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What is the role of women as presented by the Beowulf poet?

Pages 129-151

a) Look at the description of Hygd, Hygelacs Queen, at the bottom of page 131-132 (lines
1925-1931), and again at page 135 (lines 1980-1986). What defines Hygd?

b) Next, circle back to an earlier part of the poem by looking at how the Beowulf poet
describes Hrothgars queen, Whealhtheow. Look back on your earlier class worksheet for
what you wrote about the Whealhtheow question. Then, study pages 41-43 (lines 612631), and compare the two portrayals of Whealhtheow and Hygd. Do they differ or not?
How so or how not? Again, what is the Beowulf poet conveying about the role of

c) Now, look at what Beowulf himself says about Whealhtheow when he tells his tale to
Hygelac (page 137, line 2017-2020). Can you connect what you discovered about
Whealhtheow and Hygds role in part a) and b), above, to what you learn here?

d) Then, look at the Beowulf poets digression to talk about Queen Modthryth on page 133
(lines 1932-1962). What is the message about women from this digression? Why do you
think the poet inserts this digression in the narrative? Compare the digression of
Modthryth to the earlier digression of Heremod. What is similar about these stories
within stories? What is different?

e) Finally, re-read the story of Hrothgars daughter, Freawaru, from page 139, lines 20202068. Did we know Hrothgar had a daughter? Why does Beowulf decide to give this
digression about Hrothgars daughter, which interrupts his tale of killing the monsters?
What is the message about the role of women from this tale?

f) Sum up your findings in a thesis statement about the role of women in Beowulf.

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