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Assessment Description

Assessment Details
Course Name:
Course Teacher:
Task Title:

Learning through the Visual Arts

Aisha Alteneiji
Poster Presentation
Create a poster on methods of documenting childrens learning through
the visual arts which addresses the purpose and audience for each
Select 3 methods of documenting childrens learning through the visual
arts and explain the purpose and audience for each method
You may select the method of making your poster e.g soft copy, hard copy. Be
creative. The poster needs to include all of the information above in a clear and
concise manner


Documentation: the process and physical collection of evidence and artifacts, the
reflection of that collection, Carlina Rinaldi (1994)
CLO 1- Plan, implement and reflect on effective strategies to foster creativity in the
visual arts in young children
CLO 2- Integrate a variety of visual arts into the learning environment of young
CLO 3- Utilise a range of skills, techniques, competencies and understandings in
the visual arts (printing, weaving,painting, mixing, 3d modelling, collage)...
CLO 4- Document learning and the specific processes used to develop creativity in
the visual arts such as co-construction.

Word Limit:
Due Date:

Approx: 600 words
Your grade will be determined using the relevant criteria from the
attached rubric.

Late Penalty:

Unless special circumstances are agreed with the course teacher

regarding late submission, work submitted 1 working day late will
be deducted 10%, 2 days late 20%, 3 days late 30% and any
work submitted more than 3 days late will get a zero mark.

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