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Anthony Doane

Eng. 111/112

Writing Reflection

My growth as a writer throughout this year is similar to that of a plant. I am a

plant because I believe that I have undergone slow and steady growth throughout this
entire year. Toward the beginning of the year, I often received 89s on my papers;
however, as the year has moved on my grades have steadily increased into the 90s range.
Punctuation has been something I have struggled with in my entire academic career,
specifically commas. I believe the confusion I had surrounding commas was due to the
fact that I never remember being taught how to use them properly. However, this class
has greatly improved my skills as a writer whether it is punctuation, grammar, and
creating a well-organized paper.
I came into dual enrollment in hopes that I would greatly improve as a writer and
with time and perseverance; I believe that I have finally reached my goal. Writing has
never been my forte and I wouldnt necessarily categorize myself as an exceptional
writer. When it comes to writing, I have always struggled with grammar and commas,
and these are two aspects, which I really hoped for improvement upon entering this
course. Before taking this course, I often found myself simply struggling with figuring
out what exactly I wanted to say in the paper. Dual enrollment has helped me to better
plan my assignments through the creation of outlines to guide me through the writing

While some of the assignments in the class often felt tedious, in retrospect I
realize they were for my own good. I am grateful to both the class and Mrs. Pettay for
helping me improve as a writer. I can genuinely say that I learned a great deal of new
skills in this class, and improved the skills of which I already had. I definitely learned a
lot of new

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