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Listening test

1. The carpenter dig during 3 hours

2. We are not lazy magician
3. The fools sail with a strangers
4. The farmers row until this week
5. I hide beside the doctor
6. In keeping with my diploma, I study hard
7. The children laugh everyday
8. We think with the servants
9. Although you dream, you must move
10.They are not naughty
11.You are not a stupid driver
12.We arrive in Jakarta five days ago
13.At first, You whisper to the priest
14.We are not ready today
15.I follow online shopping once a year
16.Oh, you are really something
17.We climb the tree the whole day
18.The king catch a thief now
19.She is not very busy today
20.So many flower grow in front of house


1. W _ I _ P _ R _

2. T _ I _ K

3. G _ O_

4. S _ O _ E

5. M _ V _

6. S _ I _ E

7. A _ R _ V E

8. L _ U _ H

9. F _ L _ OW

10.V _ S _ T

11.C _ T _ H

12.S _ W

13.P _ S _

14.C _ U _ T

15.P _ E P

16.F _ G _ T

17.S _ I _

18.P _ I _ T

19.C _ I _ B

20.H _ D _

1. ..
beggar is carrying a heavy box
2. I want to tell you .. story

3. We are having lunch in .. cheapest restaurant

4. I live in . World
5. I know such artist
6. I have .cat. this is . Cat
7. .. rose is beautiful flower
8. I am in . First grade
9. ocean is wide
10.I like ashtray
11... Agung Annur is big mosque
12.I am . New student
13.They are not going to . Church
14.What .. beautiful picture it is !
15.A dog is following .. woman

Make sentences with this vocabularies and translate these words below !
1. Between
2. Below
3. Near
4. Next to
5. In order that
6. So that
7. As if
8. In this case
9. Therefore
10.Look after
11.Look for
12.Look over


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