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"Introduction to NLP: Changing Your Business

and Your Life"

Key Points...
1. Grinder and Bandler put together a synthesis of many concepts into a system called NLP
(Neuro-Linguistic Programming).

2. Modeling is the process of capturing, encoding, replicating and transferring expertise.

3. Unconscious Competence. Experts dont always know HOW they do what they do.

They operate out of unconscious competence. NLP is a way to unpack what the expert
ACTUALLY does, in order to transfer that knowledge to others.

4. Why learn NLP? If you are happy the way you are, NLP is your enemy. NLP is about
change. For things to change, you have to change.

5. Cybernetics caused one of the great advances in technology, when machines that
replaced human began to do work.

6. Change is about becoming not me. NLP is about taking action now.
7. Learning involves feedback. We do something. We get certain results. We change our
behavior as a result. Learning equals behavioral change.

8. Outcomes. In NLP, youre required to know your outcome. If you want to be successful
in life, you need to have outcomes, and know where you are going.

9. In any situation, the person with the greatest flexibility in behavior will have the control.
10. Be systematically outrageous be crazy!
11. The biggest problem in the world is short-term thinking. We need to think of the impact
now, and then the impact later. In NLP we look at the short-term and long-term focus.

12.Congruence. If you want to be effective, you have to get your parts aligned, otherwise
different parts will pull you in different directions.

13. What do you need to do in order to have a resourceful physiology in the body?
Relaxation is a conscious process
Tension is an unconscious process, and chronic tension diffuses energy
Get in balance, with your weight equally distributed on both feet
When you sit, balance equally on your Sitz Bones. Dont slouch or lean against the
back of the chair

"Introduction to NLP: Changing Your Business

and Your Life"
Imagine there is a cord coming out the top of your head pulling it up, this will
elongate your body and help you stand up straight

Energy should be free to flow

Breathe from the diaphragm
14.You need to be a guardian at the gates of your perception. Be careful what information
and trash you let in because you subconscious will assimilate it all.

15. The Circle of Excellence. When you step in to this visualized circle, you take on the
physiology of someone in excellence.

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