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Juan Pablo Moreno

TOEFL - Writing
Nov 9, 2013
Centro Boliviano Americano
Learnig is an experience that keep us away from being mediocre. Nowadays,
thanks to the new technologies besides the traditional methods known (regular
classes with a teacher), exist a wide range of non traditional options (e-learning
through internet). The increasing range of non traditional methods could make
you ask yourself if you are using the proper technique. Regardless of the
situation, I believe that you can learn better with a teachers help.
First of all, teachers are specially prepared for teaching. Since they use
specific methods they have learned in order to become teachers, they optimize
our learning skills. For example, when I missed physics class at the university, I
have had to study by my own. It took me more than 3 hours to understand just a
single topic, for this reason I hired a tutor who reduce my learning time to half.
In adition teachers focus on important things, they go straight to the point. To
illustrate, i had another teacher who used to skip the background information
and did the practical exercises directly. Teachers understand each students
motivation. For example if they spot an introvert student, they treat him in a
special way.
Secondly, they know things we do not. Because of their life experience, they
are able to transmit what we do not have to do. Moreover, they are prepared in
specific areas. For example in my university , there is a policy; one teacher for
one subject. That way, they make sure that they are providing a better teaching
quality, not only filling vacancies. Another reason is that they already know
common students mistakes, the more experienced the teacher, the better. For
example, for an experienced teacher is easier to deal with problematic students.
Finally, having a teacher, makes you feel respect for the authority that they
represent. To illustrate, I had a teacher who punished the lazy students giving
them more homework, so they had to adapt to the teachers requirements.
Therefore, It makes you feel an additional pressure for you to do your
homework. Following, they help us forming habits. For example whenever you
had homework, you had to do it, unless yo want to be punished with more
In sum, since teachers are prepared for teaching, they know things we do not,
besides, having a teacher makes you feel respect for them in order to achieve
our academic goals. For all this reasons, I believe that you learn better with a
teacher compared with new learning resources.

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