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June 2015

Dear prayer partners and supporters,

Summer is almost here and at the camp we are excited to see how the Lord will use the summer programs and staff to bring
children and youth to Himself. Throughout June plans will be finalized, resources gathered and much prayer dedicated to
spiritual focus so that we may be ready to welcome those whom God will send to us.
May was a busy month as camp promotion continued. I had presentations at Country Calvary Baptist, Colchester Christian
Academy (with Ethan), Full Gospel Pioneers club, and a summer camp expo in Truro. All were wonderful opportunities to
share the purpose of the camping ministry and the opportunities we offer children, youth, and families.
On site events during May included our annual Mother-Daughter Tea, summer staff training, and rental groups. The tea was
a lovely time of fellowship as Sheryl Longard shared about our need as women to consistently draw and drink from the
living water of Jesus. Staff training was a fun time as we brought returning staff together with new applicants. A busy
weekend of sessions on everything from sharing Christ with kids to how to clean a toilet, it was challenging but the
participants showed perseverance and positive attitudes. I am praising God for so many who demonstrated an eagerness to
serve the Lord.
Throughout May I began preparing cabin devotions for the summer, completed the Bible lessons and Bible Books for our
summer camps, and worked on the coordination of our 24-Hr Baseball Game fundraiser including scheduling teams and
individuals to play and work the canteen, and contacting some businesses to donate prizes.
I also attended BCM National Conference which was a definite highlight of the month. What a joy to be able to fellowship
with other missionaries, and learn so much at the same time!
The last week of May was also our Work Week. BCM national director, Phil Whitehead and BCM Canada board member
Randy Siemens came for the whole week and were a huge help. Scott Boger, son of former director Bob Boger, was here
for the week as well and we had a good group of people come in throughout the week to participate in the barn renovation
project as well as some cabin repair jobs. The barn renovation is coming along nicely and will be completed before July.
June is filling up with scheduled events and plans. Our 24-Hr Baseball Game was the first weekend of June and we raised
over $5000 for camper and staff sponsorship. We have a rental group coming in the second weekend of June. I will be
presenting at Stoneridge Fellowship's children's ministry on Sunday June 14. The rest of the month we will be continuing to
plan and prepare for the summer camps. I am working with our speakers to complete the cabin devotion plans for the
summer and will hopefully have them in our leaders' hands by mid-June. I will also be working with our chapel music team
throughout June to prepare the music for our various camps this summer. In addition to this I will be contacting and
meeting with individuals who help lead Wilderness Camp and finalizing plans for that week. Debbie and I will be working
on and completing plans for Family Camp to be held Labour Day Weekend as well.
It is exciting to think that in just a few weeks we will have campers running the field, cannon-balling into the pool, currying
the horses, singing their hearts out in the chapel, and hearing the Gospel!
Thank you so much for your continued support and prayer. I have included a Praise and Prayer list as well as financial
support information for those who need it.
I hope you are all enjoying the spring weather!
In His Strong and Mighty Hands,
Angela MacDonald
BCM Missionary
Asst. Director, Mt. Traber Bible Camp

Praise and Prayer List June 2015

-work teams working on the barn
-New staff who are eager to serve the Lord
-Returning staff who are demonstrating leadership and setting a godly example for new staff
-church presentations in June (Stoneridge Fellowship Angela; Good Shepherd Church, Emmanuel Baptist Mark and
-Chapel speakers booked for every camp
-funds generously donated for my car repairs
Prayer Requests
-Increased camper registrations
-Financial support for missionaries
-More cooks for the summer (first 3 weeks of July and the first week of August)
-Program Director Josephine Krauss as she finishes program plans for the summer
-Summer Chapel Speakers as they prepare (Phil Appleby, Ryan Farrell, Eric MacKinnon, Jon Dixon, Jim Miller, Shawn
Grubb, Mark Carter)
-Summer staff unity as they come together and build on the bonds forged at Staff Training
-Barn renovation project as it continues
-Health of the missionaries

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