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Murdering Verona

Main Characters (Part 1)

Friar Lawrence
(Sir Michael Gambon)

(Amanda Seyfried)

(Robert Pattinson)

Main Characters (Part 2)

(Yannick Bisson)

(Philip Seymour Hoffman)

(Christopher Walken)

Miami, Florida USA
We chose to use Miami
Florida to be the new

During the first season, Friar Lawrence is faced with challenge
after challenge trying to hide the horrific deed of murdering
Romeo and Juliet while still attending to his deadly bloodlust.

Someone is murdering the capulets and montagues after Romeo and Juliet
mysteriously die. The police force think it is just the family rivalry however Friar
Lawrence and the Prince (another cop) know the truth. With their dark bloodlust,
they have to keep their secret to themselves before they pay the ultimate fee for
their crimes against the two families.

The climax of a particular scene is when the last montague alive starts piecing
together the series of murders and Friar Lawrence and the Prince almost get
caught. The climax of this entire show is when they actually get caught and the
truth comes out about how exactly Romeo and Juliet are killed. In the very end
Friar Lawrence and the Prince are sentenced to death roll for the murders of
Romeo and Juliet and many others.

Literary Devices
Foreshadowing- We will use foreshadowing to give many hints/clues as to who
the next victim will be.
Irony- We will use Irony to make our viewers more interested in our T.V show by
adding some humour to it.

Self Reflection
Romeo and Juliet thought they knew the people closest to them when really they
werent who they thought they were at all. In the end the two families can have a
bit more closure knowing their children died together and that they really were in

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