva V para verdadeiro ou F para falso de acordo com o texto.
a) (
b) (
c) (
d) (
e) (

) O menino acorda as 6:00 todos os dias.

) Amanh o aniversrio da me dele.
) O menino vai comprar uma camisa para o pai.
) O pai dele gosta de cozinhar.
) O menino beija a me dele depois da escola.

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