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Week 3. Analyzing Classroom Discourse.

Observe in a classroom, keeping a record that lets you answer the following
questions. Record/write down a list of what is said for 10 minutes during the
CORE part of the class:

What proportion of time does the teacher talk?


What types of questions does the teacher ask?


List all the exact words you hear the teacher uses when asking
questions about the math topic (not review or procedural questions)

What evidence do you see that children have learned some mathematics?

Time the class for 10 min, how many of those minutes is the teacher

What are children saying or doing that shows they understand a new

How many of the children have an opportunity to talk?


Are children talking only when the teacher calls on them?

Do children talk to partners or in table groups?

Do children raise their hands to ask questions? What are they asking?

In your opinion, is the classroom discourse about important and new


Why or why not?

Week 3. Analyzing Classroom Discourse.

After observing the math lesson which it was about money

the teacher was taking the main in it. In addition, in the core
part from the lesson the teacher were monitoring and
talking approximately 4 from 10 and reset time was for the
student to do their work. According to the money lesson in
the core the teacher was introducing UAE currency for the
students by showing the picture of them and tell what they
are. after this step the teacher give an activity which
students got a restaurant menu and they have to buy from it
what they want by a limited number of money. However,
from what I notice the teacher was using some questions
such as what you can see? Is this correct? What do you think
if we exchange this kind of money? Students were learning
from the teacher because when they start their activity they
know what they have to do and how they can use the money
to buy by them, also some student do not afraid from asking
the teacher and this is a strong proves that they are
learning. However, there are lots of students were talking
with their partner about the lesson topic to check their
answers and this is can raise student knowledge.
Approximately, most of the students were raising their
hands to ask questions about the activity or to ask about
the kinds of currency. Overall, the class discussion was
about the new topic and how they can deal with it in their
real life.

Students listening to the teacher during the core part

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