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Main characters:

Lucy Montgomery, 16 year old girl with schizophrenia

Toby Hastings, English teacher at rosewood high school

Paul Montgomery, Lucy's farther

My idea is a girl (Lucy) who has watched her mother be murdered when Lucy was a little
girl (13). This trauma has caused her to create the mental disability schizophrenia; which
if you don't know is a mental disability that causes you to have hallucinations and hear
voices in there heads. This also has an increase in aggressive behaviour. Further in the
idea the teenage Lucy is carrying on at her school when a new English teacher (toby Hastings) joins the school. Lucy has trouble at school due to her disability and this causes
her to be singled out a lot so she turns to her writing to voice her opinions. This brings
her and MR Hastings closer and as MR Hastings is a young character (21) eventually the
two of them fall in love. However when the ex wife is added to the mix this does not go
down well for Lucy and the voices in there head begin to tell her things. This ends up in
Lucy putting the wife 6 feet under and is forced to move away to a mental asylum far
away from there town. This causes great grief for MR Hastings as no matter what has
happened he knows that it is not Lucy's fault and is still madly in love with her. He leaves
his job and moves so that he is closer to Lucy so that they are not separated as much.

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