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Juan Pablo Moreno

TOEFL - Writing
Nov 7, 2013
Centro Boliviano Americano

Getting married is an important decision. Many people think that there is no best
age to do so, however in some parts around the world, people tend to marry at
a younger age, while in other places they do exactly the opposite. Regardless of
the situation, I believe that an ideal age for getting married is 30 years old due
to different reasons.
First of all, you have a job. As a result you earn your own money and you
have regular incomes. To illustrate, acording to the SEDEGES a survey about
early divorces, the main reason in Bolivia for young couples to get divorced is
economical. Since you have regular incomes you are able to plan your monthly
budget and save money. Savings are important because probably the next step
is having a child. The Same survey indicates that people over 30, who were
economically stable are likely to succeed on their marriages.

Secondly, at that age you know yourself better. When you turn 30, you have
dated enough to know what you want in a person therefore you are sure about
getting married with the right person. For example, a 21 years old girl could
believe that she has found her better half and they both are ready for
engagement. On the other hand, a 30 years old girl knows that there is no such
thing, she has realized that humans are not perfect and marriage may will not
be as easy as they thought would be when they were 21.

To conclude, the best age to get married is 30 years old, according to the
stadistics, two factors are the key for a succesful marriage; having a job, and
waiting for the right age for you to know yourself better. Then if you are under
30, and you are considering the idea of marriage, think it again before falling in
the increasing group of the divorced youngsters.

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