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THE ENERGY MACHINE OF JOSEPH NEWMAN by Joseph Westley Newman An Invention Whose Time Has Come Written and published by Joseph W. Newman (Edited by Evan R, Soule , Jr.) NEW ORLEANS, LOUISIANA DEDICATED TO ALL THE PEOPLES OF THE WORLD WHO LIVE AND ARE YET TO BE BORN Preface T. you, the reader, apologize in advance if I offend, by the manner in which I put forth my revolutionary Scientific Hypotheses relative to numerous, presently accepted scientific statements with which | scientifically disagree. Please consider that during these last 19 years, I have taught myself physics, chemistry, electrical engineering, and astronomy. The result of my years of research (which proposes a Unified Field Theory concerning all physical phenomena) has been a continuing and expanding thesis that I have written in a manner to which the present scientific community is not accustomed. If Lam guilty of offending anyone due to my love of pure science (which truly exists without any intellectual or artificial boundaries of any type) — I sincerely apologize in advance to you. However, it is my earnest belief that my method will serve a most beneficial improvement in the future development and progress of Science and the human species — which, if not in the present, will in the future be greatly appreciated by those who will follow after us and look to you and me for a smoother road through life, Consider the fact, for example, that over thirty fundamental atomic particles have been released from the nucleus of an atom. And the more that is known, the more the mystery deepens, Physicists are no longer even certain that protons, neutrons, and electrons occupy space. Some hypotheses describe these particles as waves or points without volume — mathematical singularities which “haunt” space. Based on the present scientific understanding of matter, this same description would apply to the energy in the force fields of a magnet. However, it would appear that the nuclear and magnetic forces are electromagnetic energy and possess mechanical-like characteristics which can be predicted and explained. The proof of the truth of this statement lies within this Book which I have written following 19 years of work and research. | open this scientific work with the same statement with which I end it — a note from my writings dated Friday, 9:00 p.m., April 19, 1968: “To all people whose brain burns and aches to accomplish great things and changes for the good, may God and/or the Goodness of the Universe be with you. For you are the Goodness of the Universe and do good for the people in spite of themselves. And I salute you —Joseph Westley Newman, 1984 » ‘THE ENERGY MACHINE OF JOSEPH NEWMAN

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