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®) Name No WW Excellent | Very | Good | Needs | Missing Good ‘Work argument ‘Quality of Thesis Statement - It takes a risk, is not obvious, is open ended Quality of Topic sentences Clear and interpretive points are drawn | from the argument and show a logical progression Quality of Evidence Supports the point in the topic sentence ee and is integrated properly with context Quality of Analysis Focuses on specific words and phrases, teases out significant connotations, draws strong inferences that clearly connect to ae the evidence, and relates to the topic oa sentence and argument |titernal /xternal Organization Coherent, unified paragraphs = ‘Transitions between ideas = Transitions between sentences i ‘Argument is clear and identifiable 7 a 7 Topic Sentences are clear and identifiable Kein “| Style, Grammar, and Mechanics Your voice comes through Clarity of sentences — | Word choice Le Grammar and Punctuation ies Spelling and Proofing Present Tense Citations Work Cited List Formatting (see, MLA Style Sheet) laowni — Good fr tiene AONE fe put fhe micrascer Dar arecee epetrener ed Caan egiel igri solemn . DO Ypy see he, by focueng on 1 arp aaross yer paper (iret 43) Ye were abl to rtned Lite a awelain 2 Now Sherveat [Pie body AB, where yp loure, DZ. pier \ eviderce, for Wed, woe Orpen d aber presto | ak nn SuRREE 4\ Yow dean | | See margpinad nokia in other [Ps for places hot need actolitioo Contax , Aas FLA, OL NUMER, x splicea + emerald Yovive aotrieved here mr demas of a nave, Eiweveaked aqumowl, + 4a burl that 4 opment acreh ee AL RI vee My the play! —ay. 5 nutes, AbE tSeene — Davy 1 Naomi Davy Ms. Sokolov English 9 2/23/15 Romeo in Love with Lov: the True Motives behind the Relationship between Star-Crossed Lovers In the play, Romeo and Juliet, by William Shakespeare, two seemingly “star-crossed lovers”, named Romeo Montague and Juliet Capulet, instantly claim their love for each other despite the fact that they are from feuding families; they ultimately kill themselves for this love, ‘The Montagues and the Capulets have an ancient conflict making for a violent and hostile environment in the city of Verona for both sides. Afier the end of a public brawl, the Prince even describes the two families as, “rebellious subjects, enemies to peace/ profaners of this neighbor- Ach Act, stainéd steel... beasts,” (Shakespeare 15). In the beginning of the play, the reader finds that Romeo has claimed his love for a member of the Capulet family named Rosaline; however, he is quick to forget her when he meets Juliet soon becomes evident that Juliet has truly fallen in love with Romeo, but the same cannot be said about him, Romeo's love is often described in the not cheain planar, play as blind, rash, and faG yt there is a reason his chafacter is so closely linked with tove,) hye ‘While Juliet loves Romeo, Romeo is not actually in love with Jule, rathenhe isin love withthe ol id ving anyone because it is his escape from and solution to violence in his life, and he is even willing sacrifice this love and die to escape the violence, Kh NA sty vs gf oe flkely ‘was; however, he goes through with the marriage because, even though Romeo may not be ee, Set ’ Davy 3 night.” (Shakespeare 19) They have all noticed that Romeo shuts himself away from the family and the world, and when confronted about his aloofness, Romeo uses love as his excuse. He tells dient Mer quale to its speccpre contort Dnferpedy his cousin, Benvolio, “here's much to do with hate, but more with love....this love feel I, that feel disa xm weal no love in this.” (Shakespeare 21) The contradictory language Romeo uses throughout this scene eha Si tase reflects how he feels about the conflict in his daily life. He is more of a lover and not a fighter as & ce & the rest of his family seems to be. He later describes his love with Rosaline as “a madness most s center! 7 rae he tye PM discreet” (Shakespeare 2ghovee, it is the violence in his life that is making him “maq") Me : uses love as a semblance for the true cause of his emotional state, for it is a more common and respectable reason than what may be viewed as cowardice in his society. All in all, the reader understands from Romeo's actions that love, for Romeo, even before 3, has beet oan th one Hae, excuse to cover up his feelings about the hatred in his life as a result ofthe feud between fore Just Farine Wee oe Z owe pt that families, but also an escape from violence generating from that hatred. fore is On JS 8e Harethors ces In addition to using love as an excuse for his lack of participation in the feuding, Romeo” ~ yolea! We a = also makes haste fo find love so he may solv gonfiets in his lif. Shorly afer meeting Julie, if Romeo visits Friar Lawrence to ask that he marry them that same day. Friar Lawrence understands Romeo’s motives behind the sudden marriage without Romeo having to say it aloud; he comments, “Oh [Rosaline] knew well/ thy love did read by rote, that could not spell. / But come, young waverer, come, go with me,/ In one respect I'll thy assistant be, / For this alliance may so happy prove / to turn your household’s rancor to pure love.” (Shakespeare 89) Friar Lawrence understood before that Rosaline thought Romeo's love was shallow, which it most |_~ ce in love with Julict, as was the case with Rosaline, the marriage may solve the feuding between Co Davy 5 * loved Juliet, he would not want to make her even more upset. He is selfish in his desires to die to ns demonstrate his lack of true escape conflict, and as a result the reader will find that his ac love for Juliet. Overall, though Juliet may have fallen in love with Romeo, Romeo surely does not love Juliet for who she is; moreover, love, for Romeo, is a tool to escape violence as a result of the feuding families. In the end, the two characters commit suicide for each other in a tragic misunderstanding, with sleeping potion; however, one can see Romeo’s actions are inspired by a desire to escape a world seemingly bountiful in violence and lacking in love, while those of Juliet are inspired by true love of and loyalty to Romeo. Romeo's attitude toward violence reveals various qualities of his character including the idea that he is a lover. It is no coincidence that he is so often pictured as being in loge, however, he is blind to his subconscious motives for associating with such a quality. Had the families not Raye been feuding, Romeo may have had a ‘Chance to fall into genuine love. Nevertheless, it is ultimately his strive to end hatred and LO Ag i) propagate love that begets his lack of true love for Julie, and it is his desire to escape the | ede ec violence that leads s the name of love by the end of the Co hes Sony wr Sh “Se “ted “] nolethe tow A in or be Swed : eet | espa’ =f we GS 2 ps, Works Cited: Shakespeare, William. The Tragedy arRoneo and Juliet. Ed, Barbara A. Moma gene — . Lenny, and Paul Werstine. New York: on & Schuster Paperbacks, 1992. Print. — eS t @ T uphold the NCS Honor Code: (~ VYeamg Ppa? wiviring “wroRess + Ye Proud + . 7 TAMPIBUd oF Wow « cons eet He 1 OFOINIUAN QUA Vow TAROLANT TE Mok & rok OT cera, LT am proud of Wy Ul Of VOR AIG We -Z felt as thouen = anal yee WX looker Na ce 4 Mon TS used to “A ain prowd of news wow . 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